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Mom is suddenly besties with MaVezi. They shop together, travel together and they even drink together. This one time I found them drinking wine in the lounge and chatting about anything and everything. The appeasing ceremonies to the Mkhize and Buthelezi family were done and what’s left is umkhehlo and umshado for umama. I don’t know why she is drinking when I suspect that she is pregnant.

Tomorrow we are taking ingqibamasondo to the Maphumulo house, so we are spending the night ekhaya elikhulu. Mom’s house in the yard isn’t finished yet, so she occupies the main bedroom in the main house. I take the small box, hiding it in my hoodie and before walking out, my phone rings. It’s Mrs. Mandisa Ntuli. They asked that I go to a nearby studio and just record some vocals, more like a demo track, of course they covered the costs of the studio session. So when I was done, the producer emailed them everything. This is the first time I am actually hearing from them after I had sent the demo. I answer the call.

“Mrs. Ntuli.” Someone chuckles on the line.
“This is not her. I am Sandile Ntuli, a producer and I must say sisi I am very impressed by your talent. Your vocals are on point and though there are little flaws here and there, that’s nothing a few studio sessions won’t fix. So I am wondering when you will be able to come in and sign your contract.” I take a deep breath. This seems to be moving very fast but I guess that’s how things get once the doors to success has been opened.

“I think I can make it there on Monday morning or during the day because I would have to drive the whole night from Nongoma to Jozi.”
“Okay, that’s great then. You can also bring an adult, possibly a parent or guardian if you feel like some things are going to be too overwhelming or just for the support.”
“Wow that’s cool. Thank you so much. I will surely bring my mother.”

“That’s great to hear. I guess we should expect you at our studios no later than 1pm Monday.”
“Yes. I will make sure I get there before or on time.”
“Thank you for your time. Looking forward to meeting you and actually working with you, Miss Buthelezi. You should work on your stage name.”

“I will discuss that with you and your team.”
“Goodbye and good night.” He hangs up and it takes all in me not to scream for everybody to hear.

I venture to mom’s bedroom and stop at the door when I hear that she is not alone. She is laughing with somebody. I hope it’s not Sokalisa because I don’t wanna see some awkward things. I knock and then enter before anyone gives me permission. She is sitting with Somnyama. Okay, that’s weird.

“I will be on my way mama.” He says standing up. “Dade.” He nods at me and walks out. I lock the door and take out the small box, handing it to ma.
She huffs. “Don’t you know when to give up?”

“Until you prove me wrong.” She rolls her eyes before roughly taking the box from my hand and disappearing to the en-suite. She comes back after a minute and hands it to me.
“Leave now.”
“No, we need to see the results together. We don’t want you saying they belong to Me.” she chuckles.

“I am sure your father would skin you alive. Even though he knows you’re having sex, he doesn’t want you falling pregnant any time soon. Maybe he will be fine once you are Mrs. Maphumulo.” I nod and take her phone to set the timer. I place the stick on the dressing table and go sit next to her.

“So are you ready to become Mrs. Buthelezi officially?”
“Am I not the one who should be asking you that question?”
“Come on, ma. I am like your confidante. The only person you can truly trust with your secrets and your doubts. I mean you may have new best friend but I am your real human diary.” She laughs.

“Are you jealous of my relationship with MaVezi?” I shrug. “Anyways I was ready to marry your father way before you were even born. 23 years ago, he was the most, good looking man I have ever seen. Still is, in my eyes.”
“Then you should get yourself checked out.” she laughs.

“When you love someone wholeheartedly, their beauty becomes the ultimate beauty standard. Even when you see someone people think is more good looking than your person, wena you be like ‘yeah he is handsome, but not like my man’. Because you know your man’s outer and inner beauty.”

“Manje isn’t that belly heavy when you guys are doing the deed?” she smacks my upper arm. “Ouch mah.”
“Boundaries kid.” I laugh. You can’t help but wonder though. “Are you ready for tomorrow?” I sigh.
“I have no choice but to be ready. I am hoping for the best.” She smiles.
“Everything is going to go fine. But Siza’s home is too far shame.” I chuckle.

“Yeah it is. By the way, Sandile Ntuli of Blue Diamond Music called mah. They loved my demo very much and they want me to come and sign a contract on Monday midday. They said I should come with a parent, so I have decided to go with you.” she smiles widely before bringing me to her arms.

“I am so happy for you, my love. Don’t see this opportunity as you leaving the village for greener pastures. This is just you spreading your wings and raising the Buthelezi and Nene flags higher. I am so proud of you.” she screams a bit and kisses my cheeks, making me blush and laugh at the same time.

“I am going places ma, and it’s all because of you. Thank you for always being there for me and for making me this woman I am today.” She smiles. The timer goes off making us both jump and drain a bit of the excitement that we have. I take a deep breath and check it out. “It has two lines mama.”

She buries her head in her hands and mutters. “Fuck.”
“Mah you are going to make a great mother. I mean you have had some training. So don’t worry, everything will be perfect.”

“I am not worried about that Azanda. I was just not expecting this. How could I have missed the signs? I am a doctor for godsake. Plus I have been misbehaving the past few weeks. What if the alcohol intake harmed the fetus?” I brush her thigh.
“It’s going to be okay.” Someone tries to open the door and resorts to knocking when they learn that it is locked.

“Baby, please open up.” Sokalisa’s voice beams and I can’t even stop myself from breaking into a horrible laugh. Did my father just call my mother ‘baby’? It feels so weird to hear him utter the word. Anyways I stand up and go open the door still laughing. I can’t seem to stop myself. His eyes lands on mine and he chuckles nervously. It’s like he has been caught red-handed.

“Yes, baby.” I try imitating mom’s voice and they both laugh. “Let me leave you before I see the thing that brought me to this earth.” I rush out with Sokalisa cursing behind me.


Sokalisa closed the door behind him and locked it. “I am interested in knowing about what you guys were talking about but I don’t think I wanna know.” Fundiswa sighed before patting on the space next to her. He sat beside her and took her hand into his.

“There is something I wanna tell you. Please don’t freak out.” she started and Sokalisa frowned.
“Are you breaking up with me?” Fundiswa giggled nervously and shook her head.
She cleared her throat. “We are going to be parents for the third and hopefully the last time.” Sokalisa squinted his eyes looking at her.
“What do you mean?”

“I mean you left your best soldiers inside me and I have fallen pregnant.” He smiled a bit and then stood up, making her also stand. He picked her up and she squealed before giggling. “You are going to drop me, love.”
“Never. I would never drop the mother of my kids. I am so excited about this. I am happy. What does one do with all this excitement?” he asked perking her lips multiple times causing her to giggle like a little girl. He finally sat down and brought her to his lap.

“On the other news, the people from Blue Diamond Music has taken a huge liking into our daughter and they want her to come in on Monday to sign her contract, and I am going with her.”  He wrapped his arms around her.

“You see the kind of sperms I provide?” he said cockily, making Fundiswa laugh hard. “But I am going to be the best father this child can ever dream of having. I am going to be with you every step of the way and I am not going to do anything to jeopardize our relationship or break your heart. I love you.” he kissed her.
“I love you too.” 

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