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Jerry sat next to Tristian the next morning.

He'd made sure he left the house as early as possible. He knew he was ten minutes early for Miss Dalton's class, and he didn't mind; as far as she didn't get mad at him.

He gawked as he listened to Tristian talking about sleeping over at his house for the weekend.

"Dude, it's been years since we did that," Jerry stated. "I thought you said we've grown past that?"

"I did?" He asked, quirking a brow. "Well, whatever. I'm sure your mum wouldn't mind."

Jerry shrugged.

"Sebastian and I will be at your house on Friday by six."

He shrugged again and then thought of the new girl, Winifred. He'd seen her getting into Travis' car yesterday which seemed weird.

He'd known Travis for over five years; he wasn't the type that settled down with a girlfriend. And he'd seen her yesterday in the cafeteria with Travis' sister, Beatrice. He was curious about their relationship because they seemed to know each other pretty well. And seeing that Tristian was the only one who'd actually had at least a tiny bit of a conversation with her, he'd sent Tristian to go and find out what he could about her relationship with Beatrice. Tristian was supposed to give him feedback but it seemed like his friend had been avoiding any discussion about Winifred.

He turned to Tristian. "Hey, how did your conversation with Winifred go yesterday? Did you - "

"Do you think Ashley will like to join us on Friday?" Tristian cut in. "I'll ask her. Hey, Ash!" He called just as Ashley walked into the class.

Jerry sighed and then leaned back in his seat. Tristian basically closed any subject that had to do with Winifred and it merely added to Jerry's discontentment and curiosity.

He gave Ashley a half smile as she approached their desk.

He turned and scrutinized Tristian, giving him an intense gaze. Perhaps he was hiding something. And the idea of Tristian hiding something only made him more determined to find out what it was.

Jerry was just about to throw a barrage of questions at Tristian when he nudged him.

"Dude, get up," Tristian ordered in a hushed whisper.

"What?" Jerry asked, apparently confused.

"I said get up," Tristian repeated impatiently. "My seatmate's here."

"What the..." Jerry turned and saw that Winifred had just walked in and was now scanning the room for an empty seat. "Since when did anyone have a seatmate? We're allowed to sit anywhere and I got here first."

"Rico, quit complaining and get up."

Jerry scowled at him and then got up.

"Come an' sit with me, Jerry," Ashley said.

He gave her a slight smile before sitting next to her.

Their desk was just in front of Tristian's, which meant he could easily eavesdrop on any conversation Tristian had with Winifred.

He smiled at the realization.

"Hey, Winnie!" Tristian called.

Winnie? They'd gotten to the nickname stage?

So now what did she call him?


Or was it Tian?

Jerry glanced at Ashley beside him and discovered that she too was looking at him, her expression a bit confused and irritated. Perhaps she was also thinking the same thing.

The Hard Crush 1 (Feelings For You)Where stories live. Discover now