chapter 11

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𝐈 𝐃𝐨𝐧'𝐭 𝐋𝐨𝐯𝐞 𝐇𝐞𝐫


"Tell me... do you love her..?"

"What kind of question is that?" Koko grumbled as he looked back to Mikey. "just answer it, dumbass."

Koko felt hesitant about answering Mikey's question as he was picturing you. He was feeling lonely when you left him and he kept denying that, he keep denying that he don't need you to be right by his side.

"I don't... love her.." He answered. Both of his hands started to clench as it was in his pockets. "and i will never.... what makes you think of that?" He questioned back.

"because.. i did." Mikey's answer made Koko realize something, it's something about you. "and?" Koko said. Mikey sighed before speaking up again. "nevermind.. you can go now." Mikey said, standing up from his chair and walked away. Koko did the same thing, he left the room and went outside. It was already night and he started overthinking, he was walking towards where he parked his motorcycle.

"i don't fucking love her." He muttered to himself, he was wearing a hoodie and he hid his face through it. "I'm not a dumb person falling in love with their shitty best friend who hasn't even done anyth-" he paused his words. He was about to say that you didn't do or help him with anything, which isn't true. He realized that you helped him through so much, both of you worked hard together for the past year and he couldn't forget or deny the happiness he felt that time.

"ughh, im tired of this shit." He said.

"I. Don't. Like. Her.. nor even love!"

He's been thinking of you lately. He always attempted to call you to check up on you but then, he remembers that the both of fought. The reason he doesn't want you to know about him and Mikey working together is for your own safety. He doesn't want you to get hurt or be killed by them (there's a 100%, Mikey would kill you lol). He was just protecting you and he keeps denying that.

"why can't you just get out of my mind..." he muttered to himself as he sat at his motorcycle, staring at the night sky.

"haaa~" he sigh. "I wish you were here.." he can't help but to admit it. He does need you.

"I wanna see you, Y/n.."


It was around 4 am when you suddenly wake up. Your head still hurting and you felt like you're sweating so much. You sat up from the couch and touch your head.

"ow..." you reacted. "What happened to me..?" You weren't really sure what happened to you, your memories were blurry and you still can't think of anything since your head is aching. A familiar voice spoke up and it made you flinch.

"You're up..." he said, softly. It was obvious that he also just woke up. You turn your head slowly to were he is. You gasp seeing a shirtless Inui sitting on the other couch. You freaked out, snatching a random shirt on your side and hid yourself to edge of the couch. You were so confused now since you didn't saw him last night.

"W-w-what are you doing here, Inui?!" You yell but in a whispered tone since it's still 4 in the morning. Yuzuha is still asleep. He looked clueless as he rubbed his eyes, even if he's clueless, he still looked hot in shirtless. "a-a-an-and where'ss your shirt?!?!"

"Oh, sorry.. i'll get my clothes now" he softly said. He started standing up and walked towards you. "What the-" you were so surprised seeing a shirtless Inui walking towards you. You saw his six pack abs. You can't take his hotness so you turned around, covering your vision with the shirt you were holding. You turned pink and it was so visible.

Inui suddenly grabbed both of your hands and sexual thoughts suddenly raced to your mind. You closed your eyes as he grab your wrist. "if we're doing this, can you explain first to what happened to me!?" You said not looking at him. Inui went confused at what you were talking about, he was just tryna get his shirt.

"what.. are you talking about?" He asked. You slowly opened your one eye. Yours and his eyes met.

"im just gonna get this shirt.." he said and grab the shirt you were holding without breaking the eye contact. After that, he stand straight.

"w-what..?" You said, confusedly.

"Im sorry if i scared you.." he said it between he put his shirt on. "Are you feeling better now?" He asked. You were still confused but you still answered. "Y-Yeah.. i-i think so.." you bow down your head as you felt embarrassed as what you just thought earlier. Your cheeks went so red.

"are you alright?" He asked, finally in a shirt. "y-yes, im fine." You said, looking up to him. You looked around and it seems like Yuzuha's house was a mess, they were a lot of aids and medicines all of over the floor so you asked Inui about it. "What's this mess all over Inui? And why are you here?"

"It's a long story but... you collapsed in Yuzuha's kitchen."

Your eyes widened as a flashback suddenly appear on your sight. You remembered what happened to you. The first things that happened was, your head suddenly hurt so much. You were holding a cup of glasses of water and you accidentally let go of it to touch your head, you had out of balanced so you hold onto the kitchen table. After the cup of glasses of water broke to the floor. You collapsed, your arm that got an injury was from the piece of the broken glasses your body stump on.

The injury on your arm ache and you look at it. "Is it still hurt?" Inui asked.

"O-oh, it's not really." You replied. You realized that the people on the house take a good care of you and you were happy about that. You don't wanna worry Inui anymore so you would lie if ever something would ache or hurt on your body.

"i-im gonna go to the bathroom." You said. You suddenly felt dizzy as you were about to stand. You were about to lose your balance so you sit back from the couch again to not fall and make Inui worry again.

"are you okay? what's wrong? does something hurting? " Inui kneeled down to check up on you. He looked so concern and worry, you can see it through his eyes.

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