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MaNene drove in to the Buthelezi household. After parking her car, she went to the main house and found all the three wives laughing about something. She was a bit relieved because she was dreading going house to house just to make them come to a meeting. She greeted them and they responded.

“So I need to talk to you all and I am glad I found you here.” she said with a smile as she sat down next to MaWanda.
“What’s going on?” MaMhlongo asked wiping her hands.

“So Azanda went to Joburg and got herself deflowered. But that’s not the half of it. The boy wants to come and honor the family. He is coming to pay for inkomo kamama on Saturday with his family elders.” MaNene said and the wives all went quiet. She cleared her throat. “I am hoping that you guys can soften your husband’s heart by giving him a lot of sex so that he won’t kill the boy currently sleeping with his daughter. I know it’s a lot to ask but Azanda is not only my daughter but she is yours. When the going gets tough, I need your support and I need to know that you will have my back.”

“It would’ve been better if the boy didn’t try to act all righteous with us and pay only for the damages. Nobody would’ve knew and Azanda would’ve continued attending umhlanga and bribing omama abahlolayo. Now she actually lit her own fire and she is going to get burned. No matter how much sex we give him, Sokalisa is just going to be super pissed and will be baying for the boy’s blood. What exactly do you need from us?” MaVezi asked in a more polite manner that usual. She had accepted the return of MaNene even though it was a bitter pill to swallow.

“So besides softening your husband, what else do you need from us?” MaMhlongo asked leading on the table.
“I know they are not our in-laws but I would like the Maphumulo to feel welcomed. So I want us to cook and prepare for their arrival.” MaNene said and MaMhlongo nodded. MaWanda cleared her throat and stared at the bunch of flowers on the center of the table.
“Before you judge, hear me out. How about you contact this boy, Fundiswa, and talk him into paying everything for Azanda including lobola? Firstly, how is their relationship?” she asked.

“They don’t have a romantic relationship rather a sexual one but i saw it in her eyes. She is taken by him. Just that she is a Buthelezi through and through. She is stubborn and I think she is going to want to ignore her feelings for this boy hoping they will disappear. She sure doesn’t want to appear weak. I think she has a belief that love makes you week.” Fundiswa responded and sat back. MaMhlongo chuckled.

“Sokalisa was just like that when I first met him. He didn’t even say I love you until on your wedding day.” She commented and they chuckled.
“I don’t want it to seem like we are controlling her life or something, but it would be less of an insult if the boy paid lobola plus inkomo kamama as a bonus instead of just coming to brag in Sokalisa’s face that he deflowered his daughter and would like to pay for it.” MaWanda said and they all went quiet. She added, “You don’t have to inform Azanda it. I know she will be pissed when she finds out but it’s better if the boy gets killed for lobola rather than getting killed for deflowering the Buthelezi princess.”

“MaWanda is right. You just have to get the phone number from Azanda and call the boy.” MaVezi added.

Fundiswa sighed and took out her phone. She texted Azanda and after a few minutes, she sent Siza’s number. Fundiswa exhaled and then dialed the number. She felt bad for going behind her daughter’s back but it was the only way to control the situation and Azanda would have to see it from her point of view when she explained things to her. After a few rings, Siza answered the call and Fundiswa placed the call on speaker.

“Siza Maphumulo, how can I help you?”
“Hello. This is Fundiswa Nene. I am Azanda’s mother.”
“Oww hello mah. How are you doing?” he asked nervously.
“I am good. My daughter informed me about your intentions to come and pay for damages on Saturday. First I wanna know about your feelings for my daughter. Are they genuine or you are only excited about the fact that you are the first one who tapped her virgin pussy? Which one is it?” Siza cleared his throat.

“I like your daughter very much mah. She is a strong willed young lady who isn’t easily charmed by me. Even if she is, she doesn’t make it known by everyone including me. She doesn’t care that I have a few thousands on my name. She is interested in who I am as a person not as a Maphumulo rich kid. It’s just that from what I have gathered, Azanda doesn’t like talking about her feelings. She always avoids that topic.”

“Do you see a future with her?”
“I do honestly and that scares me because I haven’t even known her for a month but I can absolutely tell you that I wouldn’t mind having her as my wife and spending the rest of my life with her.”
“I am sure she has informed you about the love she has for her hometown. What are your thoughts on that? Do you think you can survive a long distance relationship?”

“I have been in a long distance relationship and I have never been to Nongoma. So I think I will take everything as it comes. But we are both not poor, so traveling from time to time in order to see each other won’t be a problem. Besides, distance makes the heart grow fonder.” MaMhlongo chuckled with a small smile on her face.

“I hear you Siza but I don’t think coming to pay for damages will be a good idea. And before you think I am ruining your chances with my daughter, hear me out. Do you think your father would smile and accept that one cow from a man who has deflowered Roxy? Do you think that’s a sensible thing to do? I am not trying to discourage you, but inkomo kamama is so much appreciated if added as a bonus on the lobola money. I am not trying to force you to pay lobola but just think about this. Already Sokalisa is gunning for you without even knowing about your visit or your existence. How do you think he will react if you would come here and just brag to his face that you slept with his daughter and try to calm him down with one cow?” Siza kept quiet and tried to digest what Fundiswa was saying.

“I know my daughter has not told you about this, but she didn’t have a relationship with her father until recently. She is so hardheaded that she decided to cut him off because he wasn’t a present father. They recently reconciled and their relationship is so cute and adorable. I wouldn’t wanna take that from her if I were you. Please think about this damages thing and come back to me when you have made a decision. You don’t have to tell Azanda about it. We will inform her when the time is right.” Fundiswa added. Siza kept quiet for a whole minute, even the wives thought he had dropped the call. Then he spoke up.

“I don’t mind paying for everything on Saturday ma. I will just inform my father about the slight changes. I hope you talk to your husband so that he doesn’t kill me on Saturday.” Fundiswa laughed. “You can expect us on Saturday morning ma with all the eleven cows.”
“Okay then Siza, see you soon.” She hung up and placed her head on the table.
“You did good Fufu.” MaWanda said rubbing her back. Fundiswa raised her head.
“Did I? I feel like I have just ruined my relationship with Azanda for life.”
“She will understand our reasoning and will forgive us as time goes on.” MaVezi said.

“You guys better Google new sex positions so that you can soften that husband of yours. Or better yet, blurt the news during sex when he is about to cum so that it would relieve some tension.” Fundiswa said and they all broke into laughter.
“When it comes to Azanda, I am sure Sokalisa would lift me off from him and ask ‘uthini nkosikazi?’ and that would be the end of our session. I am sure he wouldn’t even care if I had had an orgasm or not.” MaVezi said and they continued laughing very loud.

They continued talking and making plans about Saturday. They even planned to go shopping for everything they might need on Friday morning at Empangeni or Richards Bay. After everything, Fundiswa said goodbye and headed out but bumped into Sethulo. She smiled and they hugged.

“How are you doing mama?”
“I am good. So about that thing that Azanda asked you to inform your father about, please just tell him that the boy will be coming to pay for lobola?” Sethulo’s eyes popped out.

“Keep it down. Just tell him that but on Friday night. We don’t want him going all Mnyamane on everyone. See you on Friday.” She smiled as she climbed inside her car. Sethulo watched the car drive out and he sighed. This was going to be more difficult than intended.

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