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He parked outside her home and just sat on the car, controlling his breathing. He wanted to speak to her. Wanted to get this done as soon as possible, but he was still uncomfortable about the whole situation. He remembered his father’s words before driving off.

‘Whatever you do, son, don’t tell anybody about Azanda’s state.’

He somehow knew his father was referring to Ntokozo. He thought about his last conversation, which was with Veli. She helped a lot with the internal battle within him. He sighed and texted her. He hadn’t been in contact with her for 5 days straight. He knew she was mad at him or just worried. It took her two minutes to get ready and come out of her home. She climbed inside the car.

“Sawubona Ntokozo.” He said as he drove off. That was cold, Ntokozo thought. Although he was from the rurals, Sethulo was a real gentleman and he still believed a woman shouldn’t open doors in the presence of her man.
“And then? What’s up?” Ntokozo asked.

She was the type of girl who didn’t let things slide and she always called him out when she saw faults. Sethulo chuckled quietly as he continued to drive without answering her. She sighed and sat back as she realized she wasn’t going to get her answers. They got to the sports ground and Sethulo parked the car. He turned off the engine and then climbed off the car. He opened the boot, took out two camp chairs and set them up. Ntokozo came to sit and he sat next to her. He cleared his throat.

“Who do you love the most between your friend, Nomzamo and me?” he asked and Ntokozo frowned.
“Why are you asking such a question? What has gotten into you?” she was shocked and was definitely not expecting such an answer. After ghosting her for more than 3 days, she was expecting some explanation, not this.

“I asked you a simple question, Ntoko. Who do you love the most between Nomzamo and me?” he asked again, his tone was still low and calm. As it has always been.
“I have known her my whole life. The love I have for you and the love I have for her is different. I love you both but of course I love you more because you are my boyfriend and a possible future husband.” He smiled a bit and looked away. He knew Ntoko would want a valid reason for him wanting her to end a childhood friendship.

“So if you were given a chance to choose, who would you choose?”
“You, obviously.” She said without hesitation and he smiled.

“I guess that’s settled then. After the competition, you will cut all ties with her. You can still see her during your group meetings and what not, but I don’t want your friendship with her to continue. She is toxic and not right for you. I also don’t trust her and I don’t trust her hate towards my sister. She has the power to manipulate you or use your friendship to destroy my family or my sister.” her mouth went dry and her eyes were popped out as she tried to capture or register in her mind what this man in front of her was saying. Nomzamo was her best friend and although she had her Hlomu moments when it comes to mistreating friends, that’s how friendship was. So she didn’t understand why Sethulo would want her to end such an important friendship in her life.

“But Sethulo you aren’t thinking straight. She is my best friend and practically my sister. Why would I suddenly end my relationship with her? All because you said so? Come on. And she wouldn’t manipulate me in that way. I am my own person and I make my own decisions. I would never bring harm to your family. Don’t you trust me? How can you see a future with someone you don’t trust?” she was getting angry and Sethulo couldn’t care less about her dramatic ranting. He chuckled.

“Ntokozo, do you like my sister?” she frowned. “Azanda, do you like her?” she swallowed hard. Truth of the matter, she hated her. You know how friendship works. Best friends share everything, even or especially enemies. He smiled painfully because that just confirmed she might actually choose Nomzamo in the long run. “You hate my sister and if I were to ask you why, you wouldn’t answer. Nomzamo hates her because Azanda is effortlessly better at everything and instead of your friend trying to better herself or even ask advice to make herself more skilled, she is always trying to think of ways to bring down my sister. You always directly and indirectly help with plans to bring down my sister.” he sighed and looked straight in her eyes.

She was now shaking and fear was written all over her face. Fear of him dumping her because of a few stupid mistakes made by her best friend. Didn’t they say ‘sins of the fathers always descend upon their children’? Now why was she about to pay for sins of her best friend?

“I love you, Ntoko. God knows how much I love you. But I would choose my family any day over someone who wants to bring harm upon them. Blood is thicker than water when faced with enemies or any other situations. My sister is not the one who always makes me laugh at random occasions, who always have a silly way of putting a smile on my face, who always becomes my therapist when the going gets tough and someone who is my personal cheerleader. You are that person. You are someone I would love to spend the rest of my life with. Someone who would become besties with my mothers, especially MaNene and MaVezi because they are younger and I think you would have some things in common. You are the woman of my dreams, believe me, you are. But if you continue being friends with Nomzamo, I can’t make an honest woman out of you. I am sorry, but I can’t risk the safety and the wellbeing of my sister and my family.”

Tears were rolling down her cheeks and it took everything for Sethulo not to reach out and wipe them. He swallowed hard and stood up. He walked about a few meters away from her and sat down on the grass with his back facing her. He cleared his throat, trying to get rid of any weakness or the urge to just wail. This was hurting him more than it was hurting her. He stood to lose his woman but he was his sister’s keeper before he became Ntokozo’s boyfriend.

Ntokozo was frozen on her seat. She hadn’t seized crying and her cries were now even more audible. After what seemed like forever, she calmed down and her eyes trailed to the man sitting far from her. She had dated before, a couple of guys, but none of them every treated her like Sethulo. None of them ever showered her with gifts without expecting something in return or trying to apologize with them. All of them wanted sex before anything but Sethulo said he will wait until she was ready and he did wait. She knew that relationships always had a way of ending. One minute you’re happy and then boom, the next minute something comes and just steals away your happiness, just like that. Something or someone. She knew what her decision was as she stood up and stretched her legs. She went to the driver’s seat and took out Sethulo’s phone. She browsed through his music app and finally came across their song. She pressed play as she made her way to him.

‘Angeke ngikwazi Ukuphila ngaphandle kothando
Lijabulisa libuyise inhliziyo
Noma kanjani siya liboph’ifindo
Angeke ngikwazi Ukuphila ngaphandle kothando
Lijabulisa libuyise inhliziyo
Noma kanjani siya liboph’ifindo.’

His thoughts seized as he heard that song. Ntokozo’s melodic voice was the star of it all. She had an angelic voice but she always led people to believe that Nomzamo was a better singer than her. Nomzamo always wanted the spotlight on her and Ntokozo didn’t want to take it away from her friend because it made Nomzamo feel good about herself. Ntokozo continued singing and Sethulo turned to look at her.

She was the most beautiful woman he had ever seen. With the puffy red eyes and all, she completed him and the feeling was mutual with Ntokozo. He attempted to stand up but she shook her head as she lowered herself to the grass, next to him.

“You are the best thing that has ever happened to me and the best lover I had ever received and I am thankful to God for that. You know I would choose anyone over you. I love you that much and I don’t want anything coming between us. I want to spend the rest of my life with you. So, yah.” She chuckled nervously. “I will cut all ties with Nomzamo after the competition. I don’t wanna create enemies before even stepping inside the Buthelezi yard officially.” Sethulo’s hearted swelled with overwhelming happiness. He brought her closer to him and kissed her. He pulled away from the kiss and looked at her with a smile on his face.

“There is something I need to tell you first.” She gave him a go ahead look. “Baba has asked me to take charge of the family business in Durban. I know it might be too much for you, but I would really love it if you would move to Durban with Me.” she smiled widely.

“You can bet on it. I don’t want you bringing another city wife like your brother who won’t even be interested in seeing your family.” he broke into laughter and Ntokozo felt content at that moment. Future is not something neither one of them would predict but they were hoping for the best.

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