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I have tried calling Azanda for like a hundred times but she is not answering. We are supposed to go out today because we haven't been spending much time together since Siza came here. She always say I should call her before driving off so that when I get to her home, I won't have to wait for her, instead I will find her in the gate already waiting for me. Maybe she spent the night at Siza's room. I mean that could be the only explanation why she isn't answering her phone. I can't even contact Nyezi because she is at school. I lock my suite and then walk to Siza's. I knock for a few moments and he opens wearing only boxers. He looks a bit grumpy.

"You also don't know where she is?" I ask pushing him and walking inside the room. His bed is unmade and there is no sign of Azanda inside the room.
"Morning to you too sisi. How are you doing today?" he yawns, stretching his arms and walking to the bathroom.

"Cut the theatrics. Where is your girlfriend? I have been trying to contact her to no avail. Is she avoiding me, Bantu?" I make his bed. Everyone in my family knows I am a neat freak. I can't stay in an untidy place. He comes back from the bathroom and chuckles when he sees me fixing the pillows.
"I last talked to her last night. She is also ignoring me." he states shrugging and goes to take his phone.

"That is unlike her. Maybe something happened. Azanda is not someone who is moody or throws unnecessary tantrums. There has to be a reason for this. We should go to her home and find out what's happening." He sighs.
"If you insist."

He goes to shower and comes back to get dressed. When he is done, we head out and drive to MaNene's house in Siza's car. When we get there, the gate is locked. It is never locked when Azanda is home. We then proceed to the Buthelezi household. Most of the cars aren't in the yard. There is only two cars parked. We park just before the gate and climb off to speak to the guard in the gate.

"Morning sir. How are you?" I greet politely and he smiles.
"Morning miss and sir. How can I help you?"

"I don't know if you recognize me but I am Roxy Maphumulo, Azanda's friend and this is Siza, her fiancé. I know we are being dramatic but we are looking for her. She isn't answering our calls. We went to MaNene's house to look for her but the gates were closed. So we decided to come here. Is she in?" the guard sighs and shakes his head.

"The young miss was brought in here in the early hours of the morning by her mother. They took her to Ndlunkulu's hut, I think to help her in whatever that was happening to her but Ndlunkulu couldn't help her. So they all got into their cars and left with the young miss."

"Is Azanda ill?" my brother questions.
"It seemed like it because she couldn't walk on her own. Her brother carried her to and from the hut. You didn't hear from me, but I think the young miss was bewitched by a witch much more powerful than Ndlunkulu since she couldn't help her. They have been gone for three hours now and we don't know when they are going to come back." I nod and turn to Siza.
"Can you please update us if you hear any new information?" the guard nods. They exchange contacts and we climb back inside the car.

"Azanda was bewitched?" I ask as soon as we drive away. "But by who? Why would anyone wanna harm her just days before the competition?" and then it clicks in my mind. "Or you this is competition related? They don't want her to participate because they know chances of her winning are pretty high. Yoh hhay this place is something else." I look at Bantu. He isn't saying anything. His jaws are clenched and his grip on the wheel seems pretty tight. "Are you okay?" he chuckles.

"My fiancé, the love of my life is not well and I have no idea where she is. I don't even have numbers of her brothers, father or mother. I am losing my mind right now. I don't know what to do. So that's why I am silent." He says in a stern cold voice and I just choose to keep my mouth shut because I know my accusations are not helping.

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