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I don’t know how to feel about Siza coming to my home or him being here in the village. A part of me is happy but another part is anxious. Yesterday ended with me taking a power nap in his bed and he only woke me up when mom called. You should’ve seen the smile she had on her face when Siza came to drop me off. She was so happy to see him and even invited him for dinner today. Well Siza promised to help me with the dress, so he is going to be here in a few minutes. Mom is at work and Nyezi is at school. My crew and I finished the accessories and that’s just so cool. I have tasked Veli with doing the beaded heels and matching knobkerrie because I know she is very good at that.

A car hoots from the gate and I walk out of the door. I go open the gate and close it after he has driven in. he parks under the tree and climbs off. He is looking so handsome in cotton shorts, a short sleeved t-shirt which he has left the first 3 of its buttons open and sandals. He has really cute feet so he often wears sandals just to show them off. He smiles as he comes closer to me.

“How are you doing MaShenge?” he asks already bringing me closer to him, hugging me and squeezing my butt. I squeal and hug him back.
“I am fine. How are you doing?”
“I am good. You can lead the way.” I take his hand and lead him inside, all the way to my mom’s bedroom. “Wow.” He says as the dress comes to a view. “This is all you?” I chuckle.
“Well not the material but definitely the beading.”
“This is so beautiful Azanda.” He touches the dress to feel the beads. “You are seriously talented. How come you have never done anything like this before?” I shrug.
“I didn’t think I was capable of it until now.” He nods.

“I have noticed how talented people like to downplay their skills.” I roll my eyes and chuckle. I head to the kitchen to get some snacks and juice and then place it in a table far from the dress. “Okay, you will tell me what you need me to do and I will do it.” I nod and hand him a small tub with pearls, beads, needles and cotton. I also hand him an apron.
“We always wear them for precautionary measures.” He nods and puts it on.

The past two days I have managed to do the top part. So right now Siza and I are going to do the bottom part of the dress. I start by showing him how it’s done and he follows my instructions. He is pretty good and a fast learner. I would definitely work with him in the near future or like forever. Time flies when you are working and actually having a bit of fun in between. My phone beeps, indicating that the time is 1:00pm, indicating that I should take a break and Nyezi is going to be back in like 2 hours or less. I put my tub down and look at this work of art we have put together. Siza mirrors my actions.

“That was the longest I have worked without sitting down.” He says and I chuckle.
“Indeed two hands are better than one. Because of your assistance, I don’t need to pull an all-nighter tonight because you have helped me cut my work short. And you are really good in this. You deserve compliments.” He smiles and looks away. “Are you blushing?” I laugh at him and he just rolls his eyes. He comes to stand behind me and places his hands on my shoulders, slowly sliding them down my arms. I breathe out and I can feel him smirking.

“Do you know how beautiful and sexy you are, Zanda?” he whispers lowering his head closer to my ear and biting my earlobe gently. I gasp. “Has anyone ever told you that?” he continues whispering in an intoxicating way, kissing my neck. I shake my head.
“Nobody has ever had the guts to tell me to my face that I am sexy.” My voice comes out harshly yet softer than ever.
“Allow me to show you how sexy you are and worship your body.” He turns me and claims my lips instantly.


Azanda told me that Siza is going to come help her out with the dress but I know that they will end up tearing each other’s clothes off. The drama that followed after her lobola negotiations was actually amusing. I don’t know how I would feel about Lele if he were to pull a stunt like that. Yeah we are dating, but I think you shouldn’t surprise your partner with something like that. You should inform them so that they can prepare themselves mentally and physically. And also look good. I mean if the Buthelezi family were to come and pay lobola for me, I would want to have a fresh hairstyle, some new nails, make-up in case I take photos with Zithulele and a nice dress.

My phone beeps, a message from Lele informing me that he is held up in Eshowe and he might come back later on or even tomorrow. One thing I like about him is that he always informs me about his whereabouts even when I didn’t ask. In fact I don’t even have to ask because he just does it effortlessly. I respond with an ‘I love you and I miss you’ text before wearing my sandals and walking out of the house.

I am not going anywhere in particular, I just wanted to take a walk before practice because I am really bored. The competition is in three weeks and we have prepared all the items we are going to present in it. There are 7 categories for the whole competition. What I can say is that the Maphumulo family is monied because each winner of every category is going to get R2000, a medal and certificate. The team who is going to win BEST INGOMA/UKUGIDA is going to get R10 000 and is going to be the new ambassadors and face of Yakhanathi Organization. This is so exciting really.

Izimbali Zomhlaba chose me to enter for UKUZIBONGELA category; Azanda for UKUCULA category; Sisanda for BEST BEADS WEAVER and Nyezi for BEST CROTCHETER. We chose not to enter for the best poet category because we didn’t need to participate in every category. Azanda is our best singer and best bead weaver but we couldn’t put her in 2 categories.

As I am approaching the main road, I spot Nomzamo with Mcebisi. I am pretty sure he fucked him and then discarded her like that. But how are guys’ mara? How do you fuck someone who has been in a relationship or an entanglement with your brother? And also why does Nomzamo keeps selling herself short? Who does she think will love her genuinely and treat her like a queen if she keeps behaving like trash? Anyways it’s none of my business. As I am nearing them, they break off the hug and Mcebisi walks towards me. He winks at me before walking past. The fuck is wrong with him?

“Where is your puppet master? Phela you are always following Azanda around, I am pretty sure you even follow her to the toilet to show just how much of an ass kisser you are.” She states with a smirk and I just roll my eyes. She is always trying to be spiteful.
“I would be very careful if I were you. You are not esigodini sakho, Nomzamo. One wrong move and my back up will be here within a blink of an eye. Try shit with me, I dare you and I swear to God you will regret it.” She laughs.

“I will not waste my energy on you Mpondo girl. I am saving it for when my crew and I beat you up in the competition.”
“And who will give you the victory fuck?” I ask with a smirk and my eyebrows raised. “One of the Nyandeni loose dicks? No man wants you and now you just keep trying to squeeze yourself everywhere. I always thought you were on the bottom but fucking Mcebisi?” I laugh. “That’s a new low, even for you mavulimlenze.” I smile at her and continue with my journey.

“Don’t fuckin turn your back on me, Mpondo girl. Come face me. Are you that scared of me?” I laugh, turning to face her.

“I am saving my energy for the competition, Zulu girl. If I were you, I would also do that. And maybe visit the salon while at it. That weave deserves some treatment. It’s long overdue if you ask me. What type of friends do you have? To let you wonder around with that in your head? I would rather be ‘Azanda’s puppet’. At least she is always honest me and loves me so much. Unlike your fake friends.” I chuckle before turning again and walking away.

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