chapter 38

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"Y/n, they're here.. let's go.." that's what Inui said to you. You looked at him and his eyes were already dark because of sadness. Even so, you still refused to leave Yuki dying.

"No! We're not leaving Yuki here!" You shouted.

"Y/n, let's just go! We don't have much time anymore!" Inui yelled at you. You were being stubborn.

"I told you, i can't!" You cried out loud. "I-I can't... leave him."

Yuki grabbed your hand and hold it. "Y/n, look at me.." he started. "Just leave me here and i'll be fine.. i wont be dying, i promise you that.." he said to you. He tried not to stutter so you could believe every single word he said to you. He wants you to trust him so you could leave and be free.

"I'm gonna marry you.. so i'm not dying here.."

He chuckled when he said that.. you don't know if he was joking or being serious. All you wanted was just to cry and not leave him

You closed your eyes as you felt hesitant.

"Let's just go...please." Inui kneeled down and hold your shoulder. After that, you nodded. You'll finally gonna leave Yuki and ran to save your life. You might regret leaving him if he dies but you trust that he's not dying here.

You stood up with Inui. He was already holding your hands as the both of you were about to runaway.

You took a last glance to Yuki before leaving him. You can already heard that someone was already coming because of the steps they're making.

Yuki was smiling when you looked at him. You immediately look away as you felt pain when you saw Yuki's body laying on the ground.

"Let's go.." Inui said to you. After that, both of you started running. Mikey's men also arrived and Koko started struggling on holding back Sanzu.

Kokonoi kicked Sanzu so hard that he hit on the bar. Kokonoi grab the gun that was on the floor to shot Sanzu... He was being hesitant.. finally, some guys arrive and went running on to save Sanzu. Kokonoi hadn't have the chance to shoot him since he couldn't do it. He decided to just get Yuki and runaway.

"Can you get up?" He asked as he checked Yuki.

"I-I guess.." he replied

Kokonoi immediately made him stand up, they were running out of time. As Yuki stood up, blood was running out of him, still, Yuki managed to stand up and ran with Kokonoi. Even though he was struggling, he managed to live on..

"Sir, are you alright?" One of Mikey's man asked.

"Do i look alright?!?!" Sanzu snarled. He was so angry in pain, he could've killed Koko if he wasn't so strong.

"Hurry up and follow them!!" Sanzu ordered. They tried following Kokonoi and you. Thankfully, they didn't because if they did, death is about to come for all of you.


"Shit.. you're bleeding too much." Kokonoi stated as he was looking at Yuki. Both of them were hiding so they can also take a rest.

"Leave me once were caught.." Yuki said, straight to the point.

"No.. no one's leaving you behind." Koko said as he was treating Yuki's wounds. "You don't even know me.." Yuki snapped

"And so? Y/n needs you.. you have to live for her."

"There's no way i can still live through this.. i barely even breathe." Yuki told the truth. He was literally dying because of the blood lost. One more moment then he'll say good bye.

"Then fight it.." Koko talked back. He was so mad when Yuki said that, he thought that he give so easily, he still can live through this. Hope is the only thing that can make him survive.


You and Inui were running through the halls to find the exit. You were crying and sobbing as you were running. Leaving Yuki was against your moral principles, you should've left him. You don't even know if he's already dead by now..

When you can't take the pain anymore, you stumbled and fall to the ground. Inui looked so worried about you, seeing you in pain making him feel pain too.

"I-I can't take... It.." you sobbed even more. Inui decided to just hugged you to comfort, the hug did comfort you. You cried all out when he hugged, Inui felt like crying as well but he doesn't want you to see him, you might think of him as a weak and can't fight for you.

As you were hugging Inui, you imagined Yuki was the one hugging you. You missed his presence, him being around you.. you missed him, you missed Yuki.

After all the years you've been with him, you built a bond that nobody can understand. He was like a brother.. a twin to you. He's been there through many years with you than Kokonoi and Inui. He was the one making you smile when no one was there. And now... you saw him dying with both of your eyes..

Yuki is still young.. he can built a new company with his family and even you. The thought of Yuki dying right now made you feel like you're out breathe.. you suddenly can't breathe after all of that.

"What's wrong?" Inui questioned as you let go of him. He was worried sick looking at you. He then realized that you're having a panic attack..

"Oh no.." he reacted. You were just steady as you can't breathe, you felt like you're dying. The pain in your chest felt so tight, it was like your heart was shattering.

"I ca.." you were struggling to talk. Talking felt so hard for you now that you're struggling to breathe.

"Calm down.. d-don't talk.." Inui tried calming you down. He was almost panicking, seeing you in this situation made him overthink more.

Inui tried calming you down while rubbing your back. He could've gave you a water and made you drink but it's not like there's a water in this situation. All Inui could do was to try calming you down and just hope for the police to arrive.

"There you are .."

The tone of the voice made Inui's spine shivers. It was from the back 9f both of you. There he was, holding a gun in his hand... Sano Manjiro

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