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It was Friday. Fridays were usually the best days of the week for Jerry. But unfortunately, Jerry didn't feel so thrilled today. As a matter of fact he was furious. And he'd come to discover that the few people who got him mad and upset at the same time were his mom, Emerald and Tristian.

His mom had refused to acknowledge the idea of getting a maid to do the chores in the house. He got annoyed each time he saw her working so hard, but she kept insisting that she was okay with it and didn't encourage the idea of a total stranger roaming about her kitchen and touching things in the house. But it almost seemed like she was punishing herself for a reason unknown to everyone.

Emerald had decided to play the role of evil bitch sister. And yeah, he'd say it right in her face if she were there. But she wasn't, so lucky her.

After the ridiculous bombshell she'd dropped on Tuesday about taking the week off, it'd caused him his allowance. But come on, it wouldn't kill to take her good-looking, sweet brother to school in her car. He didn't like taking the bus, which meant he had to take a cab, which also meant he had to spend money. All thanks to Emerald.

Now, Tristian.

Tristian was an asshole. He'd decided to give all his attention to Winifred. He'd also refused to spend time with him and Ashley-excluding Sebastian, seeing as he got to spend time with Tristian at their home.

Tristian was always with Winifred, or you could put it the other way around. Main point: he was all over Winifred. They both stood around in the hallway and at lunch, laughing and talking, almost as if they'd known each other for a long time. Most times, Jerry could see that she showed only mild interest in Tristian, despite her gazing at him as though he was the most fascinating thing on Earth. She often stole a glance or two at Jerry, unbeknownst to Tristian. With the way Tristian smiled and stared at her, he looked as though he could have built a castle at her feet any moment.

The whole thing made Jerry sick. Sick because he was jealous that his friend had succeeded in charming her. He was also furious at Tristian for neglecting his friends. He was beginning to understand Ashley's anger the other day. He was glad the week was over. At least he could take a break from some of his problems.

He was in his room, going through his school work when Serena threw the door open and popped her head in.

"You've got visitors," she announced.

He glared at her. "I'm guessing the word knock is pretty new to you, huh?"

She was on the verge of throwing a retort, but sensing his grumpiness, she thought better of it. "The twins are here," she said instead.

It took him a few seconds to process the information.

Shit! He thought as realization dawned in.

The sleepover. He'd totally forgotten about it.

He rushed down stairs and found Tristian and Sebastian in the drawing room. Their eyes were glued to the TV across from them, so they barely noticed his arrival.

"How long have you guys been here?" He asked them as he crossed the room and sat next to Serena on the couch.

"Four minutes," Serena answered.

"I didn't think you'd still want the sleepover," he said to Tristian. "Seeing as you've been a bit distant lately."

"Don't take it personal, Rico," Tristian said, his eyes still fixed on the TV. "Winifred's a bit of an introvert, so I thought spending time with her will change things." He paused and looked in Jerry's direction. "She needs help making friends. And I think helping damsels like her is an honorable thing to do. It's quite gentlemanly."

The Hard Crush 1 (Feelings For You)Where stories live. Discover now