To The Two...

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I wish you knew
How extremely, supremely happy
And soul-destroying-ly sad
You've made me.
I wish you could know
The way you've shaped my life,
Carved each of your initials into my heart like a knife,
The way the sea shapes the shoreline,
Blown my mind & tempted me to blow up my brain
To get rid of the pain.
I know, we get what we get & we don't get upset.
But I wish you were aware of the effect you've had on me.
It's so clear to see.
Maybe you never got up close enough,
As close as I thought, I felt you did.
I wish you knew just how deep I dove into your eyes.
I wish you could realize
The way you'll live forever in me,
Loved forever by me.
I've been so afraid that one day, you'll find out.
But God, I pray you do,
Just not when I'm around you.

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