chapter 7

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𝐋𝐨𝐯𝐞 𝐀𝐟𝐟𝐚𝐢𝐫


"Well well. look who we have here, Mikey"

a guy said, bringing a baton. He was familiar to you. You know this guy that you wouldn't believe it's actually him. You squint your eyes for confirmation if it's really him.

You gasp as you finally believed it.
It really was Sanzu Haruchiyo. The former 5th Division Vice-Captain in Toman.

"S-Sanzu?" You said. You didn't quite believe that it was him, he wasn't wearing a mask like he usually do, he's white hair were tied up in a messy ponytail and he's face has this weird scar in both side of his mouth. You didn't know he was hiding a big scar behind his mask so you were kinda surprised about that.

One thing's bothered you.
is he connected to Koko?
are they comrades? Or what?

questions suddenly popping up in your mind, especially the guy Sanzu mentioned. "Mikey"

You look back at Kokonoi who was just looking back at you, not long enough, you went back to look at Sanzu.

"the hell is the meaning of this?" You asked.

"Oh wait, you didn't tell her about Toman, didn't you?" Sanzu asked to Kokonoi. You were shocked about that. They really know each others.

Koko shook his head as a no. Of course, no one told you about what happened about Toman, not untill Yuzuha told you about it earlier.

"wait, you're saying you knew what happened to Toman?" You asked as you look back to Koko. He was surprised at your question but it's not obvious.

"oh, so you knew what happened to Toman?" He asked, sarcastically.

"Im guessing, you already missed Mikey." Sanzu join in to your convo. You were confused if they were actually pertaining Manjiro. You look back at Sanzu who's infront of you and asked.

"you keep saying this "Mikey". Do you mean, Manjiro?"

"Yeah, who would anyone else be?" Koko said. You're shocked about that. How did Koko became friends with him, were they actually friends? Or still an enemy?

"Then where is he?!" You said, you're finally letting out your frustrations. You already started feeling this ever since you saw Sanzu.

"im right here, dumbass"

a familiar voice made you froze for a second. You didn't know how to react.
You slowly turned your head as were the voice were coming. You saw a blonde guy, standing infront of the glass window, facing the view of the city.

Was he there the whole conversation?!

"You should've been the one greeting her first, Mikey." Sanzu said. Mikey completely ignored what Sanzu said. "What's the status of my friends, Koko?" Mikey asked. You immediately looked back at Koko, so shocked that Mikey knew him.

"They were fine." Koko replied. After that, Mikey suddenly turned around and looked at you. He started walking towards you and you still couldn't believe that he's here with Koko.

"Mikey.." you said. You can feel that he changed, his aura completely changed. It was like he was possessed by something. He isn't the Mikey you knew before.

"Hi there, Y/n.." he greeted, grinning at you as he was finally infront of you.
You felt happiness as you saw his smile again, you suddenly hugged him which was surprising for them.

You were so worried about Mikey suddenly disappeared, you wouldn't believe that. You knew he wouldn't leave his friends behind. You started regretting leaving them as you were just hugging him. Why regret?

Mikey loved you before. He loved you like no one else could do. Both of you were so close back then that the other members of Toman thought that both of you were dating but no. After you said you wanted to leave Toman, he confesses his love to you. He brought you to the place special to him. It also became special to you. That was the place he said the "i love you". But guess what? You rejected him.

Why again? Who knows the reason..
maybe you're too afraid for commitment? afraid they'll judge you? afraid that you might hurt him?
No, it's not what the reason itself. It was because you only saw him as a little brother and you only had a one sided crush on him. You weren't really imagining yourself to be his girlfriend. You knew he was too good for you that he deserve better than you.

So you left Toman, saying farewell to them. You were happy that you can finally live a normal life but sad at the same time. You missed the friends you made in that gang and it was too bad you had to left them. Not untill you bumped into Kokonoi. You weren't expecting that he would be the one who'd replaced the friends you had left in the gang. The reason this all happened.

As you were just hugging Mikey, he slightly pushed you as if he doesn't want you. He looked at you and you felt afraid at his gaze. You can sense a dark aura coming from him. Why is he being like this? What's the reason?

"Mikey, what happened to you?" You asked, worriedly. He just smirk and turned around. You never saw him smirk like that, was that a bad impression?

"why did you left them, Mikey?" You asked again. "Aren't you thinking about them? They were so worried about you!" You added.

He turned halfway of his head and looked at you.

"Were you thinking of me when you left me?" He asked. Your eyes widened as you didn't expect that question. He turned around you again and asked another question.

"You didn't, right Y/n?" He said. Your eyes went teary as you didn't know why. He suddenly chuckled and said

"Don't forget about the betrayal you did, miss.."

Your heart went pounding so fast, of course he would know about you in the Tenjiku side, Kokonoi was with him all this time. You knew Koko wouldn't just lie for your sake.

"It wasn't what you think, Mikey." Koko said. You looked at him, it seems like he was defending you.

"Oh really?" Mikey said.

"She wasn't betraying you." Koko continued.

"Looks like there's gonna be a Love Affair happening here." Sanzu said. All of you were shocked about that.

Love Affair? How?

"She's not even a member of Tenjiku. I thought we've already talked about this?" Kokonoi said as he went closer to Mikey.

"yeah, we did." Mikey said. Sanzu had enough and was about to leave already. "God, im leaving here." He said.

"Don't leave, Sanzu. Tie her up." Mikey commanded. You were surprise about that, will he really gonna tie you up? "I thought you wouldn't hurt her." Koko say.

"i won't. I'm just gonna entertain myself."

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