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"You're not coming?" Tristian exclaimed, his voice echoing through the hallway.

"Don't shout," Winifred told him, giving him a light nudge with her elbow.

"Sorry. You're not coming?" He whispered.

"I'm not. We're having a family dinner tomorrow," she refused to mention the part where Jerry's family was involved.

"Can I come?"

"Unfortunately no. Sorry," she said. "It's just family."

They were done with their third class and it was lunch time. But they stood by her locker where she tried to retrieve some books for her next class. The hallway was practically deserted since majority of the students were in the cafeteria by now.

She shut her locker and Tristian leaned in, causing her to step back in surprise.

"What are you doing?" She asked, brows furrowed in confusion.

His eyes lingered on her lips for a second before working their way up to her eyes. "When are we working on the project?"

"When are you free?"


She remembered that she was supposed to hang out with Damon on Saturday. It wasn't decided yet but a part of her didn't feel like disappointing him.

"What time?" She asked.

"What time will you be available?"

"Anytime except 4pm."

He frowned. "What's happening by that time?"

"Meeting a friend," she simply said.

He looked skeptical but didn't complain. Instead he leaned in further and placed the tip of his fingers beneath her chin, gently tilting her head up.

"What are you doing?" She asked again, this time almost annoyed.

Tristian didn't respond. His breathing sped up as he gazed into her blue eyes. She took a step back and felt the lockers collide with her back. A small smirk appeared on his lips as he placed both his hands against the lockers, trapping her in-between them. He dropped a hand and caressed her chin, making her shiver. She didn't like it. It felt weird and she wanted nothing but to tell him that nothing was going to happen between the both of them.

"Wow, what a sight."

They broke away from each other as Hilary strolled towards them, smiling from ear to ear. She came to a stop in front of them, glancing between the two of them.

"You two look surprisingly cute together," she said.

Winifred rolled her eyes.

"Well, you don't look too cute with that scarf," Tristian said, tongue in cheek.

Hilary glowered. "What do you know about fashion?" She didn't wait for another witty response. "Where's Jerry?"

"You tell me. You're the one who came to school with him in his sister's car."

Winifred's head swiped to glance at Tristian, surprised at this sudden revelation. How was she not aware of this?

Hilary grinned. "I know, right? That's how close I am with his family." She paused to look at Winifred. "With Jerry," she added.

Winifred refused to look at her because she knew if she did, she might hit the girl somehow. Her blood was boiling already with her presence alone. Hilary probably knew she'd struck a nerve that's why she gave a dramatic sigh at that moment and flipped her hair over her shoulder.

The Hard Crush 1 (Feelings For You)Where stories live. Discover now