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Waking up is such a hard task. My whole body is aching like I just ran a marathon. I look around and realize that I am in the Buthelezi household. I am expecting Nyezi to be beside me but she is not here. Anyways I get up from the bed and head to the small bathroom in the room. I am glad to find hot water in a bucket waiting for me. My toiletries are also here. I bath, brush my teeth and then change into a green fit and flare dress with sleepers. I steal a glance at the mirror and my cheek looks awful. Sighing, I head to the main dining room and find everyone having breakfast.

“Sanibonani.” They all greet back and I make myself comfortable near my mother. “Aren’t you supposed to be at work mama?”
“No. I asked for a day off.” I nod and dig in on the appetizing food in front of me. Everyone is looking at me. I frown and stop eating.
“What’s up?”

“We thought you were going to die last night. Heck we didn’t even expect to see you up and active this morning.” Sethulo says and I chuckle.

“I am a Shenge brother. We don’t succumb to pain. We rise above all. We are strong and we are conquers.” I answer and Sokalisa smiles. “But that doesn’t mean you should go to war with the Nyandeni brothers. I am the one who got injured but I really don’t see the reason why you should go out there and fight them. We should just carry on with life.”

“But that would be showing weakness.” Sokalisa says and mom gives him a mean look.
“I thought we talked about this last night Shenge, or you are going to break your promise?” she asks with a pained voice. You can see that this is no longer about me. She is referring to something else. Sokalisa scratches his beard and shakes his head.

“No, I am not going to break my promises. All those I have made to you. I won’t break them.” he responds in a calm voice.
“Did we miss something?” MaVezi, the third, rather the fourth wife asks.

“We will talk later Mgabadeli.” Sokalisa says and before MaVezi can responds, he raises his hand as a sign to reprimand her. She keeps quiet but not without giving mom a mean glance. I roll my eyes. If she wants drama, then she is going to get it. But she will deal with me because I don’t want nobody messing with my mom. Nyezi’s phone rings and she quickly excuses herself from the table, leaving all my brothers including Sokalisa, with frowns. When she comes back after a few moments, they are all over her with questions.

“Who was that?” Zithulele.
“Are you dating Nkanyezi?” Mnyamane.
“Who should I kill?” Sethulo.
“You have private calls now?” Zikhethele. Most females in the table just laugh while Nyezi’s eyes pop out. I am sure she is supper confused by all the fuss.

“That was Roxy. She was asking for directions because she wants to see Azanda. She is a few minutes away. Let me just dish up for her.” she stands up and starts dishing out a plate. She fetches a chair and places it next to mine.
“Roxy as in MaZikode?” Somnyama asks and my brothers laugh at him.

“Did you shower?” Zithulele asks and they continue laughing. Even Sokalisa has stopped eating and just looking at them laugh. You have to understand that meals take long in the Buthelezi household because there is a lot of talking in between, so you have to pause and engage in conversations. After a few minutes, Nyezi heads out once again and comes back with Ro. I stand up and go hug her. She is carrying a plastic.

“And here I thought I would find you in bed cuddling with a teddy bear.” Roxy says and I laugh.
“I am a Shenge princess. We get stronger with every punch.” I say and she giggles. I lead her to the table. “Everyone this is my new friend, Roxanne Maphumulo, originally from Kwa Maphumulo but stays in Jo’burg. Ro, this is my family.” I do the introductions. She smiles and shakes hands with Sokalisa.

“It’s nice to finally meet you all.” she says and I gesture that she can start eating.
“Who is your father?” Sokalisa asks.
“Mazwi Maphumulo, sir.”

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