chapter 10

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You were laying on the floor and was unable to answer their questions on you. They noticed you were struggling to breathe and sweats were all covering up your whole body.

"she's burning up.." Inui says as he touched you. Yuzuha was now panicking, she didn't know what to do with you and was worried sick knowing you suddenly collapsed on the center of her kitchen. She felt like she was responsible of this so she stands up from kneeling down and said "come on! pick her up! we need to aid her!"

As what she said, Inui picked you up in a bridal position. He bought you to the couch and Yuzuha was now trying her best to aid you.

"Why is she sick, Yuzuha?!" Inui questioned her, he seemed to be mad or sad, maybe mixed emotions. "I-I don't know! She was just feeling fine, she said!" Yuzuha explained. You can clearly see how scared and worried she was on you, her voice was shaky and her body as well as she was aiding you. "Did she feel anything or something when she come up to you?" Inui questioned again, he was holding a small amount of wet towel and squished it, he put it onto your heating forehead and tap it gently.

As Yuzuha continued to aid your injure on your arm, she can't seem to answer Inui's question properly.

"I-i.. she-. she was!-- she was f-feeling dizzy, that's w-what she said" she was stuttering "But i- i - i didn-.. i don't know anymore!!" She really was worried about you that she can't even explain things properly. She was about to cry now but Inui then tap her shoulder, a sign to calm down. "Hey now... calm down. She'll be fine, okay?" He said, calming both of her shoulders down, Yuzuha inhaled and exhaled as she calm herself. "As long as we take a good care of her, she'll be fine. Trust me.." Inui added. They take a good care of you after that.


"what's your decision? Are you letting her go? or what?"

"tsk... im letting her go.." Koko replied to Mikey's question. The both of them were having a meeting talking about you.


"are we done? Im going home." Koko said, standing up from his seat and was about to walk away. "we're not done yet.." Mikey stoped him as usual. He turned his back to face Mikey. For some reason, Koko was feeling dead and empty inside, it's like he haven't seen a light for such a long time. Is it because of you?

"what is it now?"

"i have a question for you."

"then get into it.." Koko said, turning around and facing his back to Mikey.

"Tell me, Koko... Do you love her?"


It's already been 3 minutes since Yuzuha and Inui were done aiding you, they were just waiting for you to wake up or they're letting you rest. Even so, Yuzuha still is concerned and worried, she can't stop walking back in fort. Inui already tried calming her down but that wasn't helping, she was about to cry as she overthink what will happened to you, will you wake up? will you be alright if you wake up? Or something worse might happened when you wake up.

The thoughts in her head keep on bugging her, the reason she can't calm down. She keep on biting her fingers to stop her from breaking down or crying hard and blame herself for what happened to you, but not untill someone ring her door bell. This stoped her from overthinking and from walking back in fort, she immediately walk her way to the door and opened it.

"Hi.." a gentle 'hi' and smile greeted Yuzuha, she wasn't expecting him.

After Yuzuha saw him, she felt like she wanna break down onto his arms, she felt like she's safe when she's with him. She felt depressed and what she could do? Yuzuha right then hugged him without even thinking, she cried feeling so worried about you and she can't help it. Knowing that this person already saved her life so many times now and he can save her again tonight. "Woah, woah. What happened?" He asked.

Inui checked who was Yuzuha's visitor, he was surprised seeing Mitsuya already hugging her. But still, he smiled knowing Yuzuha's safe in his arms.


"Don't worry, she's just having a high fever, that's all.." Mitsuya said as she checked up on you. They all know Mitsuya is expert in these kind of things since he experienced it with his sisters. "Are you sure?" Yuzuha asked.

"yup, don't worry too much. She'll be fine, i swear." Mitsuya said, patting Yuzuha's head. "alright.." she replied.

"I have a question.. why did this happened? Why did she collapsed all of a sudden?" Inui asked. All of them were in the living room checking up on you. "I'm guessing, she hadn't eat anything." Mitsuya replied. Yuzuha then realize that you didn't eat anything since the lunch and it was true because ever since the night Koko and you fought, you haven't been eating anything. For some reason, you felt depressed at that time.

"Do she have a big problem that stops her from eating?" Inui asked again. This time, Yuzuha replied to him.

"I-I don't know if i should tell you all about this but.. she mentioned that.. Kokonoi and him had a fight and it was complicated." Inui was shocked about that and for some reason, his blood started to boiled even just hearing Kokonoi's name.

"well, that's unexpected..i thought Koko's done with her.." Mitsuya grumbled. It was unexpected for them because of the big impact it had you. Y'all might be wondering but Mitsuya and Yuzuha have known Kokonoi and Inui for being your best friend ever since you started joining Toman, even the Toman elites knew them because of you.

"are they... dating?" Mitsuya awkwardly asked. "They're not." Inui replied immediately without a second which made Mitsuya shocked. He was like mad or even angry.

"I should've really kicked Koko's head hard.." Yuzuha muttered. "Don't forget i was the one you kicked in the head.." Inui said.

"that's because you threatened Hakkai!" She yelled. "Shhh!!" Mitsuya reacted, they might wake you up when you're resting. Yuzuha felt embarrassed though Inui started it.

"ooops, sorry." She peace signed and smiled. The two boys just went to smile knowing Yuzuha's fine now, that's she's already smiling.

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