chapter 23

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𝐌𝐫. 𝐇𝐚𝐥𝐟 𝐁𝐮𝐫𝐧𝐭 𝐅𝐚𝐜𝐞


"HE'S NOT YOUR HUSBAND?!" Yuzuha yelled in question as you told her about you and Yuki wasn't really a thing.

"YES, can you keep it down?!" You said, slightly whispering. People was staring after Yuzuha yelled at you.

"b-but how?!" she whispered.

After what happened earlier, Yuzuha cried seeing you. She thought you already had a family and was happy for you, she was also angry about you, not telling her you had family which wasn't really the real situation.

Inui was out struck as he also thought you already had a husband and a daughter. He was quiet after you talked to him.

"He's just not! Okay?!" You said.

Yuzuha blinked many times as she tried to understand the situation you had.

"Are we done talking? Cause i'm going back to them." You left after saying that, you went back were Yuki, Alice, and Inui sitting and waiting for the both of you to finish talking. Yuzuha followed your foot steps, she was a little disappointed.

"you're back.." Yuki said. Alice was sitting on his side, eating her ice cream. You bought her one to calm herself after what just happened to her, thanks to god, she was fine and already feeling happy.

"y-yeah... sorry about leaving you here just to talk to my friend..." you said.

"it's fine."

You looked at Inui, he looked so gloomy and for what reason?

"this was... unexpected." You said.

Yuzuha who was just behind you, gasped as she realized something. You flinched when she started to spoke and asked a question.

"If he's not your husband..."

Inui looked at Yuzuha, he was also surprised at how sudden she appeared. Yuzuha talked as she walked towards beside you. Alice and Yuki were confused at what she was saying.

"then there's a possibility his your ex!" Her finger went pointed at you. Your eyes blinked thrice at her accusation. Even so, she was right. Yuki is your ex but not in a romantic way.

"h-how would you know that?" You asked.

She turned to the other way with her eyes closed and arms crossed together as she felt confident.

"Detective ways, i say." She said it with confidence.

Yuki was surprised about it. He thought you already told her everything that had happened to you but he guessed you didn't.

Inui looked at Yuki, he was confused.

"Ex..?" He asked. "Ex boyfriend?"

You looked at him. He was totally out of the topic. He looks cute tho.

"y-yeah... we had a thing back then but that wasn't really a thing to me.." you explained, but your explanation made his confusion worse.


Yuki looked at Inui, he felt embarrassed about you explaining everything that involved him. It felt like something will get wrong if you're the one explaining it.

"u-uhm.. you see.." Yuki started talking. The three of you looked at him and he started explaining things.

"It's true that Y/n and me are in a relationship back then but it wasn't really a relationship. We just really need to act as a girlfriend/boyfriend of each other." As he explains it, he rubbed the back of his neck. He felt shy saying you both had a relationship. For him, it was real and not fake.

"O-Oh..." Inui started to spoke. "I see..."

"But what about this kid..?" Inui said as he looked straight to Alice. He was just sitting beside her and Yuki was on the other side.

Alice looked at him, she was cute as she acted confused.

She saw Inui had a scar on his face, she started talking after. "Hi there Mr. Half Burnt Man!" She said, grinning at him. All of them were shocked and eyes went wide when they heard Alice said that. That was truly unexpected and funny at the same time. You want to laugh but too scared you might upset Inui.

"Oh my god! Alice, why did you say that?!" You said, holding both of her shoulders. You looked at Inui as you felt so embarrassed and said...

"i am so sorry, Inui!" You went bowing infront of him in repeat. "She-.... she didn't-" you were trying to defend Alice as you thought Inui might hurt her or do something, but you know he wouldn't do it, right?

Your eyes went wide when Inui started laughing. Goosebumps you felt when you saw his laugh again, to think that he was looking gloomy earlier and now, a sudden light was formed on his face and it was pure. It has been forever when you last saw his smile. His laugh was very contagious, you felt like you need to protect it.

All of the others laugh after they saw Inui laughing too, even Alice laughed at her own joke. They were laughing, but you, you were staring at Inui. His smile was too pure that your heart flutter at his actions.

"It's fine..." He said, he looked down at Alice who was also looking at him "It happens everytime. Thanks for saying that." A smile was formed as she thanked Alice. Alice also smiled when she saw Inui smile at her.

"you're welcome, Mister!" She grinned at Inui with her eyes closed. Your heart melted when you saw two strangers smiled at each other like they know each other.

A lot has happened today, it felt home again, but with different people you loved.


After that, you went introducing your old friends to Yuki and Alice. All of you were having fun talking as you all find the way out of the mall.

You were talking to Inui when you noticed someone that feels familiar to you. You looked at the guy who was at the corner of the wall, you felt like you know him but couldn't be sure because he was covering himself with his hoodie, you're not even sure if he really was a guy because of his appearance.

Inui looked at the way you were looking. He asked you...

"Is something the matter?" He asked.

you looked at him, you shook your head as a reply and said. "it's nothing" and gave him a smile afterwards.

You all continued walking. You looked back at the guy you saw but he already disappeared.

"she really is back, huh?" the guy who you just stared at said.

He looks gloomy and all but he smiled in anticipation as he saw you again.

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