chapter 39

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TW : *death*

"There you are..." A smirk was plastered on Mikey's face as he saw you trembling in fear with Inui. Inui and your eyes widened, realizing who just talked.

"Guess it's finally your time.." Mikey took a step forward to get closer to the both of you. Inui didn't even dared to look at him... He was.. scared.

You trembled even more knowing Mikey's on his way now.. in his way to kill you... And not only you.. buy Inui as well.

"No.. no.." you mumbled.

'i can't let this happen.' You said in your thoughts.. many thoughts were racing and racing through your head, you can't think of something anymore.. only one thing you're really sure about now is.. Mikey's gonna kill you.. right here.. right now.

Inui also couldn't take it anymore... Seeing you trembled more only made him feel worse. He clenched his fist and tried standing up but.. a gunshot was heard after he did that.

You screamed.. the gunshot was so sudden and unexpected.. that you could think that maybe Mikey shot Inui.. But..

"Try standing up and i will not hesitate to shoot this to you." Mikey threatened Inui.. He still is 5 meters away and already the gun at Inui. The gunshot that was heard earlier missed.. He purposely not to hit Inui.. so he still can have fun.

Inui froze.. Mikey's words made him froze for a sec.. but.. his guts told him to fight for what's right and.. to fight for you, so he still stood up and looked Mikey straight in the eyes without hesitation.

Mikey was surprised.. He didn't expect Inui to have guts and would stood up and stared him in the eyes.

"Fighting for your girlfriend, huh?" Mikey teased.. Still, Inui gritted his teeth out of anger. Mikey's has been getting on Inui's nerves lately, he didn't like this feeling.

"Would you please stop?" Inui talked back. His eyes were full of darkness, fist were clenched.. and he was ready to kill simeone whatever happens.. even if it means to kill Mikey.. just for you to be safe.

Mikey smirked again, amazed by Inui's braveness. "Never would've thought you'd be like this Inui.." he took a step closer again. "Now that i think about it.. you weren't like this before.." Mikey's gaze went from Inui to your trembling body on the floor. "That girl changed you.."

You covered you ears.. hearing their conversation only would make you feel worse.. you felt like dying.. not physically.. but mentally..

Inui got even more angry.. Mentioning you made his anger rise above his head. Mikey laughed seeing Inui in so much anger. His laugh was so evil.. like an evil witch.

"There's nothing you can do now.." Mikey opened his arms and looked up at the ceiling. He looks so happy.. crazy, isn't it?

"I'm sorry but it's time for the both of you..." His smile even got wider and creepier. He pointed the gin at Inui's forehead "To die.."

Inui was frozen still.. even if he moves, he still would get hit by Mikey.. if he did that.. you'll die with him next.

While you.. you were still on the ground, can't think of anything to do to be safe. You were going crazy, you were already about to give up. Maybe it is really the time for you to rest.. to die.. and disappear from this world..

Mikey is already holding the trigger of the gun. There's inly one thing you decided to do...

"Die.." That was what Mikey said before pressing the trigger of the gun.. but you push Inui down to ground, making Mikey not to hit Inui.

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