chapter 3

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"Why the hell is he with you, Y/n?"

a familiar voice interrupted you as you were about to explain things to Inui. You froze as you realize who he was. Inui who's infront of you looked at him, they had eye contact, you can literally feel the intense glaring they had.

You slowly looked back behind, you saw a tall boy looking at Inui, his glare made you more nervous.

"K-Koko...this was-" you were about to explain things but his stares went at you and he spoke.

"what's the meaning of this?" He asked, his looks were so intense and serious, it felt scary looking at him so you looked at Inui who was looking at you.

"This was just n-nothing !!" you said, looking back at Koko, you were waving both of your hands infront of you, denying that you both went out on a date.

"We had a date. What's wrong with that?" Inui confidently said, you're now shaking as you heard what he said. Koko's eyes went back to Inui, you covered him and went infront, defending him from Koko.

"Look Koko, this is nothing okay? We're just-" you tried explaining again but he wont let you.

"so what, your tryna ghost me here?Leave the gang?" Koko said, he said it like he was jealous or angry, you can't tell what's he's emotion right now. Both of you and Inui's eyes winded and confused, you were shocked about the ghosting he said, and Inui was shocked about the gang thing and might also think you guys are dating.

"She just went and talked to me, Koko. Nothing else happened here." Inui spoked up.

really? Inui? Why do you have to speak up to this?

"never knew both of you would still meet up" Koko said, giving Inui a death glare, you're now so nervous of what's going to happen next. You need to stop this mess before they start fighting infront of you in the street.

"what-" Inui, tried to tall

"Hey now, there's no need to fight, kay? i'll explain thing-" you said but got cut off.

"tell me the truth? Why are you here with him?" Koko interrupted your talk again and point Inui.

You sighed before letting out all the explaining you'll say

"Alright, listen, Im not in a gang right now, okay? And yes, i asked Inui to go out with me but not a romantic type of date, and what's the meaning of 'leaving a gang' Kokonoi?"

You'd had enough and went and explain all of it so it wouldn't be so confusing for Inui , the only ones bothering you is the gang Kokonoi mention, what's the gang is he referring to? The things you explained is true, you're not in a gang right now because Tenjiku was already finished and done and you're not really a member of it, unless, Koko's hiding something...

Koko seems to be speechless after that, it feels like he's frustrated.

"so, what's the reason you're still connected to him, Y/n?" Inui asked. You froze at his question, sweats already showing up. This isn't good right now, you can't just tell him the whole thing in the street, they might start fighting.

"uhm-" you wanna answer his question but Koko already dragged you "lets just go, Y/n.."

He dragged you to his bike with frustration running to his bones. Inui tried stopping the both of you but you stoped him.

"No! Stay right where you are, Inui.
i'll be fine.. i promise" You said, making a promise sign. It was bad leaving him behind but you got no choice but to do it. Inui did what you told him, it was also for the better.

You can clearly see how worried Inui was when Koko dragged you out of his sight, he wanna stoped Koko but you don't want a fight to happen. Inui just looked at the both of you, ready to leave him. You ride at the back of Koko's motorcycle, before he could run, you wave at Inui with a soft smile. Inui understands you very well that this wasn't a threat or anything. It's just Koko wanted to talk with her and he knows he wouldn't hurt her.

After that, Koko and you left Inui behind, he's still confused of what just happened so he just sigh it all out.

You wanna asked Koko of what was he wanna talked about but he was still driving, he might be also angry of what just happened back in the street so you thought you'll just gonna ask him after the both of you arrive at where he was taking you.

Minutes later, you both finally arrived at the destination. You took off your helmet and so did Koko. The both of you stoped at an empty abandoned building where there were no lights at all.

"What are we doing here, Koko?" You asked, softly. He might be still angry with you so you want your talk to be smooth and not aggressive.

He sigh as he ran both of his hands to his hair while leaning back to his bike. He seems to be mad about something.

"Are you mad about earlier?" You asked, you wanted so say sorry to him but he's not answering all of your questions but why?

"Koko, look-"

"would you just shut up for a moment?!" He finally talked but it was a yell..

You did what he said, you shut up and just looked at your shoes. Koko has never been like this, he's not the type of person to yell at someone he loves.

A loud silenced was heard after that, no one talked, even him..

A few minutes later, it was already 11 in the night so it was cold outside. Koko looked at you, he saw how upset you were when he shouted at you.

He sigh before talking again.
"Hey, are you cold?" He asked but a demanding one. You then slowly looked up to him.

"im not" you replied coldly, to be honest, you are actually cold because you were wearing an off shoulder dress, basically, you'll feel cold or worse, catch a cold.

Koko stand up straight and went closer to you. You, who was just about to look away, you suddenly flinched. Koko suddenly hugged you out of nowhere!


"don't complain... accept this as an apology from me."

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