chapter 32

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𝐌𝐲 𝐋𝐨𝐯𝐞 𝐅𝐨𝐫 𝐘𝐨𝐮 𝐁𝐞𝐟𝐨re


It already was night time when Inui called your phone. The problem is, you don't have your phone with you. You left your bag back at the place where you collapsed talking to Mikey.

"Why isn't she answering?" Inui questioned.

A sudden gut feeling of him that he couldn't bare to think. Something might happened to you, he called you 6 times already and nobody answered.

Inui decided to call your phone one last time and if nobody still answers it, then he'll go to your address to know if your safe.

"Last.." he mumbled as he pressed the call button.

Inui felt happy when somebody actually answered your phone, he thought it was you who answered it.. but he was wrong.

"Hey, Y/n? Are you okay? You didn't answer your ph-."

As Inui was talking, someone butt in that made Inui quiet.

"Sorry... no Y/n is here.."

His eyes widened, the voice was familiar.

"Who is this?"

He asked. No one answered

"Why do you have Y/n's phone?"

It didn't answer again

"She's not here.."

It answered this time, Inui keep recalling where he heard that voice, it felt like he already met him.


He finally realize it..

"Oh, good.. you finally remember me."

Inui started to clench his hand, he can feel the wide smirk on Ran's face through the phone screen.

"Goddamit! Where's Y/n?!"

He panicked.

"Woah.. calm down, bro. You'll see her in hell soon."

A chuckle was heard after. Inui got even more confuse.

"Where is she?!"

"If you wanna see her.. might as well contact your friend."

Friend? Who?

"You-" The phone call ended and it left Inui hardly confused and worried. The thought of 'what if they're gonna kill you?' can't get out of his head.

He entered the car and went straight to your address where you live with Yuki.


"why do you love me?"

Kokonoi went speechless. He couldn't know the reason why he love you.

"i-i'm just asking it.. no need for you to answer if you don't wanna.." You said as you look away from him, you regretted questioning him that.

"I feel special when i'm around you.. even before.."

You were shocked at his respond, he actually answered it.

You were just silent as you were listening to him.. Deep inside, you badly wanna push him away cause his love for you doesn't deserve you at all..

"I don't even know why i love you.. it just what my heart says.."

You looked at him in the eyes. His eyes can say it all, he was hurting, you hurt him again..

"I loved you.." you said. He looked at you.

"... but that was before... and before, isn't right now.."

"i know.." he simply answered.

"Your love doesn't deserve me, Kokonoi. Find someone that can actually stay and wait for you, even after you pushed them away so many times.." you said.

"And that 'someone' is clearly not me so stop yourself chasing the wrong person.." Koko look down at the ground. His so hurt but still wouldn't wanna let you go.

"you'll only gonna beat yourself up if you wont stop this.."

He slowly walk towards you. He kneeled down, while you sit at the couch.

You look away as he did that.

"Hey, look at me.." he ordered.

As what he said, you look at him..

"You did love me, right?" He questioned. You just nod.

He suddenly smile. You were confused. It was a smile you haven't seen in a while, but why is he smiling? Didn't he feel hurt or anything after what you said?

"Why are you smi-"

He grab your chin and kissed you. Your eyes were in wide, you didn't expect it.

His lips were soft, as if he wasn't feeling hurt at all.

The kiss he was doing lasted more than 20 seconds. For some reason, you felt dizzy so you closed your eyes, he still was kissing you and you were feeling it.

"i'm sorry.." he whispered to your ear. Confusion rise even more to your head.. the annoying thing is, your head feels so heavy, as if you drink something so poisonous.

"Wha-" you were about to talk when he kissed you again, this time, it's rough.

Kokonoi was now aggressive, he started caressing your shoulder that made you lay down.

"What are you-" you were confused at what he was doing, still, the kissing continued untill he's already on top of you.

He was pinning you down, shirtless.

And you? Well.. you were unconscious.

Kokonoi stopped doing what he was doing to you when you were already unconscious. He still was on top of you, still shirtless when someone suddenly entered the room.

Kokonoi was in sweat while he looked at the guy who just entered. Guess who? Mikey.

He was smirking as he looked at the both of you.

Kokonoi couldn't take it anymore, the dizziness he felt made his vision so blurry.

"shit.." he muttered looking down to you.

"Good job.. you actually did it.." Mikey said, still smirking. He was enjoying what he was seeing.

Kokonoi couldn't withstand it anymore. His sweat where dropping onto your unconscious little body.

Kokonoi looked at Mikey one more time..

"fuck you.."

After that, Kokonoi collapsed on top of you. He went unconscious, same as you..

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