chapter 17

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𝐒𝐞𝐭𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐘𝐨𝐮 𝐅𝐫𝐞𝐞


He kissed you.

The shocked you felt made you kissed him back. For some reason, it felt good.

Not long enough, your lips parted away. Koko looks down to the ground as he still hold your hand. You look at him when he started talking.

"I-Im sorry... this is the right thing i have to do.."

Your tears bursted out again, knowing that the kissed he made was just for a goodbye.

You left right then after he said that, leaving Kokonoi, who also felt heart broken.

The truth was, Koko already loved you ever since you came back to his life. His love for you started when you comforted him after Inui and him fought, it was when Tenjiku and Toman fought.

Koko have no one after the fight that happened that day. He felt lonely... but you saved him from that loneliness. You were the reason Koko moved on from Akane and he don't know if he could moved on from you knowing that you're leaving him again..

Koko did all of that to protect you. He wants you to be safe because he love you.

"Don't worry.... i'll keep waiting for you... even if takes 10 years"

"Until we meet again, Y/n"

Koko said it all for you.


"WHAT?!?" Yuzuha reacted as you told her about you, leaving japan. "You're leaving Japan?!" She said.

"Yup, i'm living with my mom from now on." You said. After the fight you had with Kokonoi, you decided to just be happy with it. It felt heartbreaking, but you have no choice, it's what he chose, right?

"But when will you come back?" She asked. Both Yuzuha on you were in school, it was lunch break so you discussed it with her. "hmm, i don't know. Maybe i wont go back here."

"why would you?!"

You chuckled at her reaction. You laughed like no one hurt you and that you're very happy leaving Japan. "I'm joking. Of course i'd be back here" you said, opening your arms as a sign, you'll be giving her a hug. "im gonna miss youuuu."

"Don't you ever forget me." Yuzuha said, pointing her finger at you after you hugged her. "I will." you smiled as you said that.

You grabbed your water bottle to drink some water but you stop mid way as you heard her question. "Does.. Kokonoi know about this?"

You froze at her question, flashback started playing on your head of what happened on that night.

"we parted ways." You confidently said, you said it like it was just nothing. "what?" Yuzuha reacted "you let him go after he hurt you? You could've smack him before saying goodbye."

"i forgiven it all.." you started. Yuzuha went silent after you said that, she felt like the joke she said made you felt sad.

"I have no choice... he set me free."

Yuzuha who was just listening, became confused. "set.. you.. free?"

you just smiled at her as you put down your water to the table. You shook your head "nevermind that" you grumbled "anyways, can you be the one telling Inui and the others that i'll be leaving japan?" you pleased her with both of your hands. "But only tell them once i'm already on America.."

"are you serious?! What if they don't believe me?"

"Oh don't worry, i'll text them once i arrive on my place." You said. Yuzuha thought that you were being careless and reckless to everyone and everything, she felt sad about that.

"Y/n- " she was about to say something but stoped. She started feeling worried and lonely, knowing you're leaving her behind. You look at her, you saw her gloomy face so you grabbed both of her hands together.

"Hey now... it's not like i wont be talking with you anymore, we can still talk and have face-time, right?" You comforted. She smiled.

"there.. keep smiling. I wont say a good bye to you if you keep looking like that." You joked. This time, her smile lighten up.

"alright." She said. Your heart softened, you know you wont be seeing her smile like it used to when you're already in states..


"Phew... finally done." You breathed. You're finally done packing your things up, boxes and bags were all over the room. Your flight will be happening in 1 pm and it still was 11 in the morning. Yuzuha will come over to say goodbye to you when that time comes, it's hard leaving them but you gotta do it.

You changed clothes after that, the clothes you were wearing earlier got full of dust and sweats, and you smell.

You stumbled upon a small box beside at the bottom of your bed. You already saw it earlier but got no time to check it. "I wonder what's inside of it." You said, picking it up and started opening it.

Your eyes sparkled seeing the old pictures of you when you were still kid. There were many photo cards and all of them were your memories. A photo of Koko and Inui playing together made your heart melt, you haven't seen them being together in almost forever. You saw a picture of Akane and you, she was smiling as she made a peace sign with you. Nostalgic, isn't it?

It made your heart flutter seeing those lovely moments, where everything was still happy and stable. You can't stop thinking about what Koko said to you, that you made his life, miserable.

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