chapter 2

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"Now. Tell me the reason why are we doing this?" Inui questioned. Both of you did went on a date, you asked him so he went for it. You replied right away as you put down your drink in the table.

"Nothing.. i just missed hanging out with you.."

Inui leaned back on the chair. You both decided to go to a milk tea shop.

"It's not the same as before Y/n." he stated "All changed.."

"I know.." you admitted. Inui and you were so closed to each other, just like what best friends do. It all changed when he decided to join the Black Dragon gang, same with Koko. You three were inseparable back then, Akane would even join you guys to play, but it still hurt to think that she died so sudden. You knew Koko liked her so so much, you would tease him with her, even help him get closer to her. Inui, who's the big brother of your group, would stop you from the trouble Koko and you would do. All those times were the happy times you wished it didn't end, but reality hits you.

The three of you met in school and suddenly became friends, you forgot how it happened but thanks to that you had a memorable childhood. Back then, your not really interested in gangs or groups that can cause trouble, you always thought that it's a waste of time and teenage years. Then, Inui told you all the things he experienced in the gang he went in which is the Black Dragons. He would tell you about this guy named Shinichiro, Mikey's big bro who died because of Kazutora.

That time, you weren't yet a member of Toman, you were still with Inui and Koko having fun. When the age of 14, you joined the gang, the reason Koko, Inui, and your friendship broke apart....

"How are you doing, Y/n?." You snapped from making thoughts when Inui spoke up.

"O-Oh, fine as always.." you respond.

"Are you still interested in gangs?" He questioned. Both of your eyes met, you didn't know what to answer at that.

"Hm, kinda. Im focused on studies right now, mom can't forgive me anymore once i came back on my gang phase." You explained. This is one of the reason why you quit Toman and also the fact that your the only lady who joined the gang.

"Yeah, your mom once yelled at us."

"Guess you still remember that."

Both of you started talking about your past and memories for about 20 minutes already. You laughed as you rewind those days.

"I know, right?!! I almost fall to the tree! haha!"

"nah, you did fall off but, gladly Koko catched you." He said and chuckled after that. You both didn't realized that your too enjoying this night that you didn't noticed someone called you.

"someone's calling.." he said, looking at your phone beside of your hand. You check and looked at who called you.. it was Kokonoi.

Your eyes widened seeing his name above the 'calling' on your phone.


You cover your phone right away, hoping Inui didn't read the name of the caller. You're still unsure if you would say about Koko still connected to you, after the fight happened in Tenjiku, you can't tell if both of them can be friends again. You also don't want him to know that you're in the gang of his enemy.

"U-uh.. i gotta answer this right away." You awkwardly stand up and went away from him to not over heard your conversation.

(In call)

"What the heck,man? Why you calling all of a sudden?" You asked, keeping an eye on Inui.

"Where are you?" Koko asked.

"I'm on Sweet Milktéa shop. What do you even want?"  You said, already annoyed at how this call is so wrong timing.

"Why are you even so mad about? Im coming there in 5 minutes, meet me outside." Kokonoi said the worst words. Why is he coming?

"what the-" you were supposed to stop him from coming over you but he hang up. You tried texting him to not come but he would just seen it and ignore you.

"Ugh, fuck this." You mumbled. You went back to Inui to say goodbye, the both of them could not possibly meet up tonight.

"Uh.. i think it's time for me to go now Inupi, it's nice having this night with you! See yah next time!" You bid your goodbye, already panicking and hurrying up to go out. Inui who's confused, stood up and stopped you from going anywhere.

"Why are you leaving so sudden?" He asked, keeping a grip on your wrist. He was holding you tightly, the reason you can't let go so easily.

"Who was that who called you?" He asked again. You froze, sweat suddenly went out from nervous.

"I-It's just my mom! Yeah, my mom! She needs me now so i need to hurry." You say, trying to let go from his grip

"But your mom is in states? Why would she need you right away?"

You finally got out from his grip but he's words still hard for you to answer. All of a sudden, you decided to just ran away and went outside, running.

Crap, No, no, no

"Y/n!" He shout. You continued to ran after you got out from the shop. For some reason, Inui still catch up on you, he followed you..

You decided to stop to talk this out, you regretted what you did, the whole thing got worse this time.

"Why are you running away?" He asked. He's so confused now. "Im literally confused now, Y/n.." he said, face so serious. Your heart beats race so fast because of the nervousness you felt. This might really be a bad timing.

The silence covered the both of you and you can't answer him. You need a good lie for this.

"I- uh.. you know-"

"Why the hell is he with you, Y/n?" A different guy's voice was heard from behind you that made you spine shivers in shocked. Who could it be?

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