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His father asked him to meet up with the screaming lady because he was going on a trip with MaNene. They seemed to go on more trips these days. Azanda moved to Joburg after signing the contract with that record label. It was so sudden but they needed to start working, so she had no choice. So now his father and MaNene seemed to have more time to spend and he just loved touring around with his third wife.

He sat on his father’s chair and just took a deep breath, allowing his mind to think about Happiness, the girl who crushed his dreams and broke his heart without even knowing it. He had fallen deeply for her and was planning their future in his head but she ruined it all. He knew he had to break up with her and just co-parent, but he didn’t have much energy to deal with her. So Ayabongwa was the one dealing with her for now.

The door opened and the screaming lady walked in. she had a nice body, no lie but her beauty wasn’t something to scream about. She was just a plain lady with a natural beauty if he could put it that way. She frowned looking at Zikhethele.

“I thought I was meeting with Nqengelele.” She sat opposite him, placing her handbag on the desk.
“He has some things to take care of, so he sent me here to meet with you. Before we go any further, please tell me your name because I don’t wanna keep on calling you ‘screaming lady’ in my head.” he teased and her frown deepened.

“I have never screamed at you, so why would you call me that?”
“We walked in on you screaming at our father, so pardon me but you are ‘screaming lady’ to Me.” she huffed.
“I am Gugulethu Masondo and which one are you?”

Zikhethele actually laughed. “I am offended by that question. If you don’t know my name, then you will have to find it out yourself. I am not telling.” She rolled her eyes and he smirked. “What seems to be the problem, nkosazane?”

“Your father took out two of our taxes off the uLundi route and actually replaced us with a friend of his, for no reason at all. That was so unfair and we want to be reinstated on our routes, but for compensation for all the money we have lost not working, we demand that he puts back three of our taxes. We respect him very much and we are always supporting him. If he doesn’t reinstate our taxes, we are going to label him an enemy and that will not end well.” Zikhethele chuckled and sat back.

“You have balls for a young girl like you. I must commend you on that. So that’s what you were going to say to my father?”
“I was going to say that. I am not scared of him. I just respect him. Plus he wouldn’t do anything to me because that would risk war with most of the families Kwa Dabhasi. So I am pretty sure he wouldn’t do anything stupid and risk going to war that easily. Plus he has many weaknesses, so he would think twice before going against us.”

He exhaled before he took the desk phone and called his father. He answered after a few rings. “Make it fast, my wife is waiting for me.” Zikhethele chuckled.
“You started a quarrel with the Masondo family when you took off their taxes off the uLundi route and now they are here complaining. They are actually saying you gave the route to a friend. Is that true, baba?” Sokalisa sighed.

“Give them what they want and deal with Xabhashe. He is the one I replaced them with. Get him another route that will cause less problems.” He hung up.
Zikhethele placed the phone back on the desk before turning to Gugulethu. “My father has agreed to your request. Please give me until Friday to sort out this mess and you can add the third taxi.”

Gugu nodded with a small smile. She took her bag and was about to stand up when the door opened and a pregnant lady wearing tight clothes walked in. Zikhethele sighed and stood up.
“Happiness, what are you doing here?” he asked in a frustrated tone. He wasn’t in the mood to deal with her. One of the reasons why he didn’t go see her.

Happiness chuckled angrily as her eyes went to Gugu. “Ow wow. You are fuckin cheating on me. You bastard. I am pregnant with your baby for godsake. Don’t you care about the emotional stress you are causing right now? How can you do this to me, Zikhethele? You promised that you will be there for me, always. This isn’t always. Now you are hiding your hoes in your father’s office? That’s what it has gotten to?” Zikhethele clenched his jaws and he went to stand before her.

“Gugulethu is not my girlfriend or side chick. She was here to discuss some business. Do you really think that if I was fucking her, she would be seated where she is sitting right now and not on my lap?” he was trying so hard to contain his anger and he didn’t want to think about the fact that she was using him to bring down his family.

“How should I know? Maybe you were playing it cool. Don’t you love me anymore? Am I not attractive to you anymore? You fuck me, impregnate me and then dump me. Is that who you really are? A dishonorable man?” she was spitting fire and she didn’t care if her voice was too high.

“I think I should go. We will took soon, Zikhethele.” Gugulethu announced standing up and Zikhethele immediately turned.
“Don’t leave. We are not finished.” He didn’t realize that he had placed his hand on her waist. Gugu looked at his hand and then back at his face.

“You bitch, you are seducing my man.” Happiness screamed as she tried to land a slap at Gugu but Zikhethele quickly shielded Gugu, so the slap landed on him. She gasped. “I am sorry. I am so sorry Shenge. I didn’t mean that. Please forgive me.”
“Leave, Happiness.”

“I am sorry. We can work this out. Please forgive me.”
“LEAVE NOW!” He roared and she jumped up before running out. He took a deep breath and turned to Gugu. “Are you okay?” he spoke softly and she nodded.
“I should go.” She said clearing her throat and Zikhethele sighed.

“I am sorry for that. Allow me to treat you for lunch. I know it won’t make up for that barbaric behaviour, but I will know I have tried to make you forget it.” She laughed, she actually laughed. Zikhethele was confused.

“I am sorry for laughing. Just know that I am not interested. I know what you’re doing.”
Zikhethele raised his left eyebrow and smirked. “What am I doing, Miss Masondo? I am just trying to make up for that terrible experience you have just had. Nothing more. Or are you hoping for something more?” he teased and she huffed, rolling her eyes.

“For you information, I hate fried chicken. So whichever place you’re taking me in better not serve fried chicken.”
“So inhloko is an option?” he asked with an annoying smile and she just walked out. He laughed before taking his car keys, wallet and running after her.

They got to uLundi and he drove to Nandos. She actually smiled as they parked outside and headed inside. When they got to the till point, she ordered a whole full chicken for herself which shocked him because this woman was a size 32 or 34. Where did all the meat go to if she was really a foodie? Anyways he also ordered half a chicken for himself and 2 full chickens for takeaway. They ordered sides and then went to a vacant table.

“I honestly thought you were going to take me to KFC or Galito’s.” Gugu said looking around and Zikhethele laughed.
“Never judge a book by its cover, MaGugwana. And not all men Kwa Nongoma dream about taking women to Galito’s.” She laughed, rolling her eyes.
“So what’s the issue with your baby mama? I am not one to meddle in people’s affair but from a distance, I could see that there was no love lost there.” he sighed and sat back.

“I am don’t like talking about my problems to people, especially strangers, but Happiness is not who I thought she was when we first met. She is a snake who is with me for a reason and not for love. So I am waiting for the baby to be delivered and then I will cut her off my life, permanently.” She nodded. “So tell me about yourself.” She rolled her eyes trying to hide a smile on her face.

“What do you wanna know?”

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