chapter 8

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"I won't. Im just gonna entertain myself"

After Mikey said that, Sanzu followed his command. "Alright, alright." Sanzu said. He was already holding a rope and was about to touch you. "don't mov-" he was about to tell something but you quickly punched him. "Ow! What was that for?!" He reacted.

"Don't you dare touch me!" you yell at him as he rub his face. You turned around and faced Koko.

"why can't you all just tell me about this first before doing whatever shit you wanna do with me?!" you yell.
"just tell me Koko!" You said. Koko was surprised about that.

He sigh. After that, he grabbed your wrist like it was nothing and it hurts for you. "that's enough. We're leaving here." Koko said as he dragged you to the door, but then, Mikey stoped you from getting away.

"stop right there" he ordered. Koko stoped his walking and tilted his head to look at him.

"if you're leaving.. then leave her behind."

Your eyes went wide hearing those words. How much did Mikey changed? Will Koko leave you behind? What would Mikey do to you?

"Like hell i would do that.." Koko replied, he opened the door room and both of you leave, Koko slammed the door back to close, leaving Mikey and Sanzu behind.

"Will you just let them getting away?" Sanzu asked.

"Leave them for now. We'll get her


You and Koko already are outside now, he's still holding your hand tightly.

"Koko, stop." You said. He was holding your hand while walking to the parking lot, his grip was so tight that your hand would snap out from your arm. Koko was mad thinking what would Mikey do to you and you were also mad at Koko cause he didn't tell you all of this.

"i said stop! you're hurting me!" You yell and finally let go of him. Koko snapped from his thoughts and looked at you. "What's wrong with you?" You asked not in a worried way as you rubbed your hand. Koko's looked like he wasn't in his self.

"I-uh... sorry.." he apologized but you ignored that.

"Tell me, why are you with Mikey?" You asked. The look in your eyes was intense, Koko could feel that you were about to burst your words, he knew you were mad because he hasn't seen this side of you.

He went quiet and started walking again towards his bike. He still wouldn't tell you what's happening.

"answer me, Kokonoi" You said. Koko didn't liked answering questions, he still isn't gonna answer you even if you beg for it. He continued walking and you followed him. You're now so mad that you wanna yell all your questions at him.

"why didn't you tell me about all of this?!.. About Toman?!.. about Mikey?!" You yell. Koko was till quiet and he completely ignored you.

"please.. tell me, Kokonoi."

Koko stoped walking as you beg him, he can't resist you anymore.

"I can't tell you.."

Silence covered up your conversation. It was nearly 8 pm and both of you still on the parking lot, fighting about this nonsense.

"You were supposed to hand me to Mikey, right? why didn't you just let me go.."

Koko's mind stoped working as he heard what you said, he remembered what Mikey told him. It was true that Mikey wanted to hand you over to him, but Koko refused at that deal, he didn't want Mikey to have all of you.

"Why is that?" you asked.

Koko went silent and don't know what to answer.

"you told him that i was with Tenjiku this whole time, didn't you?.." You asked. He looked at you and he saw a tear drop on your face.

"was that a betrayal?"

Kokonoi was shocked at your question, he's eyes widened as he stared at you. You started tearing up and don't know what's the real reason.

"No, it's not like that" He said, he's now concern and worried about you. "Then what is it?" You asked again. Your questions were making Koko so hard to answer but he was still trying.

"it wasn't what you think." He replied.

"If it wasn't then why don't you tell m-"

"I told you, i can't!" He raised his voice at you which made you flinch. You were crying but not as much. "O-okay then.." you said. Koko was about to wiped your tears but you wiped it with your own hands.

"If your ready to talk to me about this, call me. I wont be talking to you in some days." You said. Koko was surprised about that. "Hey, wait." He said, grabbing your wrist but you quickly let go of it.

"I get it, you're sorry. But please i need to go, don't try and stop me." You said. You turn around and started walking away, leaving Koko alone in the night. Before you could completely leave him behind, you said this. "if you still don't wanna tell me about those, then i don't know if i could still talk with you" You added.

You said that because you knew your life would be in danger if you're still hanging out with him. You have no choice but to leave and let him go, this way, he wont have to worry about you.

After you leave, Koko didn't know what to do. He was feeling regretful and angry. What should he do next? Will he go and see you? Will he just let you leave him?


After what happened last night. You can't sleep, you keep thinking what will happen to you. What will happen to Kokonoi. will Mikey kill him? What about you?

But then, Mikey wouldn't do that. You were sure that Mikey still is the same Mikey you knew and he wouldn't do that. right?

It was 5 am in the morning and your still on your phone. You can't stop thinking about last night so you tried yourself to get busy or distracted with something, but it's not working.

"Ahhhhhh, i hate thissss.." you wined as you lay down on your bed.

After wining and wining on your bed, you decided to just go to school and try not to be late even though you're lazy to get up.

At school. you were just walking through the halls when Yuzuha saw you, you didn't expect her reaction.

"Hey, Y/nnnnnnnwa- what happened to you?!!?"

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