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“Chomie we are definitely going to Antiqua Lounge and you will be rocking this.” Veli says raising shorts and a crop top to my face. We are at Cotton On. Sokalisa did transfer a large amount of money to my bank account. I think he just has so much money lying around, he doesn’t know what to do with it. Veli said I should ask him to buy me a new phone but I don’t wanna milk him. I just want us to work on our relationship without prioritizing money.

“I want the burgundy shorts mngani and the black crop top.” I say picking those items. I also pick beautiful burgundy sandals that will match with my outfit. I am not one who likes showing too much skin. In fact the Nongoma sun is too much, so I know if I were to normalize wearing short things, I would be a charcoal within a month, lapho vele I am dark in complexion.

“Then I am taking these.” I laugh as she hugs them so close to her chest.
We take a few t-shirt with shorts and summer dresses and then go pay up. I made sure to increase my limit last night so that I don’t have a problem with my card being declined today. We go to three other stores for clothes and shoes and then we go to Panarottis for lunch. Veli’s phone rings while we are waiting for our order. She glances at the screen and then mutes it. I raise my eyebrows looking at her.

“And then? Who is that?”
“Zithulele. He can be such a nuisance sometimes.” I don’t think I heard that right. She can’t be communicating to my soon to be wedded brother who is a womanizer like Sokalisa.
“Zithulele who?” she looks at me and gives me a nervous smile.

“It’s not that deep Chomie. We are just friends and what we talk about most of the time is you. So…” she shrugs.
“Veli you know every man from my family is just full of lust and all they ever want is sex. Even Bayanda is a womanizer at the age of 15.” She sighs.
“I am not dating him chomie. Yena he has been asking me out for quite some time now but I am not interested. Right now he was asking how we are and making sure that we don’t need extra cash.”

“How do you know that since you didn’t answer the call?”
“He sent me a message while we were at Zapatos.” Our food is brought to our table. We start digging in. her phone rings once again.
“Answer it and put it on loud speaker.” She rolls her eyes and then answers it.

“Yebo Phungashe.” Zithulele laughs on the other side of the line. Phungashe huh? Ayy things seem to be serious here.
“What have I done now?”
“You are not letting me spend quality time with your sister.”
“I have sent a couple of thousand rands on your account. Put it to good use MaJiki and I need to see you when you’re back.” Veli rolls her eyes.

“You forget that we are not dating Zithulele and we will never date because you are someone’s fiancé. Just reverse you money nje so I don’t feel indebted to you.”
“Are you done? Anyways I will be by your hood tomorrow during the day. If you don’t come to see me, I will come in during supper and introduce myself to your parents.”
“You wouldn’t dare.”

“Try me, my love.” she huffs. “Anyways you are mine MaRhadebe and nothing or no one can stop me from making you mine officially. I don’t even mind making you my second wife. In fact that is exactly what I plan on doing.” I look at Veli with my head tilted to the side.
“Whatever.” She hangs up. “You see what I have to deal with every day?” I chuckle.

“Seems like he has feelings for you. Do you have feelings for him?”
“I don’t know chomie. Sometimes you end up liking a person who is being a nuisance to you like Zithulele. I mean this isn’t the first time he has sent money to my account. I don’t even know how he got my account number. He is such a mystery and a headache sometimes.” She buries her hands in her face.

“But liking someone like Zithulele will bring you nothing but pain at the end. He is a hoe who cannot be trusted.”

“As if I don’t know that Azanda. I do know it and it hurts because I really like him. It’s not even about the money. It’s his personality, his mystery persona, his dignity, his voice, his body, a bit of his looks and just him liking to dominate in every situation. Also in the way he says ‘MaRhadebe’ in that deep lazy voice of his.” She looks at me. My eyes are all out. “OMG! I am in love with him.”

“I was about to say the same thing. Girl you got it bad. We have to buy inyama yengwenya for you to get rid of that idliso.” She laughs and I also laugh. My phone rings, it’s Roxy. I answer it. “Hey Rox.”

“Hey babe, you’re still in Richards Bay right?”
“Yes. Why?”
“Okay I want you to buy some stuff for me. I will send you a list. There is also a parcel of mine which I want you to bring. Someone will come and give it to you. Where are you at right now?”

“Okay. I will send you the list and the money. Please text me what you’re wearing so that it can be easy for the person to spot you.”
“Okay Rox.” I hang up. Veli looks at me with a questioning look. “She wants me to buy some things for her. That also reminds me. I need a bar one cake from Checkers or even two.”

“I also need to buy a new phone with the money Zithulele sent but I will start using it properly once we get back from Jozi and just say I got it at a low prince because how am I going to explain an iPhone 12 to my parents?”
“You should get a router.”
“Or your brother can get me one.” I laugh and she also laughs. She is going to get hurt real bad but I am glad she knows the type of man Zithulele is.

Roxy sends me the list and the money. After a few minutes, her parcel gets delivered by some old woman. After that we settle our bill and head out. We go buy some goodies along with the things Roxy want. We also buy a lot of fast food like pizza, burgers and grilled chicken because we know we won’t get those at Nongoma. Veli’s mom comes and after a bit of her shopping, we embark on our journey back home.

“So Sokalisa said we can use one of his houses which is situated in Rooderport for our stay in Jozi. I also think that would be good. I mean we don’t wanna make Veli’s brother uncomfortable and crowded in his own space.” I say as soon as the car exits the Game Reserve. It’s already late at night. Around 7 pm to be exact.

“As long the place you are going to live in is safe, then I have no problem with it.” Mrs. Jiki responds.
“It is very safe and I don’t think Sokalisa would let me go to Jozi without no security detail.”
“Umntwana wesityebi. (Rich man’s child)” Veli says and we all just laugh.

“Leave me alone.” I say pouting and she laughs harder. My phone rings and I frown when I see who is calling me. Nonetheless I answer it. “Sokalisa.”
“Azanda where are you now?”
“We are approaching Hlabisa. What’s up?”

“Nothing. I just wanted to make sure you are still okay and I wanted to know how far you are.” 
“Ohh okay. See you soon I guess.”
“I will be waiting for you.” he hangs up and leaves me staring at my phone in confusion. This is the first time he has ever called just to check up on me. It feels so weird.

“Everything okay?” Veli asks. We are both sitting at the back seat and her mom is sitting alone in the front seat. That’s how close we are.
“Yeah. It’s just weird receiving a call from Sokalisa just checking on me.”
“Ncoaw. He is trying. Meet him halfway chomie.” I shrug.

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