chapter 36

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Kokonoi really meant what he told you. You're save and safe with him.

"What are we gonna do now?" You asked him.

"Don't worry, i'm taking you out here." He told you. "Just stay close, okay?"

You nod at what he said. You don't know what to feel about this, Kokonoi did something to you earlier, you're still unsure if you really can trust him.

After that, Kokonoi opened the door to peek and there were any persons roaming around. Thankfully, there weren't any so Koko grabbed your hand.

"Once we're out here... i want you to run as fast as you can, alright?"

You just nod at what he said. After that, both of you went out of the room and tried hiding if there was a person passing by.

As both of you were running through the halls, both of you heard a loud ruckus on the way of the halls.

"let's stop.." Koko reminded you.

Both of you looked at the ruckus that was happening... your eyes widened, you can't believe what was your seeing.


"Hey, i don't Y/n's in this area.." Yuki said to Inui. They were finding you.

"We don't know if you don't check everything.." Inui talked back to him. They started checking all the rooms that they saw every halls.

"But i got the feeling she's not here." Yuki said again.

"Would you just shut up and just continue finding her. We might actually gonna get caught and die here." Inui states. He's right, they might die in a second there.

Yuki went quiet after that, instead, he took the lead and went infront of Inui. Yuki stoped walking when he saw someone was coming.

"stop.. let's go back to the room." Yuki said to Inui, Inui saw the person coming so they went back to the recent room they checked in to hide.

"Come out you little bitch!"

Inui was in shocked. He heard Sanzu.. he was sure he was finding you..

"I swear if i find you right now, i wont hesitate to kill you!"

Yuki covered his mouth, he was scared by Sanzu even though he didn't really know him.

When Sanzu got quiet, Inui went and took a step from his hiding place, suddenly, he stepped on a metal stick that made Sanzu look behind him.

"What are you doing?!" Yuki yelled in whisper, he was panicking.

"Shhh.. don't worry." Inui replied. He continued walking to the door to check if Sanzu was gone, and yes, Sanzu wasn't really gone and they were about to get caught.

Sanzu opened the door were Inui and Yuki were hiding, he saw Inui and Yuki. Inui immediately took the metal stick he had stepped on and smack it to Sanzu, but Sanzu was strong, even though his head started bleeding, he can still make people feel scared by his stare. His eyes were burning like a fire when Yuki looked at him, he suddenly had this smirk that you knew is dangerous. Yuki started to tremble but he isn't supposed to, right?

"Well.. well... I didn't expect we'll be having some guest right now." Sanzu said with his evil smirk.

He then grabbed Inui his collar shirt and get him closer to him.

"Where's Y/n?" Sanzu start asking as he threatened Inui.

"I'm not telling you.." Inui replied. He lied, even when he really dont know where you were, he still insist for you to not be found by him.

Sanzu suddenly threw Inui out of the room, Inui went flying hit his back to the wall.

"You son of a bitch, just tell me where she is so i can start killing you all!!"

Yuki grabbed the metal stick he can find and smack it to Sanzu back in fort. He had smack for about 15 times already and Sanzu was still unstoppable.

Even when Yuki was in fear, he still chose to fight Sanzu when he knew he can't stop him.

"Hey now... i don't know you.." Sanzu look back at him, he still was standing after all of the smacking Yuki did to him, he's madly strong.

"You don't know me..." Yuki spoke back. Sanzu right then find him interesting. He took the gun out of his pocket and went to point it out to Yuki when Inui suddenly distracted him.

"Stop! I-i know where Y/n is.." Sanzu stopped and went to look behind at Inui.

"oh? You do?" Sanzu sarcastically asked. He was now spinning the gun as he was deciding who to kill first.

Inui decided to distract Sanzu so that he couldn't kill Yuki, he knew Yuki was important to you and he shouldn't really be involved in this things.

"Yeah..." Inui said as he slowly stand up from the ground. "Oh shut up.. i know you're lying..." Sanzu squint his eyes as he said that, he slowly walks towards Inui as he continued spinning the gun he have been holding.

"I totally know where she is..."

"really now?"

Inui finally had the full balanced to stand up.

"She's with Kokonoi right now..."

Sanzu's eyes went widened.. Mentioning Kokonoi triggered something in his veins.

Sanzu quickly walk faster towards Inui and grabbed his shirt collar again.

"Tell me... Where are they?"

Inui was hesitating to answer him, he really wasn't sure if you really are with Koko. He started overthinking like 'what if Koko wasn't really with you?' 'what if your just assuming things?'

"I don't know..." You simply replied.. Sanzu suddenly got pissed and pointed the gun into Inui's head. Right now, Sanzu's holding Inui's neck with a pointing gun on his head.

Yuki was facing them, he started shaking his hand as he was holding the metal stick, he was planning on smacking Sanzu again but Sanzu's already pointing a gun on Inui.. what if he did smack Sanzu but then accidentally shot Inui? He can't afford to do that.

"S-Stop... Let go of him.." Yuki started talking. Sanzu heard him, but instead of looking at him, he tightens the grip of holding on Inui's neck. Now, Inui's fighting for his life not to die in Sanzu's hands.

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