chapter 34

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𝐒𝐚𝐯𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐘𝐨𝐮 𝐈𝐧 𝐃𝐚𝐧𝐠𝐞𝐫


"Uhm... what's your name again?"

"Call me Inui.."

Inui and Yuki were on their way to save you. They weren't sure if you're still in the place where 'the letter' said it was, but it was clear that they brought you to another place which was on Kokonoi's old house.

"So.. Inui.. How long have you known Y/n?" Yuki asked, he seemed interested in Inui.

"since we were little kids." Inui replied as he drive the car, Yuki was just next beside him.

"So, she's your childhood friend?"

"Not just a friend.. but my best friend."

Yuki was surprised, it wasn't obvious but you can see it in his eyes. He looked at Inui, after a second, he said.



Yuki and Inui finally arrive at the place. It was dark, unfortunately and no one probably was there.

"Why did she even went here? It's an old building.." Inui stated, the place does look old but we can't actually tell if it's already abandoned or it's just an old building with people inside.

"I told her that i'm coming with her but she didn't let me."

After that, Yuki and Inui checked all over the place, they circled it to know if there was a hint or something that can make them know where they bought you.

"Dammit! We can't find anything." Yuki complained.

Inui was holding the flashlight to see more places in the dark, all of a sudden.

Inui's phone ringed. He checked it and it was you who called.

He immediately grabbed it and answered it.

"Y/n?! Where are you?! Are you okay?!"

Inui asked some questions but no one answered.

"Hey! Talk to me!"

Meanwhile, Yuki started to feel nervous, he was feeling like something really really bad that had happened to you.

"calm down, idiot. I'm not Y/n."

Finally, someone answered Inui. Inui's eyes were in wide as he heard a man's voice. Of course it'd be a man's voice since someone kidnapped you.

Inui wasn't so sure about the voice he heard, he wasn't sure if he knew who he was or if he actually met him.

"Who is this..?" Inui questioned.

"Go to this place **** ***** " That's the only respond he got from the man and the call ended.

"Hello?! Hey!"

"Who was that? Was she Y/n?!" Yuki asked. He was confused, just like Inui.

"We need to go.." Inui right away went back to his car. Yuki was left behind, so confused.

"w-wait.. so it was her?" He asked

"no.. but the person said some specific place we need to go." Inui explained.

"is that where Y/n is?"

"I don't know.."

Both of them are already infront of the car and Yuki just stopped walking when he realized something.

"you're saying you're not sure about this?" Yuki asked..

Inui opened his car door and said.

"yeah but who knows? Maybe she's there."

Yuki frowned as a reaction. "You're not trying to kill us, right?" Yuki asked again.

Inui gave him a confuse gaze.

"I'm saying, what if that was a trap? the place was a trap and we fall right into it? That's just what happened to Y/n!" Yuki analyzed. He looks mad for some reason.

"Look.. i already told you that if you're coming with me, you need to follow every single thing i said, right?" Inui replied. "Wether you like it or not, you're following me.. You got that?"

Inui raised his right eye brow as he gave Yuki the death stare. Yuki also gave him the death stare but none of them were scared at each other, at all.


You were now continuously running in the halls, your knee started to bleed cause you used it too much earlier, even so, you ignored it and continued escaping.

The place already looks so different, it feels like they bought you to another place again. The building is big and you were in struggle to find were the way out was. You look around if somebody was around or if there was people in the building.

Thankfully, you saw no one. It's also midnight so mostly people are on their homes.

You look at your back and you heard someone was calling your name.

You hurried your running as you tried to find a room to hide. There was an open door, you decided to go in there since it's the only room that's open.

You immediately close the door.

Not until someone grabbed you and covered your mouth from behind. You're eyes widened. You didn't think someone would be in the room.


"don't make a noise."

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