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"Winifred West?".

Winifred frowned and then shot Roderick a glare which he seemed to ignore.

Winifred West?


Was he insane? If she had a dagger with her she swore she'd have stabbed him with it right there, right now, no hesitation.

They were sitted in the principal's office. And Mr.Benjamin, whom she'd come to know as the principal, was sitting across from them calling her Winifred West. What the hell happened to Winifred Reynold? Of course there was no doubt that when she'd given Roderick her transcript that morning, he'd quickly scrapped out Reynold and put in West. Very clever.

She watched Mr.Benjamin as he gazed down at the transcript in his hand. When he looked up at her, he noticed the furious look on her face.

"Is something wrong, Miss West?"

She hid a frown and forced a smile. "Um-no."

"You do have an impressive transcript," he said, holding the paper for a few seconds before tossing it down on a stack of folders. "I hope you're no stranger to new schools."

"I'll be fine," she shrugged.

"She's a tough one," Roderick said with a grin.

Mr.Benjamin chuckled. "Yes, obviously." He took the transcript and glanced down at it once more before dropping it. "Given her grades, I think she'll fit in well enough." He got up and so did Roderick." And I'm sure she'll enjoy her stay here."

He brought forth his hand for a handshake and Roderick took it. "Thank you very much."

A clear ringing sound went off, probably for the beginning of the first lesson.

"That was the school bell," Mr.Benjamin said to her.

"I'm pretty sure I know what a school bell sounds like," she smiled and got up too.

He chuckled. "Of course," he said standing tall and giving her a smile. "First period is English. I think you should get going."

He gave her directions to her class and she left the office with Roderick.

"Before you kill me - it was your mother's idea," Roderick said once they were out of the office.

"Winifred West was my mother's idea?"

He nodded.

Of course. Why not? It was just like her mother to change her name without her knowledge. Now everyone at school will address her as Winifred West and she had no one but her erratic, impulsive mother to thank.

Awesome! Just absolutely awesome.

"But I think she's right," Roderick said with a nod. "When you make a lot of friends here, at least they need to know that you've got me as your dad and you - "

"Save it," she said, raising a hand up to stop him from saying anything more. She just wasn't interested in starting any conversation with him now. She turned to go instead.


She flung round. "What?" She asked with a frown.

"Want me to walk you to your class?"

"What am I, five years old?"

He chuckled. "Okay, here's some money for lunch." He took out his wallet from his back pocket.

"I don't want your money."

"Doesn't matter." He took out some money and held it out to her. "You'll need it."

The Hard Crush 1 (Feelings For You)Where stories live. Discover now