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Stitching on beads on vests and skirts is always easy but I sear stitching beads on a dress is really challenging and it needs all your undivided attention. Which is why I asked mom to borrow me her room just for this project. In the meantime, she occupies my room and I share a bed with Nyezi who occasionally snores. B-lady actually asked me to remake a dress which was once worn by Nelisiwe Faith, designed by Bayanda Khathini. I am a big fan of Bayanda’s work but I don’t think I can be able to remake the exact design. I just hope to be able to impress the client with a slight similar yet unique design.

After gathering and categorizing the beads, I realize that I should’ve bought white pearls and I actually saw them at the shop we usually buy beads in at Joburg. There is no way I can go to Jozi just for beads. So I send Siza a message asking him to buy the pearls for me and send him a picture of how they look like. He responds by calling. God, a simple yes or okay would’ve sufficed. Nonetheless, I answer the call.

“Why don’t we do a video call or you are afraid I will see you with ibomvu on your face and wearing stockings in this scorching heat?” he asks before I can even say hello. I break into laughter. He is mocking me and my fellow villagers.
“You are being very disrespectful right now Siza. That’s our way of maintaining bright and fresh skin.”

“Babe you are naturally fresh and dark. You don’t need that combo to maintain anything.” I laugh and roll my eyes. “So did you tell your family about Saturday? Dad and my uncles are ready to come there. We are going to drive down to KwaMaphumulo on Thursday and then come there early Saturday morning.” I clear my throat.

“Well I haven’t told my family but I will tell mom today. Hopefully she will tell everyone else. Except for Sokalisa. My brother is going to tell him on Friday night or Saturday morning so that I won’t feel his wrath. And do you think it’s a wise decision for you to be personally here? I know my father and older brothers are gunning for you head and they are definitely going to kill you.”

“But you are not going to let them, right?” I laugh.
“As if I would win against the Buthelezi men, unless I would fake being sick and distract them long enough for you to escape.” He laughs.
“That’s the plan I guess.”
“You are such a risk taker. Anyways, did you get my text?”
“Yes I did. I will go buy the pearls tomorrow.”
“Please send me your bank account so that I can transfer you the money to buy them.”

“Honey I can afford all the pearls in that store, so don’t insult me by sending me money.” I roll my eyes. Men’s egos are always bruised when you talk about giving them money.
“Yobe Dubandlela. Ayidle izishiyele.” He groans on the other side and I hold in my laughter. “Please don’t forget to by the pearls for me then. Even a whole store.” He chuckles.
“Will I get to see you on Saturday or you will send your little sister to collect your package?”
“If you survive the Buthelezi men’s wrath, then maybe we will see each other. But if not, please drop the package in Roxy’s lodge.”
“That one has been complaining about you not visiting her since you came back.” I laugh and shake my head. Roxy is so dramatic. I only came back yesterday. When could I have found time to visit her?

“Being dramatic and demanding runs in the Maphumulo surname, I guess.” He laughs. “I will go see her maybe later today. I just finished categorizing all the material I am going to need for my client’s outfit. After that, I am meeting with the ladies. We should discuss the way forward, our training and also the competition your sister is planning.”

“Okay. I will video call you later. Have a beautiful day just like you. Think of me.” he hangs up, leaving me chuckling to myself. He is a sly fox, that’s what he is. I walk to the kitchen and I frown when I find my mother still sitting in one of the kitchen chairs, reading a book. “What are you still doing here Miss Unnatural Causes?” I say reading out the title of the book she is carrying. She raises her head to look at me with a smile.

“I am doing the afternoon shift, so I will leave at 11:30.”
“The last time I found you reading a book, you were in a good mood. So did Sokalisa give it to you good?”
“Hey!” she nearly throws the book at me. I duck and laugh. “What do you know about sex?” I sit down across her with a smile. “Ohh don’t tell me you gave in to the lust while in Joburg. Your father will kill you Azanda, but right after killing the boy who dared to enter his kraal.”

“Well you will do a good job by taming him.” she places the book in the table and she covers her mouth with her hand.
“You really did give up your virginity. How could you do that Azanda? Do you even know the boy? His family? His home? Dear God, are you pregnant? You are going to be the death of me Azanda, I swear.” She stands up and starts pacing up and down.
“Mom please calm down. It’s not that bad. I do know him, not that personally but I know him. He is Roxy’s brother and no, I am not pregnant. We both were careful.”

“Meaning it happened more than once?” I nod in embarrassment and fiddle with my finders unable to look at my mother. She scoffs and sits back down at her chair. “What are you going to do?”
“He wants to come and pay for inkomo yakho. This weekend to be precise. He will be coming with the elders of the family. He has already spoken to Sethulo and I don’t know what agreement they came into, but they agreed on something. Sethulo is supposed to tell the whole family before Friday.”

“Azanda your father is going to kill that boy if he dares lay his pointy legs on the Buthelezi yard.” I scowl.
“He doesn’t have pointy legs ma.” She laughs sarcastically.
“Look at you defending someone you hardly know. Are you guys in a relationship or you only slept together?” I look at mom with pleading eyes because I don’t wanna answer that question. She raises her hands up in defeat. “How sure are you that he is only going to pay for damages and not for ilobola? What if your father demands ilobola? How are you going to handle that seeing that you are not even sure about the nature of your relationship?” I sigh.

“We have the same understanding ma. He would never pay ilobola for me. At least not now. He is really afraid of the Buthelezi men, so he won’t do something stupid that might get himself killed.” She stands up and takes her book.
“You defeat me MaShenge. You are exactly like your father. Daring, unhinged, and completely unstable. Let’s hope he won’t kill you for this.” she heads to her room and I breathe out in relief. I am partly glad that mom knows. I know she will soften Sokalisa when the time is right.

I prepare breakfast for the both of us and place hers in the kitchen table, covering it with a small net. I then take mine and go sit in the lounge. I tune in to 1KZN TV and smile when Roxy’s face appears. She is looking as beautiful as ever. She is announcing the competition and inviting people to come and watch. This is going to be huge, I guess. When I am done eating, I clean the kitchen and head outside. The ladies are already gathered under the tree. We exchange greetings and we sit down. We agree to set a meeting with the others tomorrow evening after school so that we can talk about everything. We then head inside the house, to mom’s room. After seeing the way I categorized everything, the ladies and I sit down and start working on the independent beads that aren’t part of the dress but part of the outfit.

“So what are we going to wear at the competition? It’s in 5 weeks, right?” Nomthi asks and Mbuyi nods.
“I was thinking that we go green. Green skirts with green fish net string mesh vests and maybe we can buy green izimbadada from Zulu Swag.” Sisanda suggests and we all agree.
“How much are they?” I ask.
“R300 each pair and R100 delivery.” She responds and I nod.
“We will have to hear what everyone says but I love your suggestion. Does that mean we are going to create new ubuhlalo?” she nods.

“I forgot the copy of the forms at home but there are different categories in the competition and the overall ingoma category. Only one member from each dance crew is allowed to enter a category. I will definitely bring the forms tomorrow, but amongst the categories we have the best crotchetier, best singer, best bead weaver and others.” Mbuyi says.
“We are going to decide which one of us enters for each category but we should make sure that we bring home all those awards. People must not only know us at the girls who are part of the Yakhanathi organization but they should also know that we kick ass and we don’t play when it comes to competition.” Veli says in a proud tone.

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