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"Don't do that."


"Don't act like you're innocent."

"I'm not acting."

"Then wipe that look off your face. You're not the saint you think you are."

"Never said I was a saint."

Rachel walked in just then, looking like she wanted to invest her time in other people's business. "Jerry's not a virgin?"

Jerry glanced at her, a look of horror on his face and Emerald giggled.

Given their relationship as siblings, Jerry wasn't surprised at how reluctant he was to deliver Rachel with any response knowing that nothing good would come out from it.

Heaving a deep sigh, he leaned back in the couch just as his mom walked out from the kitchen with Mrs. Moore, the new housekeeper whom Emerald had brought.

"Thank you so much for the wonderful tour, Mrs. Daniels," Mrs. Moore said grinning widely at everyone. "I suddenly feel eager to begin work already."

Mrs. Daniels panicked for only a brief moment. "Oh, you know you can take your time ma'am. No need to rush. Whenever you feel you're ready then you can start."

"Yes, yes, of course."

Emerald and Rachel walked the old lady out after finalizing an agreement on when to begin work. It was kind of weird having a stranger do their chores since they'd grown accustomed to having their mom do almost everything for them. As embarrassing as it sounds, they'd all practically lived their whole lives like that. Not that they didn't assist her when they could but with everyone being occupied with school and work duties, their mom was left to attend to chores that were beyond the capabilities of just one individual. Everything was starting to weigh on her and it was time for her to take a break.

"Did you have fun last night?"

The question caught him off guard. Jerry approached his mom carefully as he studied the expression on her face. "Am I in trouble?"

"For making sure that Winifred was brought home safely? No. For running off like that without a word in the middle of dinner..."

"I'm sorry."

She thought it through for a few seconds. "Okay." And with that she brushed past him.

"Wait, that's it?" He asked astonishingly.

"Make sure you bring her home for dinner next week."

Even though he knew who, he still asked. "Who?"


He felt his cheeks flush right after his mom left the room. He wished he knew what was going on in her head. Did she suspect something romantic happening between him and Winifred? He didn't know how to feel about that suspicion.

On his way back to his room he met Hilary in the hallway.

"Can we talk?" She swiftly turned and walked in the direction of the study after dumping those very famous words on him.

Without any objection, Jerry followed her, keeping in mind that she most definitely had a video of him and Winifred kissing which he had to urge her to delete. The audacity that Hilary had to invade his and Winifred's privacy like that made him question her state of sanity. How low could the girl get?

"What is it?" He asked after she slumped down on the couch.

"Sit down," she said, tapping the space next to her.

He gave her a disapproving look. "Get to the point, I don't have time for your games."

Hilary scowled up at him. "Why are you so mean to me?"

The Hard Crush 1 (Feelings For You)Where stories live. Discover now