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Sethulo was right. He is really driving us to Yakhanathi. I didn’t warn Siza because that would’ve been betrayal on my brother. When we get to the centre, we head inside. We meet the Maphumulo siblings at the lobby laughing about something. Siza is not here. I have a feeling that he is always late. Smilesihle smiles as he makes his way to us. He is always looking stylist. His sexuality confuses me all the time.

“Hello darlings. Who is this fine ass man you’re with?” okay. I am no longer confused. He is gay.
“Good morning Smilesihle. This is my brother Sethulo Buthelezi. Bhuti this is Smilesihle Maphumulo, that’s Siwenzelwe and Sinothando.” They come and stand with us. They exchange pleasantries.

“Where is Siza?” Veli asks with an annoying smirk on her face. I updated her on the events of last night when she woke up with a little hangover. I give her a stern look and she just laughs.

“He should be here by now.” Snothy says as her eyes travel to the entrance. Siza makes his way in looking as handsome as ever. He is wearing jeans with a tight mustard short-sleeved shirt and mustard Bathu sneakers. He is carrying a laptop bag. He smiles as he makes his way to us but his smiles quickly dissolves when his eyes land on Sethulo. “Speak of the devil. Brother, this Sethulo, Azanda’s brother. Sethulo, this is our brother Siza.” They shake hands.

“Let us get to training.” Nzelwe says. They all walk away, leaving Siza, Sethulo and I. Sethulo hugs me and then looks at Siza.
“See you later dade. Maphumulo, lead the way to your office. We need to talk.” He says. Siza looks at me and then walks away with Sethulo following close.

Siza was a little agitated as he led Azanda’s brother into his office. He was a bit relieved that it wasn’t Somnyama because he was known as the brother that doesn’t talk but always resort to violence even when it’s not needed. But he wasn’t too relaxed because he fucked a Buthelezi princess and worse, he took her virginity. They got to Siza’s office and he gestured that he can sit down.

“What can I do for you?” Siza asked as he settled across him. Sethulo placed his phone and car keys on the desk before him.
“You can drop the tough act. I know what you did with my sister. It is taking a lot of self-control not to pluck your teeth one by one right now.” Siza swallowed hard but didn’t respond, he kept his eyes on Sethulo. “Before my sister suggested that you pay inkomo kamama, what were your thoughts after breaking her virginity?” Siza cleared his throat.

“I just wanted to hear out why she left me like that. Your sister is a very beautiful lady and even though her action bruised my ego, it made me eager to learn more about her or get closer to her. I didn’t think she would ask inkomo kamama but I have no problem paying it. I think that why you’re here, so that we can talk about the way forward.”
“So you want to pay for inkomo kamama as soon as possible?”

“Yes, and if possible,” he cleared his throat before he could proceed because he knew what he was about to say would piss Sethulo off. “I would like to pursue a relationship with your sister.” Sethulo chuckled and shifted a bit in his seat. That made Siza tense.

“I will talk to my brothers and father about your family coming to pay for inkomo kamama. It would be wise for you not to come because all my brothers are unhinged. I am sure your father will tell you what you need to bring.” Siza nodded. Sethulo stoop up and extended his hand. Siza stood up and shook it. When he least expected it, Sethulo threw a mean punch at Siza that made him stumble and nearly fall back but he braced himself. “Treat her good. If not, that punch is not the only thing that you will get next time. You may even get a taste of death.” He turned around and walked out.

When he got to Roodepoort, he found Ntokozo sitting on a couch, watching some cooking show. She raised her head to look at him and then turned back her attention to the TV. He went to stand before her, making it hard for her to see the TV and extended his hand to her. She sighed placing her hand on his and stood up. He cupped her cheeks and kissed her. She wasn’t expecting that but she didn’t pull back. She placed her hands on his shoulders and brought him even closer. After a while, he broke the kiss and looked straight in her eyes. She became a bit shy and stared at his covered shirt.

“I am sorry if it seemed like I neglected you. Everything is back to normal right now. Well not really normal, but there is no longer an emergency. However, I would like us to stay a bit longer here in Jozi and if you don’t feel comfortable staying with my sister and her friends, we can go to Midrand to one of my family’s property.” She smiled and shook her head.

“We don’t have to move. I know how you enjoy being around your sister. Even your face lights up when she walks in a room. I will try to bury whatever beef I have with her and I hope she can too, so that we can be civil towards each other.” his heart warmed when he heard those words. He really didn’t want to go to Midrand but he didn’t want to make her more uncomfortable.

“I was thinking that maybe we can go out today. Maybe go to one of those places where women touch you and you wear white gowns with sleepers.” Ntokozo frowned, confused and then she broke into laughter.

“They are called spas Sondiya and those people are called masseuses.” He laughed and shook his head. Of course he knew their names but he just wanted to hear her beautiful laughter. “Well I have never been there before but I have always wished to go and just experience how it feels like to be massaged. Maybe I will relax a bit and become less tense.”

“So it’s a yes to the white gowns?” Sethulo asked in an amused tone and Ntokozo laughed while nodding. “And after that, I will take you shopping. You can buy anything that you want to buy.”
“Even an iPhone?” she asked testing the waters and Sethulo laughed because he could see a trap from a mile away.

“It has to be R10 000 or less.” She smiled and kissed him once again. She then broke the kiss, putting her shoes on and rushing to the door.
“What are we waiting for?” Sethulo laughed and walked to her.

Siza sent a text earlier on that I should come to his office when it’s time for lunch. After our kiss, I have been wary about being alone with him but I am not going to keep running away from him. So placing my things in my locker, I start the long walk to his office. Of course I don’t miss the silly glance from Veli. She sure has something to say but she is deciding to torment me with her silly facial expressing. My hands are shaking as I wait in the ascending elevator.

Come on Azanda. Get a grip. This is Siza. He doesn’t intimidate you.

When the doors open, I step out, collect myself before strutting to Siza’s office. I don’t knock. He is expecting me after all. So I just walk in and close the door behind me. I turn and the look he is giving me right now just makes my body freeze and I stay rooted at the door.

“I won’t bite. Unless you want me to.” he smirks and stands up.

My body shudder with Goosebumps. He comes in the doorway, cupping my face gently with his hands, splitting his fingers around my ear. His hot breath on the side of my face weakens me. He outlines my ear with his tongue, then moves down the side of my neck along my collarbone with long luxurious kisses. He has won.

Gripping my torso, he continues to kiss me along my nearly exposed chest, then glides his hands over the thin fabric of my dress around my breasts, and I can see that the dress is making things hard for him. I clear my throat and raise my arms up. He smiles a bit and then quickly takes off my dress. I am only wearing panties because the dress I am wearing has no room for a bra. I slide my hands along the back of his neck and grab a fist full of hair at the nape of his neck, pulling his head back. Leaning forward, I brush my lips along his with the lightness of a feather. I can’t stop myself from craving his body on mine, his long thick self in me and I don’t think I want to stop.

Ripples of desire cascade through my body, I unbutton his shirt slowly and push it off his shoulders. It lands on the floor. His abs and muscles are just making it hard for me not to touch them. “Do you want to do this?” he asks as his hands travel to my back, groping my ass and pressing me hard against him.

“It’s too late for that question.” He chuckles and his hands move to the back of my thighs. He lifts them up and I quickly wrap my legs around him.

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