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“OMG! This dress is coming along so good. You are good at this baby.” mom says squeezing my shoulder. I chuckle as I stand back and watch the dress.

Well I came back home on Monday and we talked with the rents and sorted out our differences. It wasn’t easy accepting mom’s apology but after some 24 hour therapy with gogo, I melted a bit and had a chat with the rents. Turns out Sokalisa also didn’t know about the lobola thing. They only told him Friday night. Well I also wish I could’ve had a heads up. I thought Veli would be upset but she just laughed at me. This was too funny to her. It amused her.

Anyways, Siza sent his sister to deliver the pearls here before leaving. I haven’t spoken to him and I am not going to do that anytime soon. I have worked on the dress for the full 2 days without even sleeping for more than 4 hours each night. It is halfway there and I only have 9 days left on my deadline. I am just glad that the other accessories are done, just the dress left. And because she paid us so much money, if I have enough time, I will make her beaded block heels with a matching bag. I hope she will love the gift.

“It is beautiful, right?” I ask with a smile.
“You should definitely design something like this for your traditional wedding.” I stare at her and she raises her hands in surrender. “Let me leave before I say something that might anger you.” she says sarcastically before heading out, laughing. Mom is dramatic though.

I yawn and stretch my arms. My body feels tired but I have to keep on working and I also have to make time for rehearsals because the competition is nearing. I go take some few notes from my bag, grab my phone and head out. I would’ve taken mom’s car, but I need to stretch my legs. So I wake the walk to Mvulazi tuck-shop. There might be cars in the main road but the peace I feel walking is just right. I am not even one of those people who put on earphones when I am walking alone. I just wanna hear the sounds of the livestock and even people shouting at each other.

I get to the tuck-shop and see nice car outside. I pay no mind to it. Instead I walk inside and purchase an energy drink with some snacks. Walking out, I nearly drop the plastic I am carrying when I see the owner. You have got to be kidding me. He smiles at me. I have already said that this man is going to be the death of me. Why is he still here?

“Is my wife not happy to see me?” he asks with a smirk. Ohh I see he is done being apologetic. I huff before walking to him. I know there is no way to ignore him now that he is here before me. I look at his face. His bruises are starting to fade away. “Don’t worry, Roxy made sure to nurse me back to health.” I roll my eyes.

“Why didn’t you leave with your family?”
“Because I didn’t want to and because I wanted to make things right between the two of us before heading back to Jozi.”
“I don’t like what you did, Siza. And the way you announced our ‘engagement’ on Instagram.” He smiles.

“I am sorry. Can you please forgive me, phakade lami?” he steps closer to me and places his hands on my hips. He perks my lips a couple of times before I laugh and stop him. “How about you give me a tour of Ehlalankosi?” I chuckle.
“Not today. Maybe some other day. I have rehearsals and a dress to finish.”
“Just an hour of your time then.” I huff and nod. He leads me to his car and opens the passenger door. I slide inside and he closes it after me. He also gets in and drives off.
“How did you know that you were going to see me today?” he smirks.

“I didn’t. I just had hope.” We get to the lodge and we climb off the car after parking it. I leave my things on the seat. He leads me to his room. “Before you ask, Roxy went to see that idiot she calls boyfriend.” I laugh. This thing of hating your sister’s boyfriend runs in the male gene, I guess.
“Why don’t you go beat him up?” he chuckles.
“He has back up and I don’t. Plus he is the son of Induna. I am sure beating him up is like a huge deal.” I continue laughing. Well I don’t think they would hold that against him. Nkululeko is fucking his sister. He has the right to beat him up. It’s the language that men use to communicate with each other, violence. I yawn and throw myself in the bed. He removes my shoes. “Are you that tired?”

“I haven’t had a good night sleep in 3 days. That dress is tiring me. Plus I don’t even have assistance. I don’t think people will get my vision about it, but yoh I am tired and fucked up.”
“Turn over.” I frown and look at him with my eyebrows raised. “Trust me. And take off your t-shirt and bra.” I sigh and do as he says. He leaves the room and comes back after a few minutes. He climbs on the bed and straddles my butt. “If it happens that you fall asleep, I will wake you up after two hours, okay?” I giggle and nod. He pours some oils on my back and starts massaging me. God, his hands are doing wonders and they are practically releasing all the tension in my body.

