chapter 31

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𝐓𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐘𝐨𝐮


Your eyes slowly opened. A bright light was shining. You blinked many times to adjust your eyes with the surroundings.

'Where am i?" you thought.

It seems like you were laying down onto some kind of sofa. You sat up and noticed something on your body.

You gasp as you saw your bandaged leg. You can clearly know that it was bleeding earlier, does that mean your leg got shot by the gun shot you heard earlier?

You tried to touch your leg and yes, it hurts.

"How did i get this to myself?" You asked to yourself.

"Because you did that to yourself.."

A familiar voice replied to you. You look at where it came from and your eyes widened when you saw him.

"Ko... ko..?" you mumbled.

He took a step forward to you from the door.

"Glad you're still alive.." he said.

You frowned at his words, you were confused.


You finally realized it this time, you were with Mikey earlier, he could've killed you, right?

"W-What am i doing here?!" You snapped. "I... I was with Mikey!- Are you here to kill me too?!"

Your mouth burst out some questions Kokonoi couldn't answer.

"Calm down.. we're not killing you.." he replied, he walk towards the closet and he grabbed something.

You calmed down a little bit, but your mind can't settle down to the place you were looking around.

"then... where am i?" You questioned. The place seemed to be an old house or an old apartment. You clearly don't know this place.

"An old house mine.." he said, looking at you.

"your.. house?"

He took a step forward to you, both of you just had an eye contact as he walks towards you.


For some reason, you felt like Kokonoi became cold to you.. Is it because you rejected him?

You just look down as you can't maintain the eye contact that was happening.

Kokonoi knelt one of his knee down.

"Come on... Let me treat that leg of yours.." he said.

You looked at him, his eyes can tell he doesn't wanna talk to you right now, but for what happened, he did what he was bound to do.

You took your leg slowly and showed it to him, it hurts so bad that you just wanna take it off of you.

You closed your eyes as you felt the pain in your legs, Kokonoi looked at you.

"It doesn't really hurt that much, y' know?" He told you that like it actually didn't hurt, but that was a big lie.

"It's a fucking bullet on my leg and it doesn't hurt?" You grumbled. "How numbed can you be, Kokonoi?"

He chuckled at your respond. It felt like something you said triggered something to him.

"I've been numb for all i can be, Y/n.. " he replied as the chuckle of his fade away. "And for someone's who's dumb like you can't feel it.."

His eyes turned siren, you can tell he turned numb after all the things you did to him but you didn't realize that sooner..

You went speechless, you were dense and dumb at his feelings, all you cared about was just Mikey, about to kill you. That was just the things you thought about, and nothing else.

You looked away from him, you can't face him anymore.

Kokonoi ignored what just happened and went to treat your legs. Your leg hurts but he was so careful while treating it, he still care for you.. well, that's what you think..

The treatment last for 3 minutes and both of you were just silence. The silence was so loud, it felt so weird but you didn't disturb him, you already made him feel numb, what else can you do if you ever took the chance to talk to him again?

"It's done.." he spoke.

You were hesitating to answer him.

"thanks..." That's the only word you can say for him, well, at least for now.

He put the first aid kit back to where it was from earlier.

"By the way..." He talked. "Just because i treat your wound doesn't mean i'm on your side... Mikey told me to handle you and that's all.."

You already knew that and you still replied to him.

"I know..." He looked at you after you talk..

"Uhm... I just wanna say..." Kokonoi frowned at your words.

"I'm sorry."

"If i ever made you feel numb.." you said.

"I've been confused lately and... and i can't sleep just thinking about it.."

Those words were just waiting for you to say it infront of him

"I'm sorry if i hurt, unconsciously.."

Kokonoi really felt what you said to him, you were hurting him without you knowing it. Even before this years, you already were hurting him.

"I just wanna ask you one thing.." you said.

"what is it..?" He questioned..

Silence surrounded the room. You were still hesitating to ask him about you..

"Kokonoi... Why.."

"Why do you love me?"

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