chapter 19

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𝐒𝐭𝐚𝐫𝐭 𝐨𝐟 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐍𝐞𝐰 𝐏𝐥𝐚𝐜𝐞


You finally arrive at the States, the breeze feels different at how it was in Japan. All the things seemed to be different.

You were finally off of the plane and the airport seems to be crowded. You arrive in New York City at exactly 5:30 am and you felt tired just thinking about your travel. You look around at the area you were standing, you saw someone was waving at you in a not far away post.

You thought it was your mom so you waved back.

"Oh my, you're finally here my darling!" Your mom's voice was so dazzling, you haven't heard her voice in person for such a long time.

"You look so grown up, my dear" she said, opening her arms wide to hug you. You, of course, went to hug her since you haven't felt her arms for a long time.

"Im so glad you finally decided to come live with us, Y/n. We've been wanting this for so long now." Your mom said, letting you go. You scoff and said. "It's nothing mom. I'm tired."

"oh, then let's get going then." She said. "Maids.. come pick her things up." Your mom ordered. You were shocked, you didn't noticed there were maids standing behind her. The maids took your things as your mom guided you to were your car was.


"I really thought you were gonna ditch away our request again, Y/n" Your mom started "How about your friends in Japan? Were it'll be okay to leave them?" she suddenly asked you a bunch of questions you can't all answer. Both of you were in the car, already on the run to go home.

"Don't worry, i'll visit them someday.." You were so tired to even have a conversation with your mother so you ended the conversation quickly. All you wanted to do is sleep and sleep, this was all you thought even before arriving the States.


Sooner enough, you finally arrive at your family's house. The door of the car opened, your eyes widened seeing a figure of a mansion. You get out of the car, gasping about how big the mansion was.

"Just how rich are we...?" You whispered to yourself. It was your first time seeing your family's mansion in real life. You already saw it before but it was in a picture or in the phone. It also seemed like the mansion was different now than before.

"Don't be so surprised, dear. We only did some renovations so it's not like it literally changed. Come on, lets go in." Your mom said, grabbing your arm to enter the mansion.

The door of the mansion opened and a pretty view of the house was seen. It felt so big like you can't handle the view of it. Your eyes were glaring everywhere, new things amuse you.

"Y/n, do you wanna see your father?" Your mom asked.

You turn your head to look at her. "If.. if his not busy.. i would want to."

"Oh, then let's go! I'm sure his not busy right now, he probably had done the meeting with the visitor."

"O-Oh okay..." you replied. You felt nervous about meeting your dad. He was the kind of a cold person where he mostly ignores you but actually cares a lot once you got closer to him.

As soon as your mom and you arrived at your fathers office in the third floor, your mom slowly knocked to the door. She opened it and enter.

"Guess who's finally here, Honey-" your mom's words were cut when she saw someone was actually talking to your father. "Oh! What a great timing!" she squealed.

You slowly entered the room. A man and a boy were in the room, inluding your mother. You bow your head as a sign of respect.

"H-Hi.." you greeted, softly.

"Y/n..?" Your dad asked. He seemed to forgot your looks. "Yes, Honey. This is Y/n, our daughter." Your mom said as she put her hand to your shoulder, she walked closer to them with you. You felt shy and awkward, you haven't been this closer to your family ever since 6 years ago.

"You look beautiful.." your dad complimented you. A light red blush form onto your cheek. You just smiled as a respond to that.

"Oh, by the way!" Your mom said, feeling so excited as she let you go and clapped her hands together. "Since Yuki is here, why don't you tell them about him, Honey?"

Your eyes landed on the guy that was standing beside on your father's desk.

He was tall, pretty expensive. The kind of guy you know you can't hook up with.

"What are you talking about, mom?" Even though you're confused, you still laid a smile on them. Your father stand up from his chair and went infront of his desk. "Listen here, Y/n.." he started.

"As you can see... Yuki Haru, here... will become your boyfriend from now on."

The smile in your face went gone. After hearing what your father said, your heart started pounding. "W-Wait, what?" You look at Yuki who looked at you back. He doesn't seemed to be alarmed with all of this.

"Me? Having a boyfriend?"

"Yes, Darling. He will be your husband after 2 year-" your mother spoke. Rage suddenly was about to burst out from you. "WHAT?! A HUSBAND?!"

"Yes and-"

"What the fuck do you guys mean?!" So much emotion were rising up and you couldn't tell if you're gonna accept it or not."I just got home from Japan and this is the surprise you'll give to me?"

"Y/n, this was need to be done." Your father explained. "This was for the company.."

"For god's sake! Company again?! Do you even guys had a normal conversation without talking about this company shits?!"

"Watch your mouth, Y/n. Remember, you're talking with your parents." Your father scolded you. It wasn't the first time he scold you, infact, the anger you felt rises even more.

You were about to lose your mind if the conversation took too long. You decided to just leave them and rushed through the door. You run through the hallways, finding your way to get out of the mansion.

"Y/n!-" your father was about to shout your name when Yuki spoke.

"I'll talk to her, sir. Please excuse me." He bowed before even leaving the room. Do you think he can change your mind?

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