chapter 27

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𝐂𝐡𝐨𝐨𝐬𝐞 𝐁𝐞𝐭𝐰𝐞𝐞𝐧 𝐓𝐡𝐞𝐦


You walk out, leaving Kokonoi behind. He was pissed at you.

You walk your way to Inui, he saw you and walk towards you.

"Hey, are you okay?" He asked. He looks worried, he felt like something was wrong about you.

"uhm.. yeah" you gave him a smile. "I-I think i need to go now." you said. You felt like you need to go now, after seeing Kokonoi tonight, something in your head that tells you, there's gonna happened if you stay long at the same place with Koko and Inui.

"oh, want me to bring you home?" Inui asked. You smiled at him as you thought he was sweet.

"uh no, thank you.. i can go home by myself.." you said. Inui just nod and said "okay.."

You were about to walk now when someone stopped you. He grabbed your wrist, you look back at who was it and it was Kokonoi. Inui was surprised at the sudden appearance of Kokonoi, what's he doing here? he thought.

"we're not done talking yet.." Koko said. Inui reacted quickly and move Kokonoi's hand right away.

"what the hell are you doing?" Inui said. He didn't yell, it was too crowded and he didn't want attention or caused trouble.

"Leave me alone, i'm here to talk with Y/n.." Kokonoi said, he gave Inui a death stare, you got scared at his stares.

"What? Aren't you wanted?" Inui questioned. "You do know we could just call the police right away if you're not gonna leave us alone."

Kokonoi ignored what he said and just grabbed your hand again. This time, Kokonoi was aggressive.

"Ah!" You screamed.

Before you know it, Inui punched Kokonoi without even realizing. Inui's body acted on its own after seeing you hurt, he felt like he needed to protect you.

The people was shocked at the sudden action, some of them got confused of why did that happened.

Kokonoi let you go after that attack, his nose started bleeding as he slowly tilt his head to you. The worst feeling was you still got worried about him.

You were speechless at what just happened. You looked at Inui.

"are you hurt? Where?!" He asked. Your eyes widened as you didn't expect him to be so worried.

Before you could even reply, another punch landed on Inui. The crowd went "Owwww"

"Just because you punched me, doesn't mean you win.."

Inui's mouth also start to bleed after Koko punched him. You already had enough so you went in between them to stop the fight but..

"You're not getting involved here, Y/n. Stay where you are..." Inui said as he tried to stand straight and wiped off the blood on his mouth.

"really?" Koko said.

"yes, really.." Inui replied.

Koko also had enough, seeing Inui with you made him so pissed that he just want to kill him.

Koko was now about to give him another punch but you stop him with your own hand.

Kokonoi's eyes widened, he didn't expect you'd still be strong.

"that's enough.." you started. "this fight is stopping right now.." You felt ache in your heart, something really is hurting, but what was it?

"Let me go.." Kokonoi said.

"Tell me... why are you doing this?" You asked. Kokonoi ignored your question, he doesn't know what to answer to that. "This isn't you, Kokonoi.." you added.

The place went silent, it feels like nobody wasn't really there. The people inside the club was worried about you but they also don't wanna get involved in the situation you're in.

"that's something you shouldn't know about." he replied.

"IT IS!" you yelled. "Do you know how much you changed!?". As you were talking to him, a flashback suddenly flash to your mind, you remembered the old Kokonoi, he was cold as ice back then, but, he was the one you were with when no one was there to support you, even though he changed like now, you still feel like you need to care for him.

Koko didn't respond again, he continued ignoring all the hard questions you're asking to him. He was struggling to answer the questions when it all was because of you..

"Why are you hurting people? " You continued asking. You were feeling so hopeless, it felt like you were the only one trying to fix everything.

"He's the one who punched me first.." Koko replied.

"STILL! you're a criminal now! YOU'RE STILL HURTING PEOPLE!"

The crowd started bickering, they heard the word 'criminal' and someone then started to call the police. Koko swung away his hand from you, he was about to say something.

"I did all of those because of you.." he started.

"I did it all because i love you. "

Your eyes widened as you heard the truth. Inui started to get mad as he heard what he said, Koko wasn't there for you, so where's the love he said?

Inui grabbed Koko's collar shirt and pulled him closer to him.l


Inui didn't saw the love Kokonoi was saying, all he knew was Kokonoi was hurting you, he never loved you. That's what all he thought, but Kokonoi really did.

"You weren't there for her! How can you tell you love her when all you did was just HURT HER!" Inui continued..

Your heart started beating faster out of nervousness, somebody might really gonna get hurt, or worse... somebody might get killed.

You pushed Inui out infront of Koko. He let go of Kokonoi's collar shirt and looked at you.

"Y/n... You're not going to believe him, do you?.." he asked.

You started crying, you don't know who to believe or who to support. It was hard, really hard to decide..

"Y/n, he never loved you!" He said.. you just shook your head as you tried not to cry infront of the both of them.

Inui went silent as he realized something. You noticed that the light on Inui's eyes started to fade away, you can't help it but to cry, you covered your palms to your face as you don't know what to do anymore.

The siren of the police car was already heard, people already started to leave the place as they don't wanna get caught at the scene.

Koko knew the police was about to arrive but he didn't leave, he don't know why...

Inui started to speak...

"Tell me, Y/n.."

You looked at Inui, it was the first time you saw him acted like this..

"Who do you choose... Him? or Me?"

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