chapter 20

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𝐀𝐰𝐟𝐮𝐥 𝐅𝐢𝐫𝐬𝐭 𝐃𝐚𝐲


You went walking through the hallways, so mad. Rage were rising up through your veins.

There were so many doors that you went confused to where the door to the outside was. You look left and right, finding which way was it. You saw through the right side at the bottom of the hallway a door. You thought it was the door to the outside so you take a step to it so you could leave the mansion where nothing but just full of people with business obsession.

You're finally infront of the door, it wasn't lock so you opened it. A breeze of wind you felt as you opened the door, you were happy at the thought that it was finally outside but it's not.

You get out through the door as you were thinking it was finally the outside, but it wasn't the outside, it was just the balcony of the third floor.

"Ughh... why am i so dumb..?" You said to yourself, hand on you forehead. You turn around to leave and continue finding the door outside when someone immediately grab your wrist. You froze as you felt a cold hand, you look behind you and it was the guy before. Yuki.

"What the- let go of me!" You said as you swung away your wrist. You were about to leave again when he started to talk.

"You do know you can't change anything, right?"

You froze at his words. You look back at him.

"and? you're just gonna leave it like that?" You argued back. "You, having a girlfriend you don't even know?" You added.

"If that will save our company then so be it." He replied.

Your anger went rise up after hearing the 'company' word again.

"Seriously?! Are you guys dumb?!"

"If this deal will make my mother happy, then i'll gladly take it..." he said, for some reason, he sound so sad.

"Do you even have friends? You're saying this carelessly like you don't have a care to the world! Like no one cares!" You yell. Even so, he didn't flinch nor move an action towards what you said.

"I'm guessing you don't have ONE" You were so mad that you didn't realize you were already insulting him. Your parents walk right in to the both of you. They heard what you said to him.

"that's enough, L/N Y/N. You're disrespecting our family!" Your father yell. You were about to argue back to them but. "Go to your room immediately or else!" Your father demanded, it was obvious he was so angry at you.

Your mom right then hugged you. She whispered to your ear. "Y/n, please listen to us. Just go to your room and we'll talk about this later..." Her voice was so sad, feels so cold.

You have no choice but to follow them. You were also tired talking back when no one would even care to listen to your words. You followed the maid that was outside to show your room. You were still mad even when feeling tired.

"I'm really sorry about that, Yuki. She's still not used to this kind of things.." your dad apologizes. He just replied. "It's fine, Mr. L/n.. i wouldn't care about what she said."

"Thank you, Yuki.. we'll talk about the deal with her.." Your mom said..

"No problem, Ma'am... if you'll excuse me, i'll be leaving.. " Yuki excused himself after that. Your parents were left alone at the balcony.

"I knew this would happen.." your father murmured as his hand were on his forehead. He looks so stressed just thinking about you.


At your room. It was quite big, sane size as your old apartment. You jump right in to your bed as you felt so tired. You lay down, looking at the ceiling.

You felt frustrated when you think about what your parents said to you. The anger you felt suddenly rise up again. You stand up from your bed and you suddenly throwing your pillows back to your bed.

"Ugh! i hate it!"

You were letting your anger out at your pillows that you didn't realize you ran out of pillows to throw. Your phone was the only left on your bed, you were about to throw it across the bed, but you stoped. You saw your wallpaper, the reason you stoped moving.

Your wallpaper was Kokonoi, Inui, You, and Akane. Tears suddenly went out through your eyes, you remembered how happy you are when you were still in japan. It's just your first day here and you're already burned out.

You lay down to your bed again, you wipe off your tears as you stared at the ceiling.

Your feelings were mixed, you felt madness, sadness, and exhausted. You covered your elbow to your eyes, you said..

"I don't wanna leave you guys..."

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