chapter 29

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𝐔𝐧𝐤𝐧𝐨𝐰𝐧 𝐋𝐞𝐭𝐭𝐞𝐫


(𝐁𝐚𝐜𝐤 𝐟𝐫𝐨𝐦 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐨𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫 𝐧𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭)

"care to explain why you did that?" Mikey suddenly asked as he just entered the room where the other Bonten members are gathered.

He step closer to Kokonoi who was just aiding himself.

Koko looked up at him, their stares where so deadly, how can they manage to stare at each other without getting scared?

"It's none of your business.." Kokonoi replied.

"Ain't you gonna tell me how she changed?" Mikey questioned. He was talking about you.

Koko gave him another death stare, this time, Mikey looked away without getting scared. The other members were just silent as they don't want the both of them to get interrupted.

"she did.." Kokonoi started. "but not entirely.."

Mikey just nod as he heard that.

"i miss her.." Mikey mumbled but it was clearly heard by the other members.

- 𝐏𝐫𝐞𝐬𝐞𝐧𝐭 𝐓𝐢𝐦𝐞 -

"Y/n!!" Yuki yelled from down stairs, you were still in the bed, tucked in with your cozy blanket. It already was 8 am and you still want to continue your dream, unfortunately, Yuki was already interrupting your sleep.

"Whhaaatt~~" you lazily replied as you lazily sat up.

"A mail arrived!" He yelled again for you to heard. "mail?" you questioned to yourself. You slowly stand up to go to your door to heard what Yuki was saying, your blanket was wrapped around your body and you barely were awake, your eyes were still shut as you don't wanna get up from your cozy bed.

"i think it's about business." Yuki thought, observing the mail, he didn't yell this time because you can already heard him even from down stairs.

"Why didn't they just send it to my phone e-mail?" You wined as you keep your eyes shut.

"That's that thing i don't know..." Yuki replied.

"Ughhhh...." you reacted as you slowly went back to your bed.

"I'll leave it here, check it out later.." he leave the mail at the table as you dive in back to your bed, you sleep again, trying to continue your dream.

~𝖧𝗈𝗎𝗋𝗌 𝖫𝖺𝗍𝖾𝗋~

"Yuki, where's the later you said it was for me?" You asked.

"it's on the table, check it."

You look away and tried to walk towards the table he was saying. You grab the mail and opened it. You frowned at seeing where the letter was from... It said, it was from unknown.

You got suspicious at first but you continued reading the letter. For some reasons, it made you smile.

~ To: Ms. Y/n L/n

Dear Ms. Y/n...

              I heard that you are in Japan right now and it made me happy about that. We can finally introduced to our new company that we've been wanting to start but hadn't the chance to do it. Since you are here, we finally decided that we would want to finally announced our company nationwide with your presence in it. We would want you to be the sponsor and the guest to our newly company. Hopefully, our company would run better than what we would expect.

For more details, kindly go in this address ; ***** ****

We would  want you to meet us, supposedly, know us. We will discuss with you when and where the company opening will be held and hopefully you would go alone without a person coming with you. Thank you for the cooperation in advance..

                                           Unknown ♡︎ ~

A bright smile was formed on your face as you thought how formal the letter was. It was the first time you receive such a mail with a lovely written letter inside. It feels like you were reading a love letter.

"Yukiii~" you called.

"hmm?" he hummed. "what was the letter about?"

"a new company want me to be their guest" your voice squeak as you felt excited.

"and? what's the exciting part?" he smirk as he saw you seeing so excited for the first time.

"i don't know, seems like the person who wrote the letter is sooo nicee." You explained.

"hmm good. When is it?" he oddly asked.

You then check the letter again to make sure if there was a date written but there wasn't.

"I don't know, it said i have to meet them to discuss about it." you replied.

"Oh, then want me to drive you there?" he asked.

"Nah.. i can do it by myself." You grinned. "besideess, they want me to come alone."

What you said, made Yuki feel suspicious.

"Alone..?" He questioned. You put down the letter back on the table  and was about to go back upstairs but he's question stopped you.

"hmm yeah? something the matter with that?" You look back to him.

Yuki thought for a second..

"n-nevermind.." he said as he remove the selfish thought he was about to say to you. He thought if he would speak a negative word about the letter then it would just cause trouble, he just told himself maybe it was just a misunderstanding and it'll never happen what he was thinking.

You just shrugged your shoulder after that and continue going upstairs. You were already planning when you will going to that address the letter said was and it'll gonna be tomorrow morning.


The Next Morning~

You were finally at the place the letter said you it was. You felt something was wrong about it.

"is this the place? It ain't nothing like a company building.." you mumbled.

You look around first to confirm if it's safe. Nobody was seemed to be outside so maybe it's safe?

You walk forward to the door and was about to open it.

*ring *ring *ring

You stop midway when your phone ringed all of a sudden. You checked your phone and it was from an unknown person again. This time, you were hesitant to answer it.

You clicked the green button to answer the caller.


"look behind you.."

A voice you didn't expect to hear came all out of nowhere.

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