chapter 6

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𝐌𝐞𝐞𝐭 𝐔𝐩


Later on, class was already dismissed. You're now packing up your things. As you were busy, your guy classmate approach you out of the blue and said.

"Hey Y/n, I didn't know you had a boyfriend."

You were shocked at his accusation so you asked him where he heard that. "what? who told you that?" He sat down on the chair that was infront of you before speaking up.

"Rumors has it. You were talking to a boy earlier back in lunch break, right? Is he your boyfriend?" He explained. They all thought Inui was your boyfriend which isn't true.

"He's just an old friend who's paying me a visit. That's all, nothing else." You said as you continue packing the things on your desk. Him, starts to stand up and said. "Aww, thought you're finally having a boyfriend." He was teasing you. You just rolled your eyes as he said that.

"Anyways, someone's waiting for you outside." He said before leaving you. You went confused as who would wait for you. Then, a girl who was sitting beside spoke.

"It's probably Kokonoi." She said. You went surprised at how sudden she said that, you didn't even realize she was there the whole time. You turned your head to her with your shocked face.

"What's with the face? Don't tell me i scared you." She said.

"Yuzuha. How long have you been sitting there?!" You asked, shockingly of course. "Ever since you started packing" she replied.

Yuzuha Shiba is your best friend. Since she's a girl who had a brother who's the 10th leader of the Black Dragon gang and had a little brother who's teaming up with Toman, she became your friend easily. It wasn't hard for you to make friends with her, knowing that you're also interested in gangs, she accepted you.

"Anyways, let's go." Yuzuha said, grabbing your arm and dragged you outside of the classroom. You both are now walking through the hall, finding the exit of your school.

"So, you're now talking with Inui again?" She asked. Since she's a former sister of Taiju, she knows who's Inui and Koko.

"Hmm, yeah. I visited them the other day, actually" You replied.

"you mean, the Toman guys?" She asked. "Yeah, it's already been a year and haven't talk to a single one of them.." you explained. To be honest, Yuzuha knew you were in Tenjiku but she didn't told a single soul about it. This is a big secret for the both of you.

"Did they... tell you something?"

"something? Like what?"

Yuzuha sigh before telling something important. This seems like very very important.

"I know you probably don't know this but, Toman has been disbanded." She said it carelessly like it was nothing and you didn't believe that. You stoped walking, trying to calculate what she just said. You even chuckled at it.

"Toman is what?"

"Disbanded..." she say.

"You're kidding? They were complete when i came to visit them."

"yeah, but not Mikey.."

you froze when she said that. You realize Mikey wasn't really there at that time.

"he's been missing, Y/n. No one knew where he was." Yuzuha said. "It's almost been a year already ever since he disbanded the gang" she added.

"w-wait. If this is already been a year then... then why didn't you tell me?" You asked. You were totally confused. Why would Mikey disband the gang, why would he leave them?

"I know, i was just worried what would your reaction be.." she said.

You just sigh and don't wanna get mad or angry at her. You calm yourself down and asked some questions right away. "Tell me, is there any reasons why Mikey went missing?"

"I don't know but Mitsuya told me he decided to left us all and not tell us where he was going..." she explained. After that you started walking again , same as Yuzuha. You felt sad and loneliness thinking how Mikey is all alone.

"But.. why would he do that?" You looked at the ground as you walk. Your face was a total sadness.

"you should ask Inui for the details, i still don't know much of how he disappeared." She suggested. You just nodded.

"Alright, your wait is here. See ya tomorrow." Yuzuha said, already waving and walking away. She made you confused. "huh?"

"There you are. You're late, dumbass"
Your eyes widened, you turned your head to your back. You saw Kokonoi standing beside his motorcycle.

Oh god, i completely forgot about him
you thought.

"what's with the face? Are you sad?"
he asked. "It's nothing." You replied with a fake smile. You wanted to asked Koko if he knows that Toman is already disbanded but what if he already knew about it? And he didn't tell you? What would your reaction be?

"Alright, then let's go."


"Where are you taking me, Koko?"
you asked as both of you already arrive at the place he was taking you.

"it's a secret." He said. You got annoyed as he said that.
"Oh come on! Why is it a secret?"

"I told you, it's a SECRET."

you got annoyed more and let go of him, he was holding your wrist as both of you walked together to enter the building.

"whatever." It was already 6 pm and your not loving it. Koko wouldn't tell you where he was taking you.

Both of you finally stoped at a room.
"Are we meeting someone?" You asked. He just replied with a "Yes."



Koko slowly opened up the door. You entered the place first. You saw no one but a table.

"no ones here, Kokonoi." You said. He was just behind you when someone finally showed up. You were shocked seeing this guy.

"Well well. look who we have here, Mikey." He said. You knew this guy from the start. He was a former Toman member back then....

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