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"What did you do?" Jerry asked in a low threatening tone.

"More like what did you do?" Elijah sneered. "I warned you, didn't I? And yet here she is. But don't worry, I haven't done anything. Yet."

"You could go to jail for this, you know? Highschool soccer player attempts to rape fellow highschool girl. The headline sounds sexy, doesn't it? I can already picture you in prison uniforms."

Elijah clenched his fist but there was fear registered on his face. "Then what's stopping you?"

"I plan to beat you up first."

"You idiot, there's two of us. You're outnumbered."

Jerry stole a glance at Bobby. "This one doesn't look too confident."

Just as Elijah turned to take a peek at Bobby, Jerry made his move. He closed the space between them and landed a blow in Elijah's stomach. Elijah groaned and dropped down to his knees coughing loudly. Jerry saw Bobby out of the corner of his eye, approaching him with speed. He spun around and caught Bobby's fist right before it could smack him. Bobby tried to break free from his grip but to no avail. Jerry curled his fingers into a fist and aimed for his nose. His fist collided with the bridge of Bobby's nose and blood gushed out, splattering all over his face. This scared Jerry a little bit because he had never intended to cause so much bleeding to the boy. But then he remembered that Winifred was still in danger and needed to be taken away from here as soon as possible, so he replaced his fear with determination and pushed Bobby to the ground.

Jerry turned to check if Winifred was okay but he got distracted as Elijah charged toward him and struck him in the face. Elijah hit him again and he tasted blood and fell hard on the ground. Elijah came on top of him, pulled him by his shirt and screamed in his face.

"This is all your fault!"

Jerry stretched his hand over the ground, searching for anything that could serve as a weapon. Elijah grabbed his head, his fingers digging deep into Jerry's scalp, and lifted him up on his feet. Unbeknownst to him, Jerry had managed to get a hold of a small wooden plank in which he swung at him. Elijah ducked just in time before he could get hit. At first he was shocked but then his expression turned furious.

"Are you crazy!" He yelled. "Do you plan to kill me?"

Jerry scoffed. "This is self defence, you asshole. Self defence."

"What nonsense! You're the one that attacked me."

"Yeah, because I caught you sexually harassing a girl." Jerry suddenly dropped the plank. "You know what, let me make this a fair fight."

He didn't give Elijah time to process the statement, he slammed his hand into his ribs, causing him to wince. The pain was evident on his face as he backed away. Jerry instantly ran to Winifred's side. He cupped her face in his palms and tried to get her to focus on him.

"Hey," he said softly. "What's wrong with you?"

Worry washed over him as he realized she was about to pass out. He decided to carry her but unfortunately someone grabbed him from behind and shoved him roughly against a huge trash bin. He didn't realize that Bobby had recovered already and had summoned up skills to actually fling him like that. Elijah approached with a dangerous look on his face. Meanwhile, Clay was starting to gain consciousness on the other side.

Yeah, shit. He was outnumbered for real now.

"Jericho Daniels," Elijah said his name loud and clear. "Have you always been this dumb? Or did you just exhibit this stupidity only today? Risking your life for a brat like Winifred, hmm, doesn't sound smart to me."

The Hard Crush 1 (Feelings For You)Where stories live. Discover now