chapter 28

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𝐖𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐀 𝐂𝐫𝐚𝐳𝐲 𝐋𝐨𝐯𝐞


"Who do you choose.... him or me?"

that question made you realize something. You went speechless, you seemed like you were out of words. You can't answer the question, but why? the words of the question is easy, the question is easy, but why can't you choose between them? Is choosing really that hard?

The police car siren was already heard, the place were about to go empty as the people already left. While you, you still can't find a solution to Inui's question.

You were about to talk but then, an unexpected someone suddenly clapped. The three of you looked at where it was coming from.

"what a crazy love we got here.."

Your eyes went wide as you saw this familiar guy. Kokonoi saw him, he didn't seem so surprised.

"Ran.." you mumbled... He was Ran Hataini. One of the most dangerous wanted criminal in tokyo japan. You didn't expect he would suddenly show up at this moment.

"oh, long time no see, Y/n~" he said. You frowned as a reaction to his words.

"what are you doing here, Ran.." Koko turned his back to face him.

"what? I'm here to get you.." Ran replied. Koko just rolled his eyes as he wiped the blood on his face again and was about to walk away.

"where are you going?" Inui called.

"Escaping, of course.." Ran sneered, even though that question was supposed to be for Koko.

"what?!--" Inui was about to take a grudge on them but you stop him right away.

"See yaah~ losers~" Ran turn his back as he did a salute after he said that. Both of them escaped without a noise being heard.

Inui swung your hand away from him, he looks mad... really really mad.

"what the hell did you just do?!" He yelled. It was the first time you saw him getting angry at you.

"We were supposed to stop them!"

You clenched both of your hands, you started shaking as you never felt this kind of guilt before.

"i-i don't want anybody to get hurt!.." you stutter on your words.. Both of you got silent for a seconds.

"I'm already mentally hurt.. Physically hurt woudn't change anything.." Inui said, making his last glare at you, he then walked out without saying a word. The polices finally arrive at the scene and you really had a hard time answering their questions.


You went home after you handle everything. You called Yuki for help since Inui went straight home, you let Inui go because you know what he was feeling right now.

Yuki and you are already in the car, discussing about what happened.

"so... explain the details.." he mumbled, his eyes were glued on the road as he was driving.

You were just beside him, seating in the front seat, leaning your head at the car window.

"I'm tired..." you huffed.

"i can't help you if you're being lazy.." he joked.

"I AM." you looked at him, starting to get angry.

He chuckled at you. "I'm kidding"

"well.. what do you wanna talk about?" He asked as he gave you a glare.

"I don't know.." you blubbered.

"just keep driving.." you said as you went back to look at the window again.

"if you say so..."

You still can't talk about what happened earlier. Seems like you're not ready talking about it with Yuki.. You were feeling mixed emotions, it's been a while since you ever felt like this. That feeling was the worse for you..


"He's here!" Ran yelled as he entered the room.

"good job on not getting caught by the police, idiots." Rindou sneered, he was leaning at the chair, looking at his big brother.

Ran just rolled his eyes as he felt annoyed by his existents.

Kokonoi followed Ran's steps and immediately sat down at the sofa. There was a first aid kit at the table so he make a use of it for his face.

"glad you didn't screw up, Koko.." Sanzu spoke up as he was entering the room.

Kokonoi ignored him, he knows their gonna scold him for not telling what he was doing for the past few days.

"care to tell why you did that?" Mikey nagged out of nowhere..

-𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐍𝐞𝐱𝐭 𝐃𝐚𝐲..-

"girl... how did that happened?" Yuzuha questioned before he took a sip of her drink.

"I don't even know.." you sighed.

You told Yuzuha about what happened last night since you'll gonna be with her for the next few hours. She also knew that Inui asked you out so she wanna know what happened.

Yuzuha was shocked about knowing Koko appeared last night, not to mention, Ran too.

"seriously though, Koko said that?" she asked. She was talking about how Kokonoi said 'he love you'.

"yeah, but i'm not sure if his for real.." you frowned as you continued eating your food.

Yuzuha made a confused face which made you confused too.

"what's wrong?" you asked.

"i'm just thinking...." she started. "If Inui and Koko love you.. what about Yuki?"

Your choke on your food, it was an unexpected question.

"about him?.. his a nobody." You nagged. Yuzuha sighed at your respond, she doesn't seem satisfied.

"beside, we're not talking about him right now.. plus.. we're over." You grumbled.

"tsk tsk.." she wave her pointer finger as a sign of 'no'.

"Oh, come on.." you complained.

"If we're talking about those two (Kokonoi & Inui).. if you can't choose between them then..." she started.

"why not choose Yuki instead?" She questioned.

Your face went serious, choosing Yuki was out of the question. You know you had a thing with him at the past but, who knows? maybe he's the one for you..

"oh, shut up.." you grumbled. "He wasn't in the question in the first place so why choose him?"

"beeecaaauseee.... he love youu." Yuzuha teased.

You just rolled your eyes as you can't seem to talk back to her, who would've thought Yuki's love for you is that obvious.

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