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After a lot of heartfelt goodbyes to the Maphumulo siblings, Skaqa finally drives us back home. KwaZulu. I have a lot of great memories and I might even consider visiting Jozi very often but I am not thinking about relocating. It was a bittersweet moment saying goodbye to Siza but I would see him for a few minutes when he comes home to pay for inkomo kamama. He wanted us to talk about what is going on between us but I cut him off because there was no reason for us to officialise or put a title to whatever that was happening between us. It was a phase thing and its time lapsed.

When we arrive at our village, Skaqa starts by dropping off my friends and then he drives me to the Buthelezi household. I don’t question his actions. I think his boss is the one who ordered him to do this. We left Jozi around 10 am and we finally drive into the Buthelezi household at 4:37pm. All my brothers’ cars are in the yard. My mom’s car is also here. They are already waiting for us and the moment the car parks, mom is the first one to run to the car. I climb off just in time to hug her. Nyezi is right behind her.

“My God, Azanda. Look at how beautiful you are. You are glowing MaShenge.” Mom says with a wide smile. “What did they feed you at Yakhanathi?” Siza’s sperms maybe. I laugh and hug her back.
“A chance please.” Nyezi says and I chuckle extending my arms to her. She hugs me. “Mom is right. You are really pretty. You are slaying like crazy. 2 weeks in Jozi and you have turned into a self-funded slay queen.” I break into laughter and shake my head.

“What’s a self-funded slay queen?”
“A rich kid sisi.” I laugh once more. Nyezi is crazy, I tell you. When did she come up with this term? My siblings come to hug me and the wives also come to hug me. Sokalisa is the last one to come my way.

“Nkosazane.” He says with a smile. I smile back.
“Ninjani Nqengelele?”

“We are well. Welcome home.” He extends his arms and I collide with his chest, wrapping my arms around his waist. There is so much warmth in his arms. He breaks the hug and leads me to the main house. “I am sure you are tired. How about we get something to drink and then you can tell us about all the things you guys were up to eGoli.” I smile at him as we settle down in the lounge. “LUSANELE BRING US SOMETHING TO DRINK. Are you hungry?” he asks looking at me.

“Ow no. we ate a lot on the way. As you can see, I have a big belly like yours now.” I say brushing my belly and he laughs.
“You clearly don’t know what a big belly looks like.” He points at his and I laugh. Most of the family joins us.
“So should we expect a son in law from Joburg anytime soon?” mom asks and Sokalisa chokes on his saliva.

“Son in law for what?” Sethulo is the first one to laugh followed by my other siblings. “You my dearest child are going to start dating at 30 years old and you are going to get married at 40 because, as you youngsters always say, life begins at 40.”
“As if you waited for us to reach 40 Nqengelele. Just let the children be. The only person who shouldn’t be allowed to date here is Nkanyezi and her mates. Makabongwe, Lusanele and Azanda should be allowed to date.” MaWanda says and all the other wives agree with her.

“Well you can all agree with each other but I don’t care. My word stands.” Sethulo chuckles. This is going to be way harder than I thought. Lusanele comes with drinks for everyone. The lounge in the main house is very huge, so almost the whole family can fit in. “So tell us, what happened in Jozi that made you so happy? There has to be a highlight.”

Well I lost my virginity to a very handsome guy. But I am not going to say that because I don’t wanna be beheaded. “The training went well. The Maphumulo siblings were very welcoming. We also got a huge famous client who paid upfront so much money. This project is going to be good for exposure.”
“Wow. What is the name of the client?” Makabongwe asks.
“B-Lady.” my sisters all scream while my brothers frown at the noise. I just laugh.
“So did you take pictures with her? How is she like in person?” Nyezi asks with a wide smile.
“She is going to tell you all about it when you are alone in your room. So MaShenge, just like uMa asked, is there a young man that we are expected to kill anytime soon?” Zikhethele asks with a serious face and I quickly shake my head.

“Not really.” I quickly change the subject. “So what happened to your fiancé bhuty?” I ask looking at Zithulele. Zikhethele is the first one to break into laughter followed by all my brothers.
“That chick is a hero. I salute her. She forced her family to come here and, I don’t know, demand that Zithulele takes her back. I don’t really know what she was hoping for because she didn’t tell her family the real reason behind bafo’s actions. She was really dramatic and I admire her bravery.” Zikhethele says still laughing.

“Wow I missed out on a lot of drama. Bhuti you should definitely give us her address so that we can have a friendly talk with her as your sisters.” I say and Zithulele laughs.
“I definitely agree with you.” Makabongwe says. “We need to show her what we are made of, so that she won’t dare repeat what she has done to other men.” MaMhlongo groans. “Okay. We are just going to have a woman to woman talk with her. A polite one. All we need is an address.” I chuckle. We continue chatting about other things. After that we disperse. I go to the room we mainly use when we are here and my sisters follow me.

“So what went down there?” Lusanele asks. I throw a glance at Nyezi who is taking pictures with my phone. Lusanele catches my glance and clears her throat. “Nyezi, why don’t you go buy some snacks? Keep the change.” She hands her R100. Nyezi smiles, hands me my phone and then heads out. “So spill.” I sigh and look at them.

“I slept with someone. It happened so fast. The sex was really good. We did it a lot of times.” I say and look at them. It takes a few moments for them to grasp my words and they finally break into screams.
“OMG! How was it the first time? Was he gentle? Did you tell him you were a virgin? Spill dade. What happened? We want all the details.” Makabongwe says with a smile.
“Why are you excited about this?” she laughs.

“You are not the only one who has slept around. Well not around but you know what I am talking about.” She shrugs while laughing. I also laugh.
“Don’t tell me you are no longer a virgin.”
“Both of us actually. We were given freedom by our mothers on our coming of age ceremonies and no threat issued by our father or brothers is going to stop us.” Lusanele says licking her lips and I laugh.

“So you guys have boyfriends? When do you get time to see them while you are in this prison?” they laugh.
“We make a plan. We are Buthelezi girls, so we can be pretty convincing if we like. So we always get what we want and we always get away with things. Dad is not that strict but he is always hard on the boys.” Makabongwe says.

“So what is the name of your Jozi guy? And you wanna relocate to be closer to him?” Lusanele asks. I chuckle.
“I am not that hooked and life in Joburg is nice and all but not to such an extent that I might myself wanting to move there.” they both nod. “On the other news, the Jozi guy wants to come and pay inkomo kamama.”

“WHAT!” they both exclaim and I shrug.
“He is a dead man walking.” Makabongwe says holding in laughter.

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