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The trip to Joburg was very fruitful. B-Lady was so impressed about her dress. She even tipped me with an impressive amount of money. She said that from there on, I was going to be the person who designs all her African outfits. She nearly cried when she saw the beaded heels. I was happy that she loved everything about her outfit. She even said she will recommend me to her celebrity friends so that I can get exposure. After the hype she gave me, I found the courage to go and enquire about fashion courses in some colleges and varsities in Joburg. Initially, I never thought of moving to Jozi but this is a career move, to boost my career and gain more knowledge and experience. I know some people will think I am moving just to be closer to Siza but my parents are going to understand.

Siza really outdid himself during the three days we spent at Jozi. He took me out for lunch, we then went to a club and spent a night Sun City Hotel. After that, he took me to a shopping spree at Zara, Gucci, H&M and also Sportscene. He said I should go crazy and I did just that. Coming back home, I had so many shopping bags. I even bought a thing or two for mom, Nyezi, Veli and Sokalisa. Veli always buys something for me when Zithulele takes her out.

So we are now driving back to Nongoma. But before we came back, I went out for brunch with his mother. She is a really cool woman and she is happy that Siza is getting a grounded woman for a wife and someone who isn’t afraid to speak her mind and challenge her son. She also likes the fact that I come from a rich family, so I don’t see Siza as my walking bank. Mothers and worrying about who is eating their sons’ money, funny. After the competition, I also have to go and visit the Maphumulo family in the rural areas.

We finally get home and he drops me off before heading to the lodge. It’s already 9pm and I am pretty sure Nyezi has gone to sleep. Mom welcomes me in and helps me with my bags. We place everything in my bedroom before heading back to the lounge to chat.

“So how was travelling with your future husband?” she asks and I smile.
“We bonded and got to know each other on a deeper level. He is a really cool guy and I have decided to give me a real chance. I have feelings for him and I want us to explore whatever it is that is going on between us.”

“You don’t have a choice, baby. You two have decided to include families in your union. So you have to get your shit together. And the client, did she love the outfit?” she asks munching on the burger I bought for her in Jozi. She doesn’t even care that it’s cold. Mom has her moments but sometimes she is just a sucker of junk food.

“She was beyond excited about it and everything just suited her perfectly. She even tipped me. Her outfit made me think.” She stops eating and wipes her mouth with a serviette.
“You want to go study fashion?” she asks but it sounds more like a statement. I nod. “You were destined for great things, my child. You are a Buthelezi princess and you were born to be independent and not work for anyone in life. I want you to be successful and I wanna brag about you to anyone and everyone who cares to listen. So even if you wanna go overseas like Nyezi, you have my blessing.” I smile and hug her before settling back to my seat.

“Thank you for that, Sthenjwa. But I am thinking of Johannesburg. I already have a school in my head and all I need is tuition money because it’s a private college. I want to ask for the money to Sokalisa but I need you to be on board with the idea because I don’t want it to seem like I am undermining your financial independency.” She smiles and shakes her head.

“Even if I wanted to pay ngenkani yami, he would probably lock me up and change my mind with his dick.” My eyes pop out and she laughs. “Don’t act all innocent on me. You know exactly what I am talking about. Anyways, I don’t have a problem with you asking him to cover your fees. He is also your parent. So he is responsible for you. I can take care of your rent and give you a monthly allowance.” She takes a sip of her juice.

“I still have 5 months left till the year ends. I was hoping I take umbondo to the Maphumulo family and have umkhehlo and umembeso in December. After that I can move in with Siza in January. Not that I am so eager to live with him, but I want us to know each other more and learn about each other’s habits, likes and dislikes before we say ‘I do’. I know that Sokalisa is going to be against the idea, but you can maybe persuade him.” I give him my biggest smile ever. She huffs and rolls her eyes.

“It is going to be hard for him to accept that but I will try and talk to him. You have made quite a valid point. Getting to know each other before officially committing yourselves is very important. I think every couple need to live together at least a month before getting married so that they will know what they are getting themselves into.”

“Maybe you can also give him a lastborn while at the convincing part. That will make your case easier.” I say winking and she gasps.
“Aibo Azanda.”
“Come on ma, you’re 39. You can still fall pregnant. I need a little brother.”

“Ayy Azanda, I am too old to walk around with a huge belly, get weird cravings and send your father all over town in the odd hours of the morning.” She shakes her head with a slight frown.
“That’s the whole reason. Have him distracted so that he won’t focus his whole energy on me. Anyways you might even be pregnant as we speak. Ever since you guys reconciled, have you used protection? Are you using any contraceptive?” her eyes pop out and she swallows hard.

“I am a doctor, I would’ve felt something by now. Anyways, go rest. You have been on the road for many hours. I am sure your behind hurts like hell. Goodnight problem child.” She takes her goodies and walks to her room leaving me laughing. Maybe Sokalisa has really scored.

He has an office in town where he spends time meeting with some taxi owners and potential business allies. So I catch a taxi to town and buy him inhloko nedombolo. He was a taxi driver before he became this business mogul that he is today, so he loves African cuisine. He hates fried chicken, especial if it is from KFC, Hungry Lion or Chicken Licken. Sometimes he goes to KFC for their boxmasters only.

I walk to his office and on my way I am greeted by his drivers. Ayabonga and Mnyamane are here giving some of the drivers orders. I hug them and then head to Sokalisa. I find him in a serious meeting. Well I burst into his office without even knocking. He is with three other men who are a bit scary. He cracks a smile when he sees me and then he stands up.

“Gentlemen, we will have to continue our discussion later. You know how rude it is to keep a woman waiting.” He says walking to me. The other men chuckle before saying their farewells and heading out. “To what do I owe this visit mtanam?” we both hug and sit down.

“I just wanted to see you baba and I brought you something to eat.”
“I thought I was doing everything right. There is no need to poison me.” I break into laughter.

“I don’t have a reason to hate you that much, baba. So as you know, I designed an outfit for a celebrity and she was very impressed by my work. She gave me an idea. I wanna go and study for fashion in Jozi next year. The name of the school I wanna go to is STADIO formerly known as LISOF and it has two branches. One in Randburg and another in Pretoria. The course is a year long.” He nods.

“So you need me to cover your school fees?”
“Yes. It is R50 000 for the whole year. The course is Higher Certificate in Fashion.”
“Okay. That’s nothing. So what else do you need?” I clear my throat. This might go South, so I need to choose my words right.

“Siza and I were thinking that it will be good if we have umbondo next month and then umkhehlo and umembeso can follow in December but we are not in a hurry to get married. Maybe we can do that after I have completed my certificate.” He sighs.

“You want to live with him in Jozi, right?” I swallow hard and nod. “Well after umkhehlo, you guys will be traditionally fiancés, so I can’t deny that request. But please don’t settle if he is abusing you. I know you can take care of yourself but love can make you blind. I will give you this freedom but please don’t make me regret my decision.” I smile and stand up. I go side hug him and he chuckles. “Now what did you bring for me?” he asks licking his lips and I laugh.

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