chapter 35

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𝐅𝐞𝐞𝐥𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐒𝐚𝐟𝐞


"sshhh, don't make a noise.."

Your eyes widened, you didn't expect someone would suddenly grab you in that room.

"GODDAMMIT!" Sanzu yelled as he tried finding you. He was struggling on walking, the kicked you gave to him made a big impact on his body.

For you, someone was covering your mouth as Sanzu passed by at the room where you were in.

After Sanzu already passed by the room, you immediately remove the hand of someone who grabbed you out of nowhere.

You turned around and pointed the gun you pointed at Sanzu earlier.

You were closing your eyes as you did that, you were trembling in fear, the reason you closed your eyes was because you don't wanna see the persons face. You thought you might as well kill them before seeing their face, that way you wouldn't worry and hesitate on killing a person.

As you were just pointing the gun on the person, he started talking.

"put the gun down.." he ordered.


"it doesn't even ha-"

He was about to say something when you suddenly clicked the gun and thought you already shot him, but something was wrong when you did that. It didn't make a sound.

You slowly opened your left eye and then the right one.

"See? It doesn't have a bullet inside.."

You gasp and dropped the gun on the ground as you saw Kokonoi. Yeah, Koko..


"You're fine.. good job on escaping Sanzu.."

Your eyes lit up.. you finally felt relieved. You started tearing up, why? You finally felt that your saved.. you felt safe once you saw Kokonoi infront of you again. You don't even know why but Kokonoi's the only person who made you feel safe after all of that. Thank god the gun didn't have any bullet or else, you might actually gonna get Kokonoi killed.

"w-why are you crying?"

Koko noticed your small tear on your cheek. You couldn't answer him so you just hugged him. Kokonoi was so confused, but still, he hugged you back and even comforted you.

"shhh... It's okay, you're safe now."


Yuki and Inui finally arrived at the place where the guy on the phone said where it was.

"This looks familiar.." Inui mumbled.

"Oh, yeah?.. this place looks creepy.. " Yuki joked.

Inui didn't mind him and just continued walking towards the door. Yuki suddenly stopped him from opening the door.

"Hey wait.. you're really gonna enter this place?" Yuki questioned, he seemed so unsure.

"I told you... I can feel that Y/n's here.." Inui replied.

"Then what if she's not here?! And that this is a trap?" Yuki was so not sure about going into the place. Yeah, it has lights on the building but it's already midnight.. 1 o clock in the morning and they're still tryna find where you were being kidnapped.

"If you're not so sure about this in the first place then could you leave?!" Inui started yelling. "I'm trying to find Y/n here!"

"And so am i!" Yuki yelled back.

They stared at each other for seconds. Inui right then decided to enter the building, completely ignoring Yuki.

Yuki couldn't stop him anymore, but, he also doesn't wanna go home without him knowing where you are. So, he entered the place, mad at Inui.

The place was dark, still, there were lights on the edges.

As Inui was observing the place. Yuki noticed someone was coming and they were about to get caught.

Yuki pulled Inui on the corner to hide from the people who were coming, Inui was confused.

"W-What are you do-"

"Someone's coming.."

Inui's eyes were in wide as he saw the familiar persons.

The were two persons that are talking. They were discussing something.

"Sanzu was beaten up.."

Said the guy..

"What if she gotten away?" the same guy said.

"Find her.. she's just here.."

Inui was clenching his fists as he saw Mikey and Rindou talking.. He knew it clearly that they were talking about you.

Inui was turning red in anger. Yuki noticed him being so angry, even though Yuki was mad at Inui, he still calms him down to not get in trouble.

"Hey.. calm down.." he tap both Inui's shoulder. Inui took a deep breathe as he tried calming down.. Again, they went back listening to Rindou and Mikey's convo..

"We already did that.. but no signs were found about her.." Rindou explains.

"Trust me.. she's just here.." Mikey took a pause for a sec.. Inui was so surprised when Mikey mentioned someone.

"... with Kokonoi.."

Inui right then realized..

"Kokonoi..?" Rindou questioned. "thought he was with you?"

"He was... but i know he immediately went here after i was gone.."

Mikey was just guessing, but he's saying the whole truth.. how?

"alright.. we'll find them.." Rindou left Mikey after that, a sign they'll gonna find you again.

Mikey went to the opposite side where Rindou left. While Yuki and Inui talked to each other again.

"Do you know them..?" Yuki asked.

"They're my former friends.." Inui explained.. "but not anymore.."

They were a slight pause.. and then continued talking.

"So.. are they talking about Y/n?"

"Yeah... She's definitely here with Kokonoi..."

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