chapter 14

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𝐌𝐨𝐨𝐧 𝐍𝐞𝐜𝐤𝐥𝐚𝐜𝐞


Saturday -

The next day after that night. Your eyes were swollen and you felt lazy. It was already 11 in the morning and you're still in your bed, laying and overthinking what it'll happen to Mikey and you. You can't believe you rejected him straight to his face even without him saying he loved you.

You keep staring at your ceiling as you overthink your problems. You felt empty inside as you thought of those, it feels like no one was there to help you. You wanted to cry but can't, you're already worn out from crying all night and the tears seemed to be no more.

You snapped at your thoughts when someone knocked at your door. You don't have nearby friends so it was unusual for someone to knock at your door.

Maybe it's just the rent lady ,you thought as you lazily stand up from your bed. After you got up, you unlocked your door and opened it. You rub your swollen eyes before tilting your head high to look who was it.

"good morning.."

Your eyes widened seeing Inui infront of you.


He was wearing a gray hoodie and a jeans, but the question, what's he doing in your home?

"What are you doing here?" You look so messy and it was obvious. Inui then explained. "You told me your address sooo i decided to come visit you.." he looked like he was shy to admit it. After that, he noticed your eyes were red.

"Have you been crying..?" He asked as he touched your cheek. A sudden blushed form to your cheek. You remove his hand right away and rub both of your eyes again to go look like the normal ones.

"This is nothing, i just woke up." You lied. You can't just tell Inui your problems but you'll tell him soon.

"You just... woke up..?" He asked, he seemed to be confused. "Y-Yeah." You looked back at him. His eyes went observing your body straight up to down and to up again. He noticed the messy side of you so he hid a chuckle.

"What's funny?" You confusedly asked.

"You're cute when you're messy.."

A sudden goosebumps you felt as he said that, you were feeling embarrassed and shy at the same time and it was rare for you to act like this infront of Inui.

"Uh.. w-well yeah.." you blushed. "W-what's the reason y-you're here..?" You questioned.

Inui scratched the back of his nape and thought of something.

"Well... I was actually here to ask you something..."

"hmm? What is it?"

"uh.. will you go out with me?" He asked, he felt shy and awkward. "O-Oh.. is that it?" You asked. He just nod and smiled at you which was cute. "It's just like hanging out.." he added.

"Um yeah, sure." You give him a smile.
"Uh- i-i'll go fix myself first hihi." You awkwardly said as you slowly closed the door to change. "Alright. I'll wait here." He said.

You sigh after closing the door. You weren't expecting Inui to come and want to hang out with you out in the blue. The problems you thought earlier, vanished away from your head. You might thank Inui for that.


"Where'd you wanna go?" He asked.

"anywhere you like.." you replied. Both of you decided to go out somewhere where the both of you can go have fun. "you sure?" You just nodded at his question. You seem gloomy but it wasn't that obvious.

"Okay.. then, you wanna go to the mall..?" He suggested. "We could play.. things in there.."

You just nodded and replied with a "sure".

The both of you had fun for awhile. You eat, play, bet and more funny games you did. For some reason, you felt safe and happy whenever you're around with Inui. His smile were lovely to watch and that he could make you smile too. The jokes he made can burst you to laugh and make your stomach ache. You just wished this would never end.

"Y/n.." he called. The both of you were holding an ice cream cone from an ice cream shop in the mall. Inui saw you looking at those beautiful and expensive jewelries.

"Hmm?" You replied as you look back to him. He take the last bite of his ice cream and you said. "What is it?"

"Wanna go shopping?" He asked. You frowned at his question. "Shopping?" You started as you took a bite of your cone "I Didn't know you like shopping but.. sure."

After that, he pulled you to enter the jewelry shop without a second. Your eyes widened at how sudden it was that your ice cream almost fall to the ground.

"What are we doing here?" You asked as you tried finishing your ice cream. Inui started looking at the displayed necklaces and bracelets. As you take the last bite of your ice cream, you realized that he might have someone to give a gift from him and that he decided the gift to be a necklace or other jewelry.

"So, who's this lucky person?"

"no one.." he replied.

"Then... you wanna buy this for yourself?" You questioned, Inui then found the perfect necklace that he ignored your question, the necklace had this half moon pendant and it was sparkling. He took and tried to talked to the sales lady. You didn't notice that Inui did that since you were too distracted gasping around the other necklaces and rings, not until..

"Y/n, look.."

You look at Inui, he was holding the moon necklace.

"woah.." you reacted.

"You want this?" He asked. You, of course denied it. You know it's too expensive for you. "Huh? No. I can't afford that."

"Don't worry, i payed it for you.." he said, grabbing your hand to give it to you. "A-Are you sure?" Inui nodded as he hand it over to you. You look at the necklace, and it was beautiful.

"Want me to put it on you?" He asked. You nodded as an answer. You turned around gave him the necklace. You felt butterflies at how he put on the necklace gently. You hid a blushed.


"Hey, Inui!. This looks good on you!"

The both of you went on shopping since he said it himself.

"I don't think so..."

"Yes it is!" The clothe you were holding was a black suit and yes, it would fit in him so perfectly. " Don't worry, i'll pay this for you!" You begged.

"But... where could i wear it?" He asked. You started thinking. "Hmm? Maybe at the prom!"

"Yeah, but i don't think i could attend it."

"But why? This fit you so well..." You pout as you tried to put it back to its place. Inui sigh, he can't resist you so he took back the suit.

"I'll try to wear if it fits..." He said. Your eyes sparkled. "really!?" Inui nod and smiled at you. You were so happy you could see him in a proper attire even once. Inui went to the fitting room where he could change after that. You just wait for him in the waiting area to just scroll through your phone. You decided to take a picture of him after both of you buy the suit.

"i can't wait for it.." you said at excitement. As you were just waiting for him to come out.

Someone suddenly pulled you in the dark corner where nobody can see you.. someone covered your mouth.

"Shhh... Don't make a noise.."

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