chapter 21

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𝐅𝐢𝐧𝐚𝐥𝐥𝐲 𝐁𝐚𝐜𝐤


10 years later


"Mikey, she's back.." Sanzu said.

"she is?"

"Yeah, and Koko's on his way to meet her.."

silence was heard after.

"is that so?.." Mikey replied, he smirk right after that.


"Mommy! Mommy!" A 6 year old girl cried, calling after you.

"W-What's the matter, Alice? Something wrong?" You asked as you bend your knees to fit in her size. She was showing you something.

"Look! Look! My pony toy got broken!" She cried even more while explaining it.

"Aww.. don't cry.. here, let me look at it." You said, snatching the toy from her. You look closely at it and it seems like it can't be fix.

"I want mommy to fix it!" She demanded. Sweats fall off from your forehead, you were nervous but why?

"u-uh.. sorry but it can't be fix anymore, Alice. I'm really sorry." You said, giving her back the toy. You pat her head as a sign of comfort. "Can you tell me why it broke?" You asked what's the reason it broke so you can at least comfort her more.

"Dada broke it!" She cried as she pointed Yuki at the couch, he was chuckling.

"D-Dada?!" your knees straighted as you heard that.

"Waaa!.." Alice cried even more.

Yuki get closer to the both of you, he was still laughing.

"Hey, why would you broke it?!" You got mad knowing he was the reason it got broken.

"I was just trying to play with her but i accidentally drop it to the ground" he explained as he bend down his knees to comfort Alice. "But don't worry, i got something for her." He looked up at you and wink.

"Hey, don't cry now.." he comforted. Somehow, Alice calm down a little bit. "i got something for you.." Yuki got something from his behind. He took it infront and it was a doll toy.

Alice gasp seeing a new toy, her eyes sparkled.

"Here.. this is for you." He said, giving Alice the toy. "Im sorry your old toy got broken, i didn't mean it." He said.

"But you laughed..."

Yuki felt awkward. He didn't mean to laugh.

"I- uh- i didn't-"

You started laughing at how he tries to deny and say sorry about that. For you, it was cute..

Alice laughed as she saw you laughing. She was actually just joking towards Yuki.

"I was just joking, Dada. Don't worry! And thank you for the new toy!" Alice said, hugging Yuki. The word 'Dada' still would shock him.

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