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She has always been in competition with Azanda. Even from a young age. They attended the same schools up until grade 12. She was the brighter one when it came to academics, always had the highest marks but it infuriated her that Azanda, the girl with the average marks, always got more attention than her. One thing Nomzamo didn’t understand was that Azanda was a people’s person. She was not that kind but you could actually go and talk to her when you had a problem. She would listen to you and advice you. She would help you with some of the problems, if she could. Her arms were just warm and you could even fall asleep in them.

Nomzamo wanted to be better than Azanda in everything. She was a bit light skinned, so she used that as an advantage and got the most handsome boys at school to go out with her. That’s one of the things she couldn’t understand about Azanda. Her ability not to date or be attracted to handsome boys. At one time, she spread a rumour about Azanda being a lesbian but Azanda proved it wrong by kissing Nomzamo’s then boyfriend in front of almost the whole school.

That led to a huge fight which left both of them injured and suspended from school. After their suspension, they both came back but Azanda made sure to stay out of Nomzamo’s way. There were certain places where they would meet and compete but there were no fights after that. Both of them attended the annual reed dance but Nomzamo was no longer a virgin. Of course that didn’t matter because her mother was the one who checked the girls every month and she didn’t check her daughters.

When Nomzamo heard that one of the handsome Induna sons was after Azanda, she got jealous. It got to a point where she went and seduced Nkululeko. Well they did sleep together numerous times but Nkululeko never labelled what they were doing because he didn’t have feelings for her, only for Azanda. That hurt Nomzamo very much and she went on to publicize their entanglement and announced to everyone that she was Nkululeko’s girlfriend. When he tried to deny it, she just threatened to release inappropriate pictures of him. She had fallen in love with him but his actions and his ways of continuing to pursue Azanda made fall out of love.

She was with her cousin, Senzeni and her best friend, Ntokozo. They were attending the famous umemulo of the Mdletshe girl. Well they didn’t wanna dance with the other maidens because they lived a bit far from Empuqwini.

“That girl Azanda was with last night looked so fake.” Senzeni said and they all laughed.
“When she received that punch, I nearly screamed out of joy. Damn it was so nice to watch her being manhandled like that.” Nomzamo said and they laughed once again.

“I saw that girl being all lovey dovey with Nkululeko. It seemed like they are dating.” Ntokozo said and they turned to her.
“Or maybe he is just using her. Nkululeko will never stop loving Azanda. He has been pursuing him for what? 6 years? I honestly would’ve given up a long time ago if I were him. Azanda is a nun.” Nomzamo said and they all died of laughter. Ntokozo’s phone beeped and she stared at it.

“Thulo says he will come but stay for a while because his sister is not well. Arg now we won’t have transport that will take us back home late.” she sulked and they looked at her.
“Girl use what you have to make him stay here. Azanda is not dying. There is no emergency at his home. So make him stop being dramatic and stay here with you.” Nomzamo said and Ntokozo giggled.

“Well let’s wait and see.”

Umemulo carried on and it was a very beautiful occasion. The Nyandeni brothers had arrived earlier and now the Buthelezi brothers, well not all of them, arrived when the isigcawu session was coming to an end. Ladies went crazy because they were wearing umbhlaselo with imqhele and izimbadada. They were looking super yummy. After they went to gift the Mdletshe girl with money, Sethulo came to where Ntokozo and her friends were standing.

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