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Roxy was driving to the Buthelezi household when she saw a disturbing sight. Her brother, Siza, was being beaten by the Buthelezi men on the side of the road. She slowed down and parked just before them. She got out of her car and ran to her brother. She pushed everyone away, covered her brother with her small body and the beating stopped. She helped him stand up and she made him walk to the car. He climbed into the passenger seat and she closed it before returning to the Buthelezi men who were just looking at her.

“I don’t mean to be disrespectful but why the hell did you do that to my brother? Why did you beat him up? What was his fault because it takes two to tango? It would’ve been better if one person was beating him up, but all of you ganging up on him. That’s just being cowardice. Whatever respect I had for you all has just vanished into thin air. Did your in-laws beat you up like this Sokalisa when you came to pay for ilobola?” she didn’t wait for an answer. Instead she ran to her car and drove out in high speed. The men angrily returned home. Mazwi was standing in the yard with the other Maphumulo men.

“Where is my son?” he asked.
“He left with Roxanne.” Somnyama said and he went to his room. The others followed suit. Sokalisa looked at Mazwi and he cleared his throat.
“My apologies for our behaviour. It was uncalled for. I just wasn’t expecting this. They told me about the negotiations last night and I didn’t even come to terms with it.” Sokalisa said and Mazwi nodded.

“I hope that there will be peace between our families as time goes on. When we said we are here to form a relationship between the two families, we meant that. We hope that will be possible. We will be waiting for you to come with umbondo.” Mazwi said before straightening and walking out.

His family members followed him. They had already had food and drinks. So they were good. They climbed inside the cars and drove off. Sokalisa went in search for his wife and he found her in the girls’ bedroom. He sat next to her and when he tried wrapping his arms around her, she shrugged him off.

“Mkami what have I done now?”
“Why did you go after that boy?” she asked and Sokalisa was tongue tied. “Azanda is gone. She didn’t know about the lobola. She only thought they were going to pay for umqhoyiso. We told them to pay for ilobola because we feared that you would do exactly what you just did.” Sokalisa stood up and he looked at his wife.

“What do you mean by gone Fundiswa? Where is my daughter?” MaNene shrugged as she tried to call Azanda one more time but this time she went straight to voicemail.
“She took off after finding out about lobola.”
“I thought she was running away from me.” Fundiswa rolled her eyes before standing up. “I will tell someone to track the car.”
“My car doesn’t have a tracker.”

“Fuck!” he cursed angrily as he paced up and down. He finally walked out and went to Zithulele’s room. He found him changing his bloodied shirt. Zithulele looked up and frowned. “Tell all your brothers to go out there and find your sister. Don’t come back without her.” he walked out and Zithulele was so confused until he remembered seeing Azanda drive off. He quickly put on a clean shirt before going to his brothers.

“You can calm down now. I am not injured.” Siza said to his sister who was pacing up and down. She had cleaned his wound and was now back to being angry.
“They are hypocrites. All of them. How could they do this to you? And why did dad allow them?” she shouted. Siza sighed and laid his head on the bed. His family was on their way to the lodge.

“You will never understand the way men communicate. There is a reason why dad didn’t get involved. Now can you please calm down and sit down? You are giving me a headache.” He said and Roxy huffed before sitting down on the edge of the bed. “Any luck with Azanda?” Roxy shook her head.

“I think she switched off her phone. But how could you do this to her? You could’ve at least warned her. Your actions were barbaric and you just acted lie cavemen. You were wrong to decide for her. You could’ve asked what she wants before practically buying her.”

“You saw first-hand what those Buthelezi men did to me because of ilobola. How do you think they would’ve reacted if I just came and said ‘I broke your daughter’s virginity and here is a cow as compensation?’ I think I would’ve been on my way to the morgue right now.” Roxy’s phone rang and she jumped but was disappointed to see who was calling. Nevertheless, she answered because she didn’t wanna raise suspicions.

“Hey.” She said as she stood up and walked to the window.
“Hello babe. Has your family left yet?” Nkululeko asked.
“They are there now?”
“Okay. Please inform me when they are gone so that we can talk. I miss you by the way and I love you.”
“Okay.” Nkululeko chuckled before hanging up.

“That was your boyfriend, right?” Siza asked and Roxy rolled her eyes. She wasn’t going to answer him. “Ignoring me won’t do because I might just tell dad you are dating some bhinca from around here.”
“Fuck you and he is not ibhinca.”
“Oww, so you are dating?” he asked with a smirk and Roxy bit her lips to stop herself from cursing him. They heard a knock and Roxy went to open. She smiled when she saw her father and attacked him with a hug. He wrapped his arms around his princess.

“How are you doing, angel?” he asked as they walked inside her suite. She hugged the others and went back to her father.
“I am good daddy.” Everyone find a place to sit and Roxy went to snuggle next to her father. She was a daddy’s girl and she was always teased about that.
“You’re being breastfed now?” Siza asked already laughing and Roxy threw a shoe at him. “Ouch. Give a man a break. I am still recovering from the in-laws wounds.” He said as he continued laughing.

“I am glad the negotiators didn’t know how you looked. I swear to God I was sitting on one butt cheek afraid that someone might recognize me and I might be punished for your mistakes.” Nzelwe said and they laughed at him because he was really nervous throughout the whole negotiations.
“So did you guys avenge me?” Siza asked sitting up.

“What for?” Mazwi asked. “You knew very well what you were doing when you went after a Buthelezi princess. I also got burned when I was courting your mother, so take these lashes like a man. I only hope that she is worth it.”
“She is. What did her family say?”
“Not much. I just said they should communicate with us when they have set the date for umbondo.”

“I don’t think that will happen soon. You guys should let Azanda and I sort out our differences and fix our relationship before we can proceed with anything.” Siza stated and his father nodded.

“I didn’t even get to meet my daughter in law but I saw how she was when she talked to you. She is her father’s daughter through and through.” Mazwi said and they all laughed.
“Yes she is very stubborn but I am hoping to tame her a little.” Siza let out and Roxy laughed shaking her head.
“Good luck with that.”

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