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Sethulo went to his older brother’s flat and found him on a call giggling like a lovesick teenager, lying on the bed with his back. Zithulele glanced at his brother and then wrapped up the call because he could see by the look on Sethulo’s face that things are not okay. He then placed his phone beside his pillow, safe up and gave his undivided attention to Sethulo who was now sitting on a chair beside the bed.

“What is it bafo?” Zithulele asked anxiously.
“Your sister, Azanda, is no longer a virgin.” Sethulo stated and Zithulele frowned. He stood up and went to the window. He looked outside for a few minutes before turning to Sethulo with a grave expression on his face that would make even a cobra shy away.
“Who do we need to kill?” he asked with a voice full of anger. Sethulo chuckled nervously and looked at his hands.
“He is coming this weekend. Initially he wanted to pay for inkomo kamama but changed his mind. So he is coming to pay lobola for our sister.”-Sethulo.
“Who is this stupid fucker and where does he stay?”-Zithulele.

“There is no need for you to kill him. You know how much that will anger Azanda. They are not in a relationship per say but he wants to pursue a relationship with her.” Zithulele frowned, not understanding what his brother was saying. He could see his brother’s confusion, so he decided to add. “They met at a club and one thing led to the other. They have rather a sexual relationship. Our sister is a hard nut to crack when it comes to love. I think the guy wanted to score points by doing what’s right.”

“You haven’t told me who this idiot is.” Zithulele said, his anger increasing with each passing minute. What angered him the most was the fact that Azanda and this mysterious man were not even in a relationship. Which means the guy was using sex to take advantage of his sister. “Talk Sethulo.” Sethulo sighed looking at him.
“His name is Sizabantu Maphumulo. He is Roxy’s sister and Mazwi’s son. So the killing is a bad idea. We don’t need bad blood with the Maphumulo family. It is not worth it.”

“Not worthy it? Not worth it bafo? Our sister’s virginity is not worth bad blood? Clearly you don’t love her like we do.” Sethulo decided to keep quiet because he could see that his brother was angry and he could even start a fight if he wants to. Zikhethele chose that time to enter without even knocking. One glance at his brothers, he already knew something was wrong.
“Who do we have to kill?” he asked already taking his gun from his back. Sethulo just huffed and rolled his eyes.

“No one, I hope. Some guy broke Azanda’s virginity and he wants to come and pay lobola for her. And before you start acting crazy and wanting to kill him, he is Mazwi Maphumulo’s son and we don’t want war with that man. Plus your sister will be angry at you for the rest of her life if you do something to the guy.”
“She is stubborn, yes. But she can’t stay mad forever.” Zikhethele said brushing his gun a bit and returning it to its place. Sethulo stood up and went to stand in the middle of the room. He looked at both his brothers before exhaling loudly.

“You are not my concern. I don’t care what you do. I won’t be responsible for teaching my older brothers how to behave and reminding them what’s right and wrong. Our biggest obstacle is finding a way to deliver these news to baba and making sure he doesn’t go crazy and do something even more stupid that what you are planning on doing in your heads.”-Sethulo.
“Count me out. I am not going to be on the receiving end of baba’s wrath. What makes you think he won’t lash out on us or even shoot us? Ayy, mark me absent mtakababa.” Zikhethele said as he sat on the bed. Zithulele shoot him a look but Zikhethele couldn’t care less about his brother’s murderous look.

“So you want our sister to be on the receiving end of baba’s wrath? You know how long it took for them to have a stable relationship. If we don’t intervene or help her in this, it will be the end of their nteke-nteke relationship.” Zithulele said and Zikhethele scoffed but didn’t answer. “You know I am right.” He then turned to Sethulo. “When do you think we should tell him?”
“On Friday. Maybe wait for him to go bath, go inside his bedroom and take anything he might use as a weapon and hide it. Then tell him the news when he is coming out of the bathroom wearing only boxers.”-Sethulo. Zikhethele chuckled and shook his head.

“I wonder why you didn’t become a lawyer or a doctor because you are really smart.” He said sarcastically.
“And who would make sure you guys don’t go out starting wars with almost everyone who doesn’t smile at you?” Sethulo bit back and both his brothers laughed.
“True that.” Zithulele said. “Let me just go see my woman before I die for Azanda’s sins.” He took his phone, car keys and walked to the door. “Make sure you close the door on your way out.” he then walked out.

“If it were up to me, I would drive to eGoli this instant just to give that fucker my peace of mind but I am not that insane.” Zikhethele said.
“But you are that insane and you could drive there now.” Sethulo said matter of factly.
“You don’t have to remind me of how crazy I am.” He responded rolling his eyes and walked out. Sethulo sighed and followed his brother.

He calls me and asks me to come out. I didn’t even know he was going to see me today. It’s already late, exactly 5pm, and my parents are about to come back from work. I tidy up at the kitchen, since I am done cooking and then go change into a shorts, a vest and flip flops. I take my phone, lock the main door and walk to his car. My parents are going to think I am at Azanda’s home anyway. I climb inside the passenger seat and he drives off immediately.

“Hello to you too Mr. How are you doing this evening? I am doing fine as you can see. Just that you usually greet someone when you see them for the first time on a new day.” I say when I see that he isn’t going to say anything. He chuckles and focuses on the road. He takes the path to eMvulazi and stops just before reaching eWela. He parks the car beside the road and turns to me.

“How are doing today my love?” he asks in a charming voice and I just can’t deal. My heart melts instantly. I roll my eyes and step out of the car. I lead on my door. He also comes out, stands next to me and brings me into his arms. He kisses my forehead and temples a couple of times before exhaling loudly.
“Is everything okay?” he shakes his head. “What’s wrong?” he looks at me.
“Who is Sizabantu Maphumulo?” my eyes pop out. How the hell did he find out about Siza? And then my mind travels to the moment where Azanda told me about him coming to pay for her virtue. I didn’t think she was serious but judging by the look Lele is giving me, I can say that she was pretty serious. She cleared her throat.

“He is Roxy’s brother. He was also one of our trainers. He was or still is very close with Azanda. Wait, is this about him possibly coming to pay for breaking her virginity?” he gives me a scrutinizing look before nodding. Siza is very brave. If I were him, I wouldn’t try to prove my manhood by walking into the lion’s den. “He is really going to go ahead with his plans? He is more stupid than I thought.” He chuckles.
“A man in love will do anything to prove his love to a woman.” I frown.
“Siza is in love with Azanda? Did he tell you that?” he shakes his head.

“He knows of our family and our reputation. Yet he is going to come to a place where we were all born, raised and trained to be the men we are today. He is stupid in love. But I would probably do the same thing with you.” his hands travel to my butt and he squeezes it. I giggle and lean even closer to him. Luckily there are no houses around this place. So it’s just us and those few cars passing.
“I don’t think my father would be cool with you coming to rub it in his face that you slept with Me.” he smiles.

“I am not that stupid. I would just pay for your lobola to avoid any bad blood between him and I. which I am going to do after that upcoming competition of yours.” I frown and take a step back from him but he just laughs and brings me even closer to him.
“Please tell me you are joking.”

“Unfortunately I don’t joke with things like these, my love. I am going to organize a meeting with your father so that we can discuss the way things are done in your culture and then we will take things from there.” he doesn’t even let me say anything. He just presses his lips on mine.

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