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“I saw MaGasa today at the clinic. She was just passing by and she came to say hi. She also asked I send her regards to you.” my mother says as she takes a sit in the lounge.

I put her tea and sandwich in the tray and so serve her. This is her routine. Every time she comes back from work, she wants tea and sandwich, just to snack before dinner. I place the tray on the coffee table and pull the table closer to her. I then take off her shoes and socks.

“Stop entertaining her mama. She has this crazy idea of me being her daughter in law in the future which is never going to happen. I don’t like Nkululeko mama and I never will. Don’t befriend her and try to set me up.”

“Kodwa when have I ever did something like that? He is not for you. I know that and I would never force him down your throat.” she takes a sip of her tea and closes her eyes. “Just the way I like it.” She then opens her eyes and looks at me. “When are you going to Jo’burg?” I sigh.

“In two weeks’ time. Sis Zamile ordered 30 grass mats. I wanna make sure that we at least have made half of them before I leave.”

I am going to learn advanced skills on what I can already do and I am also applying for tenders for our business. We are a registered company which qualifies for funding. So getting tenders will mean building a bigger space where we are going to operate in because we just work under a tree.

“You will take my car so that travelling will be easy.” I shake my head.
“No mama. You use that car to travel to work. What are you going to travel with when I take your car? Plus I will probably get lost or even crash your car. No mama. I can’t. What if I get hijacked? You know how Jo’burg thugs are.” she rolls her eyes and takes another sip.

“There is a first time for everything Azanda and you are bound to get lost at least 5 times before you can master Jo’burg roads. And you can never really master them unless you are a taxi driver who travels at least 3 times a day.” I pout and look at the TV. “You will be fine. I will ask your father for petrol money.” I look at her with my eyebrows raised.

“Mama I have enough money to last me for a year in another city. I don’t need him. Especially not now.”
“Azanda this anger you have for him isn’t good. Anger makes you a bitter person and you will end up hating innocent people.”

“I don’t hate innocent people. I only hate him because of the things he has and hasn’t done for us. I don’t need a cent from him mama. Enjoy your tea. Dinner will be served soon.” I stand up and head out.

My father already had 2 wives when he approached my mother. I don’t know why she agreed to go out with him knowing very well that he was married and had a dozen of kids. He paid lobola for her after the birth of Nkanyezi but things didn’t work out because he had impregnated another woman. He was or is a really shitty man who thinks with his dick. He has money, a lot of it but I want nothing to do with it because he left mother when Nkanyezi was a few months old. He didn’t care but only started supporting us a few years later. He still sends money every month but Nkanyezi is the only one that uses it. He is into logistics. He owns taxis, trucks, buses and cabs.

“You look like someone burned your grass mats. What’s up?” Veli asks as soon as I step out of the house. She is with 3 other girls we work with. Sisanda, Nomthandazo and Nombuyiselo. Those are their names. I give her a weak smile and she frowns.

“We will talk.” I say brushing her arm. She rolls her eyes and sits down. I go take my seat and continue with the neck piece I was doing.
“So when are you going to Jo’burg? Next week?” Nomthi asks. I sigh and look at her.
“The week after the following one. I will be driving there, so you guys can accompany me but you will have to cover your own accommodation fee and meals.”

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