chapter 18

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30 minutes later, you finally decided to go to the airport. You don't wanna miss the flight so you gotta be early. All your boxes and things were all in the car, the only that's left in your room was your main luggage.

You went back to your room to get it. Before you could leave the room again, you sigh as you went looking around, thinking about that you're gonna miss this little room. "I'm gonna miss this.." you whispered.

"Alright, time to go." You said as you grab you luggage. You head to the door and open it, an unexpected thing happened.

You were already opening the door when someone went hugged you. You flinched at how sudden it was. The hug was so tight that you can't almost breathe in it. The scent of the someone who hugged you made you realize who it was. His smell made you soft inside. He let go of you and hold onto both of your shoulders.

"Why didn't you told me you're leaving?!"

Your eyes blink twice seeing Inui, there was also someone behind. You look behind and you saw Yuzuha who was about to cry.

"Y-You told him?!" You said to Yuzuha.

"i'm sorry, i can't help it!"

You have no choice but to face Inui, the reason you don't like people knowing that you're leaving is because you know they'll be hard to deal with, especially when they started crying after making a whole bunch of safety speech for you.

"Don't ignore me! Why are you leaving?!" Inui asked. You didn't answer him after that, you got too distracted about his face that you keep staring at him. You know he was handsome but you didn't think he could attract you.


You snapped out hearing his voice.

"W-What..?" You awkwardly said. You didn't even realized it but Inui was looking so worried, he was so concern about you leaving Japan without knowing anything.

"Please, tell me the reason why are you leaving.." he calmly said "Is it because of your company?"

you nodded at his question, he right then let go of you. He looks like he was about to panic. "You could've have told me sooner, i could've have helped you packed your things!." He wined, you haven't seen this side of Inui and thought it was cute.

"no worries, it seems like i can do it by myself since it's done."

He stared at you for a second... the stare felt like safe for some reason, you felt like you're always safe with him whenever his around.. but now, you wouldn't guess if you'll going to be safe now that you're leaving him again.

"You're coming back, right?" He asked, you can feel the sadness in his eyes by just looking at it. You nodded at his question said. "But i don't know when it'll be.."

"don't worry, i'll keep waiting for you, even if it takes 10 years." (Deja Vu?)

He said. Your heart flutter knowing you can trust him. "Promise me you'll be back, okay?"

Instead of answering his question, you hugged him. His eyes widened as he didn't expect you to do that. "thank you.." you whispered through his ear. Inui smiled feeling your breathe, he hugged you back as he felt happy.

"Hey, don't forget me!" Yuzuha said, joining the hug.

The hug you gave to them was so tight cause you know you'll gonna miss them a lot once you already left them


"Have a safe flight!" Yuzuha yell, waving at you.

The two of them decided to come to your flight to say a proper goodbye. You were now about to enter the airplane, the two of them just wave at you. You were so happy knowing that they were smiling and not felt sad that you were leaving. You showed them your grin and wave them back.

You wouldn't gonna leave them if it wasn't for your family... and Kokonoi. Koko was the reason why you wanna left Japan, maybe because you also don't want to get in trouble in the future.

You're finally in the airplane while both of them still in the main airport, waiting for the airplane to fly.

"I bet you're gonna miss her so much.." Yuzuha said to Inui.

"You bet i will..."

Yuzuha smiled at his answer. She maybe knows Inui liked you.

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