chapter 16

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𝐌𝐢𝐬𝐞𝐫𝐲 𝐅𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭


"I'm here!.." You awkwardly shout as you take a step in on the empty garage house.

You ditched your problem earlier, you know you'll find a better solution once you already talked out with Kokonoi.

The place you entered was dark, though there was just one light in the center. The garage house was where Koko and you fix your motorcycles, it would also be a hangout place if both of you want to be alone with each others.

Ever since Koko started acting weird, you haven't been back in this place... neither Koko... this was the place you missed the most.

You look around even though it's dark, you noticed some things were missing but you didn't get it into you.

"You're late.."

Someone said. It made you slight jump and flinch at how sudden it was. You look at the side, you saw Koko leaning on the wall with his eyes close. You smiled seeing him, it's already been a while ever since both of you haven't seen each other ever since you fought at that night. You thought that this would be the night both of you will be back to normal, like how it used to be back then.

"i'm just 1 minute late" you grumbled.

"still count.."

Koko straighten up and walk slowly towards you.

"So you finally decided to tell me?" You asked. Koko look up to you, it has been a while since he looked at you like that.

"No... we're not here to talk about that.."

you went confused about what he said. What does he mean?

"..What... do you mean?"

"I'm here to tell you something.."

You felt like something's about to happen, you can't stop overthinking of what it would be. "What is it?" You said, taking a step forward to get closer to him. Koko and you had an eye contact, you can see in his eyes how serious he was. It felt like his gonna talk about a serious topic.

Koko didn't answer at your question, so you speak up. "why are you being quiet..?" it was a question with a joke in it. Koko still look so serious.

"Y/n.." he started.


"I'm here to say to you that..." the words he was about to say was the words you didn't expect him to say.

"I don't want to see you ever again"

Your eyes widened. Was that true? or was it just a joke?

You wouldn't believe what he just said to you. It felt like it was an inside joke that you couldn't understand.

"a-are you joking? Cause im serious right now.."

"who said i was joking?"

He really is serious about that.

"What do you mean by that? Are you... hating me now..? after all this time?" Questions runs out through your mouth. You couldn't understand what he means. Koko closed his eyes between his sigh. His getting more and more intense by time.

"answer me, Kokonoi.." you said. You're getting mad without understanding what he said.

"Mikey wanted this.."

"So? You'll follow it?!"

He didn't answer after that.

"Why would you?!-"


You heart skipped a beat as you heard that.

"My life became miserable when you showed up again!.. Can't you see that?!"

Your eyes widened.. It felt like your heart just got smashed into tiny pieces after he said that. Was that really how he sees you? a pitiful person?

Silence covered the room. You couldn't answer what he just said. Is that really how bad you are? Is that really what they think about you?

Once in your life, you never thought that you'd feel this heart broken... even when no one actually broke up with you. Even so, the friendship you had with Koko.. was the best love you've felt, even if it was all fake.

You felt like you wanted to burst in tears, but you force yourself not to. Why? Because this time, you wanted to be strong. If this is your destiny... where Koko's gonna leave you again.. then you can't trust anyone anymore, neither your friend, Inui..

The only thing you can rely on right now is yourself . You gotta be strong no matter what will happen..

You bowed your head, looking to the ground. You inhaled and exhale. After you calm yourself down, you look back at him straight in the eyes, intensely.

"Fine.. if that's what you want then so be it.."

"Just promise me one thing..." You said all of that, acting so bold when in the inside is a heart who's about to crack open.

"Promise me... You'll be happier with them.."

Koko didn't expect that from you. He thought you would cry and beg for him. He looked at you with his eyes so shocked.

You turned around, facing your back at him. "Just to let you know.. I'm leaving Japan.." you said, still acting bold. The tears you were holding can't last long enough now so you wanted to leave already.

"Im guessing... this is our last talk, Koko.." You tilt your head half way to look at him. Your eyes were already wet, he could see that you were so hurt about what he said.

"I'm sorry.... for everything.." you strated saying your farewell to him. His hands started clenching.. You turn your face to him one last time, this would be the final words you'll say to him..

"See you later... my beloved, Koko."

You were grinning as you said that. It felt like.. you were leaving Japan for good, like you're not coming back at all. Is it already the end?

Koko saw your smile for him... A tear falls down from his eye.. He felt sad all of a sudden... but why?

After you said those words, your eyes can't take it anymore, your tears burst out from your eyes as you tried leaving the place.

You started to walk away as you wipe the tears off of you. A hand suddenly grab your wrist, it made you look back. It was Koko, obviously. He crashed his lips to yours while his tears runs down through his cheeks. Your eyes went wide at the sudden action he does. Was it all an act?

His lips were soft, so was he...

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