chapter 9

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Yuzuha was shocked seeing your restless face. Knowing you didn't sleep last night, you pretty much know the reason why she was shocked.

"what happened to you?!" Yuzuha yell. You rubbed your eyes and yawn at the same time. "i couldn't sleep last night so i'm terribly looking like a mess today."

"but what's the reason you can't sleep?" She asked. She was weirdly worried about you and the fact that you awfully look pale. "It's nothing for you to worry about, Yuzuha. It's my problem after all." You give her your genuine smile as you replied. "Are you really sure about that? You look so pale and your eye bags are bigger than your boobs."

"ouch, that hurts." You said, giving her the look of an hurt person "But for real tho, are you okay? Are you hurt somewhere?" Yuzuha was really worried, she touched your cheek to check up on you. Your heart melt at how she was acting sweet towards you.

"As i said, im fine. Just a little bit dizzy but it'll go away later." You take her hand away from your face. "the class will start in a minute now so we should hurry." She still looks worried even after you explained your situation. "Fine. Tell me if somethings bothering you, 'kay?" She said. "Yes, i will." you replied.


You were extremely out of your mood as you attend your entire class, you don't know what's the cause of this but maybe it was because of your big problem. You were thinking of a solution about it but that's not so easy to do. You're planning on saying the problem to Yuzuha but you're afraid you'll put her life in danger and it'll solve nothing. For now, you wont be saying anything about Mikey unless it's safe.

Your class was now dismissed, you and Yuzuha were on the hallway, talking about you.

"Seriously, Y/n. Are you fine?" She asked again, so worried about you. "You didn't eat anything in lunch break even though i was the one buying you fave foods."

"I wasn't really in the mood earlier so...." you explained. "Still, you'll be sick if you keep that up." She said. Both of you were walking your way out of school and all of a sudden, Yuzuha invite you to her house.

"I'll pass." You reject her invitation and it was unexpected. You were the type of person who wants some adventure and silly things you wanna do with your bestie, Yuzuha was shocked about that. "Are you really the Y/n i know?!" She reacted.

"i am, im just feeling tired that's all." You said. Yuzuha felt uneasy about you so she grabbed both of your hands and said. "Hey, If you have a problem, don't be shy and just tell me about it already. Im here to listen so speak up and spit it out" She faced you as she was holding your hands, she looks angry but so pure, you can see that she actually cares about you more than anyone else. You felt super happy that you got an amazing friend that can support and care about you at the same time.


"that's bullshit. Why would Koko even hurt you in the first place?" Yuzuha grumbled. You didn't told her everything, you just told her about you Koko fighting about nonsense.

"it's not like he physically hurt me. It was complicated that i even couldn't stand it." you said. Both of you were now on Yuzuha's house since she forced yourself to have sleepover with her, you couldn't just ignore her so you went for it.

"is that really what your big problem is? I didn't even know you guys were dating already." She assumed.

"We're not and we'll never be." You grumbled, taking a sip of your juice. You both were drinking some juice in the living room, talking about your problem. "Where's Hakkai? by the way. Is he with Mitsuya again?" You asked. "Nah, he's working right now." Yuzuha said and you were surprised about that. "He has a work? No one told me about it."

Yuzuha stands up from the couch and was about to get some snacks on her storage room. "he has this work where he come home at 5 am in the morning" she explain as she walk her way to her storage. "Woah, really?"

"yup, and it was surprising because he actually like it." She talked more. "Oh, and could you get a cup of water on the kitchen? Thanks in advance!" She asked as she get the snacks. "kay" You followed her order and get to the kitchen.

After Yuzuha got the snacks, she went back to the living room. Someone suddenly ring her doorbell. "Oh, it's probably Hakkai's order." Yuzuha whispered to herself. She went and open the door, she knew the person so she greeted first.

"Hi- oh wait, i thought Draken would be the one delivering this?" She asked to the person on the door.

"Yeah but he was busy so he asked me if i could drop it to your house." The guy replied. They talked for a minute but, they didn't expect something would happen to you.

They were talking when a loud noice was heard from the kitchen, it was something with a glass of water fall to the ground and broke. Both of them flinched out of the sudden noice, Yuzuha immediately got worried. "Hey, Y/n? are you okay in there?" She questioned even though she's still talking with the guy.

"Y/n? She's here?" The dude asked and for some reason, you didn't reply on Yuzuha's question. She got worried even worse. "U-Uh yeah. I'm gonna check up on her and please, come in Inui." Yuzuha let the guy in her house, he was actually Inui. Hakkai's order where from Draken, it was about motorcycle stuffs.

"Okay.." Inui went inside. Yuzuha right then rushed to the kitchen to check up on you.

"Y/n? Are you alrig-" Yuzuha didn't expect what she saw. She saw your unconscious body laying on the floor. There was a broken glasses beside you and you seemed injured. Yuzuha kneeled down and tried checking up on you. "Oh my god, Y/n!" She yell. Inui felt something was wrong after Yuzuha yelled so he went on to the kitchen. He saw your little body on the ground and he was shocked, he felt an intense worry about you after he saw you unconscious.

"What happened to her?!!" He yelled.

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