“Do you have real feelings for me or you just paid the lobola because my mother ordered you to?” he sighs.
“Your mother didn’t order me to do anything, Azanda. If I felt cornered or didn’t have any feelings for you, I wouldn’t have come. I am afraid of your family, yes but that isn’t the reason why I did what I did. You are a very interesting lady, Azanda. You aren’t phased by my charms. You don’t even give a damn that I posted you on my wall. That alone would drive thousands of girls crazy. You just don’t give a fuck about who I am and that’s one of the things I like about you. You are strong willed, proud of who you are and where you come from. You are not afraid to stand out from the crowd. You are just amazing, MaShenge.” His words make my heart melt.

“Well, if you must know, I also think that you have a good personality, ignoring the arrogancy part.” He laughs. “I just didn’t like the way you did those things without consulting me but it is water under the bridge now.” He sighs.
“So my father wants to know when is your family bringing umbondo.” I roll my eyes.
“Baby steps, Siza. Baby steps.” He laughs. “Plus I am unemployed.”
“As if money is a problem la kuwe.” I laugh. Well he isn’t wrong on that point.


‘Bazali bami, ningixolele nami angizenzi
Nami ngilawulwa inhliziyo,
Ikhalisa isginci ngidansele sona
Baba nomama wami
Njengoba nani nangizala nibabili
Ngicela ningipheni ithuba nami
Owami umuzi ngizakhele wona’

She sang with a smile on her face as she imagined a guy she saw. She was busy knitting a bikini top. She was so far gone, she didn’t even hear Senzelwe and Ntokozo sitting in front of her. Senzelwe cleared her throat and Nomzamo nearly jumped up. She placed her hand on her chest.

“Jesus Christ, why did you scare me like that?” she asked.
“Who are you singing about? We understand you have a beautiful voice and all, but whose got you all Ntaba Yase Dubai all of the sudden?” Ntokozo questioned with accusing eyes. Nomzamo just blushed and rolled her eyes.

“Well I saw this guy at Nunns tuck-shop yesterday. He was driving a really nice car and he looked like he wasn’t from around here. With a fade and a beautiful smile. He was wearing jeans, a t-shirt and sneakers. He even greeted me and smiled.” She said, her mind already drifting off to the moment she saw the mysterious guy.

“Did it go beyond the smiling and greeting?” Senzelwe asked. Nomzamo scoffed and they laughed. “Well if it was meant to be, it will happen.” Nomzamo rolled her eyes.
“On the other news, a guy from Jozi came to pay lobola for Azanda this past weekend. There was so much drama in that yard but everything was successful and the guy paid 12 cows for her. 6 monetary and 6 live cows.” Ntokozo said and Senzelwe gasped while Nomzamo frowned.

“Few days in Jozi and boom she comes back with a man who pays lobola for her that fast? She is definitely pregnant. That’s Miss Perfect trying to conceal a scandal. Imagine what people would say if she were to fall pregnant while attending the reed dance? Itshitshi elimithi.” Senzelwe said and laughed.
“Do you have a picture of that guy?” Nomzamo asked and Ntokozo took out her phone.

“Phela Sethulo bought some data for me. The guy has a very large following on Instagram.” Ntokozo said as she tapped her phone and she finally reached Siza’s wall. “He already posted her and wrote Phakade lami.” She showed her friends the wall. Nomzamo tensed and she got angry.

“Fuck, that’s the guy I saw at the shops. That’s unfair. Azanda can’t just get everything she wants. I like that guy and I am going to get him.” she said breathing heavily and Ntokozo carefully removed her phone from Nomzamo’s hold.
“Let’s just focus on the competition. You will go after Azanda after that.” Ntokozo said trying to calm her friend down who wasn’t interested in calming down.
“No. Azanda is not going to win. Not this time around. I am going to take her man away and her pride.” Nomzamo said before she smiled and continued singing, paying no attention to her friends.

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